2023-07-30 13:02:53 -07:00

89 lines
3.3 KiB

inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, flake-utils, nixpkgs }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
in {
apps.start = let
config = import ./config.nix {
types = {
mastodon = import ./nix/fedi/mastodon;
akkoma = import ./nix/fedi/akkoma;
gotosocial = import ./nix/fedi/gotosocial;
s6 = (import ./nix/s6.nix {
inherit pkgs;
services = pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_: v: v.service)
(import ./nix/services.nix { inherit pkgs config; });
path = "service";
in {
type = "app";
program = let
script = pkgs.writeShellScript "minifedi" ''
export PATH=${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin:${pkgs.gnused}/bin:${pkgs.coreutils}/bin
if ! [[ -e .is-minifedi ]]; then
echo "please run this from the minifedi directory"
exit 1
mkdir -p data
mkdir -p cert
rm -rf data/run
mkdir data/run
mkdir -p data/logs
${if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then
"export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive"
export MINIFEDI_CERT=$(pwd)/cert
export MINIFEDI_DATA=$(pwd)/data
export MINIFEDI_RUN=$(pwd)/data/run
export MINIFEDI_LOG=$(pwd)/data/logs
echo "Minifedi is starting! Once they're up, instances will be visible at:"
${pkgs.lib.strings.concatStrings ( (i: ''
echo "* https://${}"
'') config.instances)}
echo "Instance logs are in ./data/logs."
${if config.mitmproxy then ''
echo "View requests between instances at http://localhost:8081."
'' else
${if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then ''
echo "=> You'll probably get prompted for a sudo password now. This is just so we can bind to port 80/443; we will acquire cap_net_bind_service then switch back to being $USER."
exec $(PATH=$oldpath which sudo) -E ${pkgs.libcap}/bin/capsh --keep=1 --user="$USER" --inh='cap_net_bind_service' --addamb='cap_net_bind_service' -- -c ${s6.start}
'' else ''
exec ${s6.start}
in "${script}";
apps.install-cert = {
type = "app";
program = let
script = pkgs.writeShellScript "minifedi-install-cert" ''
if ! [[ -e .is-minifedi ]]; then
echo "please run this from the minifedi directory"
exit 1
mkdir -p cert
export MINIFEDI_CERT=$(pwd)/cert
CAROOT=$MINIFEDI_CERT ${pkgs.mkcert}/bin/mkcert -install
in "${script}";
}; = {
type = "app";
program = "${
import ./nix/fedi/mastodon/mk-version { inherit pkgs; }