2015-08-10 23:17:27 +08:00

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// Command.swift
// Commandant
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2014-10-10.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Carthage. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// Represents a subcommand that can be executed with its own set of arguments.
public protocol CommandType {
typealias ClientError
/// The action that users should specify to use this subcommand (e.g.,
/// `help`).
var verb: String { get }
/// A human-readable, high-level description of what this command is used
/// for.
var function: String { get }
/// Runs this subcommand in the given mode.
func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError<ClientError>>
/// A type-erased CommandType.
public struct CommandOf<ClientError>: CommandType {
public let verb: String
public let function: String
private let runClosure: CommandMode -> Result<(), CommandantError<ClientError>>
/// Creates a command that wraps another.
public init<C: CommandType where C.ClientError == ClientError>(_ command: C) {
verb = command.verb
function = command.function
runClosure = { mode in }
public func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError<ClientError>> {
return runClosure(mode)
/// Describes the "mode" in which a command should run.
public enum CommandMode {
/// Options should be parsed from the given command-line arguments.
case Arguments(ArgumentParser)
/// Each option should record its usage information in an error, for
/// presentation to the user.
case Usage
/// Maintains the list of commands available to run.
public final class CommandRegistry<ClientError> {
private var commandsByVerb: [String: CommandOf<ClientError>] = [:]
/// All available commands.
public var commands: [CommandOf<ClientError>] {
return sorted(commandsByVerb.values) { return $0.verb < $1.verb }
public init() {}
/// Registers the given command, making it available to run.
/// If another command was already registered with the same `verb`, it will
/// be overwritten.
public func register<C: CommandType where C.ClientError == ClientError>(command: C) {
commandsByVerb[command.verb] = CommandOf(command)
/// Runs the command corresponding to the given verb, passing it the given
/// arguments.
/// Returns the results of the execution, or nil if no such command exists.
public func runCommand(verb: String, arguments: [String]) -> Result<(), CommandantError<ClientError>>? {
return self[verb]?.run(.Arguments(ArgumentParser(arguments)))
/// Returns the command matching the given verb, or nil if no such command
/// is registered.
public subscript(verb: String) -> CommandOf<ClientError>? {
return commandsByVerb[verb]
extension CommandRegistry {
/// Hands off execution to the CommandRegistry, by parsing Process.arguments
/// and then running whichever command has been identified in the argument
/// list.
/// If the chosen command executes successfully, the process will exit with
/// a successful exit code.
/// If the chosen command fails, the provided error handler will be invoked,
/// then the process will exit with a failure exit code.
/// If a matching command could not be found or a usage error occurred,
/// a helpful error message will be written to `stderr`, then the process
/// will exit with a failure error code.
@noreturn public func main(#defaultVerb: String, errorHandler: ClientError -> ()) {
var arguments = Process.arguments
assert(arguments.count >= 1)
// Extract the executable name.
let executableName = arguments.first!
let verb = arguments.first ?? defaultVerb
if arguments.count > 0 {
// Remove the command name.
switch runCommand(verb, arguments: arguments) {
case .Some(.Success):
case let .Some(.Failure(error)):
switch error.value {
case let .UsageError(description):
fputs(description + "\n", stderr)
case let .CommandError(error):
case .None:
fputs("Unrecognized command: '\(verb)'. See `\(executableName) help`.\n", stderr)