#!/bin/bash -e # # script/test # mas # # Runs mas tests. Uses xcpretty gem to format output. # BUILD_DIR="$PWD/build" PROJECT="mas-cli.xcodeproj" SCHEME="mas-cli Debug" CONFIG="Debug" # OBJROOT - Intermediate Build Files Path # The path where intermediate files will be placed during a build. Intermediate files include generated sources, object # files, etc. Shell script build phases can place and access files here, as well. Typically this path is not set per # target, but is set per project or per user. By default, this is set to `$(PROJECT_DIR)/build`. # SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR - Precompiled Headers Cache Path # The path where precompiled prefix header files are placed during a build. Defaults to `$(OBJROOT)/SharedPrecompiledHeaders`. # Using a common location allows precompiled headers to be shared between multiple projects. # SYMROOT - Build Procucts Path # The path at which all products will be placed when performing a build. Typically this path is not set per target, # but is set per-project or per-user. By default, this is set to `$(PROJECT_DIR)/build`. echo "==> ✅ Testing" set -o pipefail && \ xcodebuild -project "$PROJECT" \ -scheme "$SCHEME" \ -configuration "$CONFIG" \ OBJROOT="$BUILD_DIR" \ SYMROOT="$BUILD_DIR" \ test \ | bundle exec xcpretty --color