#!/bin/bash -e # # script/bottle # mas # # Builds bottles of mas Homebrew formula for custom tap: # https://github.com/mas-cli/homebrew-tap # ################################################################################ # # Variables # BUILD_DIR="$PWD/.build" BOTTLE_DIR="$BUILD_DIR/bottles" VERSION=$(script/version) ROOT_URL="https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/releases/download/v${VERSION}" # Supports macOS 10.11 and later OS_NAMES=(arm64_monterey monterey arm64_big_sur big_sur catalina mojave high_sierra sierra el_capitan) # Semantic version number split into a list using Ugly, bash 3 compatible syntax IFS=" " read -r -a CURRENT_OS_VERSION <<<"$(sw_vers -productVersion | sed 's/\./ /g'))" CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MAJOR=${CURRENT_OS_VERSION[0]} CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MINOR=${CURRENT_OS_VERSION[1]} echo "CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MAJOR: $CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MAJOR" echo "CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MINOR: $CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MINOR" case "${CURRENT_OS_VERSION_MAJOR}" in 14) CURRENT_PLATFORM=monterey ;; 13) CURRENT_PLATFORM=ventura ;; 12) CURRENT_PLATFORM=monterey ;; 11) CURRENT_PLATFORM=big_sur ;; 11) CURRENT_PLATFORM=catalina ;; *) echo "Unsupported macOS version. This script requires Catalina or better." exit 1 ;; esac # Prefix platform with architecture if [[ "arm64" == "$(uname -m)" ]]; then CURRENT_PLATFORM="arm64_${CURRENT_PLATFORM}" fi echo "CURRENT_PLATFORM: ${CURRENT_PLATFORM}" # Output filename from build-bottle command OLD_FILENAME="mas--${VERSION}.${CURRENT_PLATFORM}.bottle.tar.gz" ################################################################################ # # Preflight checks # # Uninstall if necessary brew remove mas 2>/dev/null || true # ignore failure brew remove mas-cli/tap/mas 2>/dev/null || true #ignore failure # Uninstall if still found on path if command -v mas >/dev/null; then script/uninstall || true # ignore failure fi # Use formula from custom tap brew tap mas-cli/tap brew update # Audit formula brew audit --strict mas-cli/tap/mas brew style mas-cli/tap/mas ################################################################################ # # Build the formula for the current macOS version and architecture. # echo "==> 🍼 Bottling mas ${VERSION} for: ${OS_NAMES[*]}" brew install --build-bottle mas-cli/tap/mas # Generate bottle do block, dropping last 2 lines brew bottle --verbose --no-rebuild --root-url="$ROOT_URL" mas-cli/tap/mas if ! test -e "${OLD_FILENAME}"; then echo "Bottle not found: ${OLD_FILENAME}" echo "If an old version is showing in the log and filename, then make sure the formula has been updated in:" echo "/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" exit 1 fi SHA256=$(shasum --algorithm 256 "${OLD_FILENAME}" | cut -f 1 -d ' ' -) mkdir -p "$BOTTLE_DIR" # Start of bottle block BOTTLE_BLOCK=$( cat <<-EOF bottle do root_url "$ROOT_URL" EOF ) ################################################################################ # # Copy the bottle for all macOS version + architecture combinations. # # Fix filename for os in "${OS_NAMES[@]}"; do new_filename="mas-${VERSION}.${os}.bottle.tar.gz" cp -v "${OLD_FILENAME}" "${BOTTLE_DIR}/${new_filename}" # Append each os # BOTTLE_BLOCK="$(printf "${BOTTLE_BLOCK}\n sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, %-15s %s" "${os}:" "${SHA256}")" BOTTLE_BLOCK="$BOTTLE_BLOCK"$( cat <<-EOF sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, $os: "$SHA256" EOF ) done # End of bottle block BOTTLE_BLOCK=$( cat <<-EOF end EOF ) rm "${OLD_FILENAME}" ls -l "${BOTTLE_DIR}" echo "${BOTTLE_BLOCK}" brew remove mas-cli/tap/mas open "${BOTTLE_DIR}"