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2020-11-03 11:28:42 -05:00
# Configuration
## Configuration file
By default, mmtc looks for configuration file at `<your config directory>/mmtc/mmtc.ron`.
Your config directory might differ depending on the operating system, so mmtc uses [dirs-rs](*/dirs/fn.config_dir.html) to find your config directory.
This setting can be overwritten by the command line argument `-c` or `--config`.
If no config file was given from the command line and mmtc failed to find your config directory, the [default configuration]( would be used.
## Structures
The configuration file is written in [ron](, an expressive object notation.
Check out its [specification wiki]( if you are having trouble figuring out the syntax.
The whole file should be a [`Config` struct](#Config), or like a table if you are more familiar with that.
### Config
Type: struct
field | type | description | default
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`address` | string | the address of the mpd server | `""`
`cycle` | boolean | cycle through the queue | `false`
`jump_lines` | non-negative integer | the number of lines to jump | `24`
`seek_secs` | non-negative number | the time to seek in seconds | `5.0`
`ups` | non-negative number | the amount of status updates per second | `1.0`
`layout` | [`Widget`](#Widget) | the layout of the application | see [mmtc.default.ron](ttps://
### Widget
Type: enum
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields | description
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`Rows(rows)` | tuple | list of [`Constrained`](#Constrained) [`Widget`s](#Widget) | split into rows
`Columns(columns)` | tuple | list of [`Constrained`](#Constrained) [`Widget`s](#Widget) | split into columns
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`Textbox(texts)` or `TextboxL` | tuple | `Texts` | text with left alignment
`TextboxC(texts)` | tuple | `Texts` | text with center alignment
`TextboxR(texts)` | tuple | `Texts` | text with right alignment
2020-11-03 11:28:42 -05:00
`Queue(columns)` | tuple | list of [`Column`](#Column) | displays the queue
### Constrained
Type: enum
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields (separated by comma) | description
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`Max(n, item)` | tuple | non-negative integer, \<Type> | `item` with a maximum length of `n`
`Min(n, item)` | tuple | non-negative integer, \<Type> | `item` with a minimum length of `n`
`Fixed(n, item)` | tuple | non-negative integer, \<Type> | `item` with a fixed length of `n`
`Ratio(n, item)` | tuple | non-negative integer, \<Type> | divide the total length in to ratios, mixing with other constraints would cut off the rightmost item
### Texts
Type: enum
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields (separated by comma) | description
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`Text(str)` | tuple | string | plain text
`CurrentElapsed` | unit | | time elapsed of the current song
`CurrentDuration` | unit | | total duration of the current song
`CurrentFile` | unit | | file name of the current song
`CurrentArtist` | unit | | artist of the current song
`QueueAlbum` | unit | | album of the song in queue (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`QueueDuration` | unit | | total duration of the song in queue (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`QueueFile` | unit | | file name of the song in queue (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`QueueArtist` | unit | | artist of the song in queue (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`QueueAlbum` | unit | | album of the song in queue (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`Query` | unit | | current query
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`Styled(styles, texts)` | tuple | list of [`Style`](#Style), [`Texts`](#Texts) | styled text
`Parts(parts)` | tuple | list of [`Texts`](#Texts) | concatenate multiple parts of texts
2020-11-03 11:35:28 -05:00
`If(condition, lhs, rhs)` or `If(condition, lhs)` | tuple | [`Condition`](#Condition), [`Texts`](#Texts), optional [`Texts`](#Texts) | if `condition` then `lhs` (else `rhs`)
2020-11-03 11:28:42 -05:00
### Style
Type: enum
Note: some styles may not work depending on your terminal emulator
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields | description
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`Fg(color)` | tuple | [`Color`](#Color) | change foreground color
`Bg(color)` | tuple | [`Color`](#Color) | change background color
`Bold` | unit | | bold
`NoBold` | unit | | remove bold
`Dim` | unit | | dim
`NoDim` | unit | | remove dim
`Italic` | unit | | italic
`NoItalic` | unit | | remove italic
`Underlined` | unit | | underlined
`NoUnderlined` | unit | | remove underlined
`SlowBlink` | unit | | slow blink
`NoSlowBlink` | unit | | remove slow blink
`RapidBlink` | unit | | rapid blink
`NoRapidBlink` | unit | | remvoe slow blink
`Reversed` | unit | | reversed
`NoReversed` | unit | | remove reversed
`Hidden` | unit | | hidden
`NoHidden` | unit | | remove hidden
`CrossedOut` | unit | | crossed out
`NoCrossedOut` | unit | | remove crossed out
### Color
Type: enum
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields (separated by comma) | description
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`Reset` | unit | | reset to default color
`Black` | unit | | black
`Red` | unit | | red
`Green` | unit | | green
`Yellow` | unit | | tellow
`Blue` | unit | | blue
`Magenta` | unit | | magenta
`Cyan` | unit | | cyan
`Gray` | unit | | gray
`DarkGray` | unit | | dark gray
`LightRed` | unit | | light red
`LightGreen` | unit | | light green
`LightYellow` | unit | | light yellow
`LightBlue` | unit | | light blue
`LightMagenta` | unit | | light magenta
`LightCyan` | unit | | light cyan
`White` | unit | | white
`Rgb(r, g, b)` | tuple | 0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255 | rgb color
`Indexed(n)` | tuple | 0 to 255 | the `n`th color of 256 preset colors
### Condition
Type: enum, evaluates to a boolean
variant | struct, tuple or unit | fields (separated by comma) | description
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2020-11-03 11:28:42 -05:00
`Repeat` | unit | | whether mpd is in repeat mode
`Random` | unit | | whether mpd is in random mode
`Single` | unit | | whether mpd is in single mode
`Oneshot` | unit | | whether mpd is in oneshot mode
`Consume` | unit | | whether mpd is in consume mode
`Playing` | unit | | whether the song is playing
`Paused` | unit | | whether the song is paused
`Stopped` | unit | | whether there is no song playing or paused
`TitleExist` | unit | | whether the current song has a title
`ArtistExist` | unit | | whether the current song has an artist
`QueueCurrent` | unit | | whether the song in queue is the current song (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`Selected` | unit | | whether the song in queue is selected (only works inside a `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget))
`Searching` | unit | | whether mmtc is in searching mode
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`Not(condition)` | tuple | [`Condition`](#Condition) | logical not
`And(lhs, rhs)` | tuple | [`Condition`](#Condition), [`Condition`](#Condition) | logical and
`Or(lhs, rhs)` | tuple | [`Condition`](#Condition), [`Condition`](#Condition) | logical or
`Xor(lhs, rhs)` | tuple | [`Condition`](#Condition), [`Condition`](#Condition) | logical exclusive or
### Column
Type: struct
field | type | description | default
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2020-11-03 11:28:42 -05:00
`item` | [`Constrained`](#Constrained) [`Texts`](#Texts) | `Queue` [`Widget`](#Widget) creates an `item` for each track in your queue for each column | mandatory, no default value
`style` | list of [`Style`s](Style) | style of the item when not selected | `[]`
`selected_style` | list of [`Style`s](Style) | style of the item when selected | `[]`