// // main.swift // mas-cli // // Created by Andrew Naylor on 11/07/2015. // Copyright © 2015 Andrew Naylor. All rights reserved. // import Foundation var client = ISStoreClient(storeClientType: 0) func primaryAccount() -> ISStoreAccount { let accountController = CKAccountStore.sharedAccountStore() return accountController.primaryAccount } @objc class Observer: CKDownloadQueueObserver { func downloadQueue(queue: CKDownloadQueue, statusChangedForDownload download: SSDownload!) { if let activePhase = download.status.activePhase { let percentage = String(Int(floor(download.status.percentComplete * 100))) + "%" // let phase = String(activePhase.phaseType) print("\u{001B}[2K\r" + percentage + " " + download.metadata.title, appendNewline: false) } } func downloadQueue(queue: CKDownloadQueue, changedWithAddition download: SSDownload!) { print("Downloading: " + download.metadata.title) } func downloadQueue(queue: CKDownloadQueue, changedWithRemoval download: SSDownload!) { print("") print("Finished: " + download.metadata.title) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) } } var downloadQueue = CKDownloadQueue.sharedDownloadQueue() downloadQueue.addObserver(Observer()) var softwareMap = CKSoftwareMap.sharedSoftwareMap() //print(softwareMap.allProducts()) //print(softwareMap.productForBundleIdentifier("com.apple.iBooksAuthor")) //print(softwareMap.adaptableBundleIdentifiers()) func download(adamId: UInt64, completion:(purchase: SSPurchase!, completed: Bool, error: NSError?, response: SSPurchaseResponse!) -> ()) { let buyParameters = "productType=C&price=0&salableAdamId=" + String(adamId) + "&pricingParameters=STDRDL" let purchase = SSPurchase() purchase.buyParameters = buyParameters purchase.itemIdentifier = adamId purchase.accountIdentifier = primaryAccount().dsID purchase.appleID = primaryAccount().identifier let downloadMetadata = SSDownloadMetadata() downloadMetadata.kind = "software" downloadMetadata.itemIdentifier = adamId purchase.downloadMetadata = downloadMetadata let purchaseController = CKPurchaseController.sharedPurchaseController() purchaseController.performPurchase(purchase, withOptions: 0, completionHandler: completion) while true { NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop().runMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode, beforeDate: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10)) } } let paintCode: UInt64 = 808809998 let xcode: UInt64 = 497799835 let aperture: UInt64 = 408981426 struct AccountCommand: CommandType { let verb = "account" let function = "Prints the primary account Apple ID" func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError> { switch mode { case .Arguments: print(primaryAccount().identifier) default: break } return .Success(()) } } struct InstallCommand: CommandType { let verb = "install" let function = "Install from the Mac App Store" func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError> { return InstallOptions.evaluate(mode).map { options in download(options.appId) { (purchase, completed, error, response) in print(purchase) print(completed) print(error) print(response) } } } } struct InstallOptions: OptionsType { let appId: UInt64 static func create(appId: UInt64) -> InstallOptions { return InstallOptions(appId: appId) } static func evaluate(m: CommandMode) -> Result> { return create <*> m <| Option(usage: "the app ID to install") } } struct ListUpdatesCommand: CommandType { let verb = "list-updates" let function = "Lists pending updates from the Mac App Store" func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError> { switch mode { case .Arguments: let updateController = CKUpdateController.sharedUpdateController() print(updateController.availableUpdates()) default: break } return .Success(()) } } struct ListInstalledCommand: CommandType { let verb = "list-installed" let function = "Lists apps from the Mac App Store which are currently installed" func run(mode: CommandMode) -> Result<(), CommandantError> { switch mode { case .Arguments: let softwareMap = CKSoftwareMap.sharedSoftwareMap() let products = softwareMap.allProducts() products.map({ product -> Bool in print(String(product.itemIdentifier) + " " + product.appName) return true }) default: break } return .Success(()) } } public enum MASError: ErrorType, Equatable { public var description: String { return "" } } public func == (lhs: MASError, rhs: MASError) -> Bool { return false } let registry = CommandRegistry() let helpCommand = HelpCommand(registry: registry) registry.register(AccountCommand()) registry.register(InstallCommand()) registry.register(ListInstalledCommand()) registry.register(ListUpdatesCommand()) registry.register(helpCommand) setbuf(__stdoutp, nil) registry.main(defaultVerb: helpCommand.verb, errorHandler: { error in fputs(error.description + "\n", stderr) })