2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<!-- This file has been copied from https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix/blob/cef14c6055f85e470ff9ce7a33b53e80d1160ba6/src/ext/Bal/wixstdba/Resources/RtfTheme.xml and then altered. -->
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<Theme xmlns= "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/thmutil" >
<Font Id= "0" Height= "-12" Weight= "500" Foreground= "windowtext" Background= "window" > Segoe UI</Font>
<Font Id= "1" Height= "-24" Weight= "500" Foreground= "windowtext" > Segoe UI</Font>
<Font Id= "2" Height= "-22" Weight= "500" Foreground= "graytext" > Segoe UI</Font>
<Font Id= "3" Height= "-12" Weight= "500" Foreground= "windowtext" Background= "window" > Segoe UI</Font>
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<Window Width= "485" Height= "300" HexStyle= "100a0000" FontId= "0" Caption= "#(loc.Caption)" >
<ImageControl X= "11" Y= "11" Width= "64" Height= "64" ImageFile= "logo.png" Visible= "yes" />
<Label X= "80" Y= "11" Width= "-11" Height= "64" FontId= "1" Visible= "yes" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.Title)</Label>
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<Page Name= "Help" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.HelpHeader)</Label>
<Label X= "11" Y= "112" Width= "-11" Height= "-35" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.HelpText)</Label>
<Button Name= "HelpCloseButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.HelpCloseButton)</Text>
<CloseWindowAction />
<Page Name= "Loading" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" Visible= "no" Name= "CheckingForUpdatesLabel" />
<Page Name= "Install" >
<Richedit Name= "EulaRichedit" X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "-70" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" HexStyle= "800000" />
<Checkbox Name= "EulaAcceptCheckbox" X= "-11" Y= "-41" Width= "260" Height= "17" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "3" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.InstallAcceptCheckbox)</Checkbox>
<Button Name= "InstallUpdateButton" X= "11" Y= "-11" Width= "200" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" EnableCondition= "WixStdBAUpdateAvailable" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.UpdateButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "OptionsButton" X= "-171" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" VisibleCondition= "NOT WixStdBASuppressOptionsUI" >
<Text > #(loc.InstallOptionsButton)</Text>
<ChangePageAction Page= "Options" />
<Button Name= "InstallButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" > #(loc.InstallInstallButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "InstallCancelButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.InstallCancelButton)</Text>
<CloseWindowAction />
<Page Name= "Options" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.OptionsHeader)</Label>
<Label X= "11" Y= "121" Width= "-11" Height= "17" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.OptionsLocationLabel)</Label>
<Editbox Name= "InstallFolder" X= "11" Y= "143" Width= "-91" Height= "21" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "3" FileSystemAutoComplete= "yes" />
<Button Name= "BrowseButton" X= "-11" Y= "142" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "3" >
<Text > #(loc.OptionsBrowseButton)</Text>
<BrowseDirectoryAction VariableName= "InstallFolder" />
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<!-- Added a checkbox for user to choose if shortcut is placed on
desktop or not. Checkbox's current state (checked/unchecked) is
read from a variable which has same name as this checkbox. The
variable is defined in Bundle.wxs. -->
<Checkbox Name= "AddDesktopShortcutCheckbox" X= "11" Y= "178" Width= "250" Height= "17" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "3" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > Add desktop shortcut</Checkbox>
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00
2023-07-15 00:55:00 +00:00
<Button Name= "OptionsOkButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.OptionsOkButton)</Text>
<ChangePageAction Page= "Install" />
<Button Name= "OptionsCancelButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.OptionsCancelButton)</Text>
<ChangePageAction Page= "Install" Cancel= "yes" />
<Page Name= "Progress" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.ProgressHeader)</Label>
<Label X= "11" Y= "121" Width= "70" Height= "17" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.ProgressLabel)</Label>
<Label Name= "OverallProgressPackageText" X= "85" Y= "121" Width= "-11" Height= "17" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.OverallProgressPackageText)</Label>
<Progressbar Name= "OverallCalculatedProgressbar" X= "11" Y= "143" Width= "-11" Height= "15" />
<Button Name= "ProgressCancelButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" > #(loc.ProgressCancelButton)</Button>
<Page Name= "Modify" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" > #(loc.ModifyHeader)</Label>
<Button Name= "ModifyUpdateButton" X= "11" Y= "-11" Width= "200" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" EnableCondition= "WixStdBAUpdateAvailable" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.UpdateButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "RepairButton" X= "-171" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.ModifyRepairButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "UninstallButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" > #(loc.ModifyUninstallButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "ModifyCancelButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.ModifyCancelButton)</Text>
<CloseWindowAction />
<Page Name= "Success" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" >
<Text > #(loc.SuccessHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 2" > #(loc.SuccessLayoutHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 3" > #(loc.SuccessUnsafeUninstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 4" > #(loc.SuccessUninstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 5" > #(loc.SuccessCacheHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 6" > #(loc.SuccessInstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 7" > #(loc.SuccessModifyHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 8" > #(loc.SuccessRepairHeader)</Text>
<Button Name= "LaunchButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.SuccessLaunchButton)</Button>
<Label X= "-11" Y= "-51" Width= "400" Height= "34" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" VisibleCondition= "WixStdBARestartRequired" >
<Text > #(loc.SuccessRestartText)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 3" > #(loc.SuccessUninstallRestartText)</Text>
<Button Name= "SuccessRestartButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.SuccessRestartButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "SuccessCloseButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.SuccessCloseButton)</Text>
<CloseWindowAction />
<Page Name= "Failure" >
<Label X= "11" Y= "80" Width= "-11" Height= "30" FontId= "2" DisablePrefix= "yes" >
<Text > #(loc.FailureHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 2" > #(loc.FailureLayoutHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 3" > #(loc.FailureUnsafeUninstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 4" > #(loc.FailureUninstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 5" > #(loc.FailureCacheHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 6" > #(loc.FailureInstallHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 7" > #(loc.FailureModifyHeader)</Text>
<Text Condition= "WixBundleAction = 8" > #(loc.FailureRepairHeader)</Text>
<Hypertext Name= "FailureLogFileLink" X= "11" Y= "121" Width= "-11" Height= "42" FontId= "3" TabStop= "yes" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.FailureHyperlinkLogText)</Hypertext>
<Hypertext Name= "FailureMessageText" X= "22" Y= "163" Width= "-11" Height= "51" FontId= "3" TabStop= "yes" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" />
<Label X= "-11" Y= "-51" Width= "400" Height= "34" FontId= "3" DisablePrefix= "yes" VisibleCondition= "WixStdBARestartRequired" > #(loc.FailureRestartText)</Label>
<Button Name= "FailureRestartButton" X= "-91" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" HideWhenDisabled= "yes" > #(loc.FailureRestartButton)</Button>
<Button Name= "FailureCloseButton" X= "-11" Y= "-11" Width= "75" Height= "23" TabStop= "yes" FontId= "0" >
<Text > #(loc.FailureCloseButton)</Text>
<CloseWindowAction />
2018-09-04 16:30:45 +00:00