// // Lucky.swift // mas-cli // // Created by Pablo Varela on 05/11/17. // Copyright © 2016 Andrew Naylor. All rights reserved. // import Commandant import Result import CommerceKit public struct LuckyCommand: CommandProtocol { public typealias Options = LuckyOptions public let verb = "lucky" public let function = "Install the first result from the Mac App Store" public init() {} public func run(_ options: Options) -> Result<(), MASError> { guard let searchURLString = searchURLString(options.appName), let searchJson = URLSession.requestSynchronousJSONWithURLString(searchURLString) as? [String: Any] else { return .failure(.searchFailed) } guard let resultCount = searchJson[ResultKeys.ResultCount] as? Int, resultCount > 0, let results = searchJson[ResultKeys.Results] as? [[String: Any]] else { print("No results found") return .failure(.noSearchResultsFound) } let appId = results[0][ResultKeys.TrackId] as! UInt64 return install(appId, options: options) } fileprivate func install(_ appId: UInt64, options: Options) -> Result<(), MASError> { // Try to download applications with given identifiers and collect results let downloadResults = [appId].compactMap { (appId) -> MASError? in if let product = installedApp(appId) , !options.forceInstall { printWarning("\(product.appName) is already installed") return nil } return download(appId) } switch downloadResults.count { case 0: return .success(()) case 1: return .failure(downloadResults[0]) default: return .failure(.downloadFailed(error: nil)) } } fileprivate func installedApp(_ appId: UInt64) -> CKSoftwareProduct? { let appId = NSNumber(value: appId) let softwareMap = CKSoftwareMap.shared() return softwareMap.allProducts()?.first { $0.itemIdentifier == appId } } func searchURLString(_ appName: String) -> String? { if let urlEncodedAppName = appName.URLEncodedString { return "https://itunes.apple.com/search?entity=macSoftware&term=\(urlEncodedAppName)&attribute=allTrackTerm" } return nil } } public struct LuckyOptions: OptionsProtocol { let appName: String let forceInstall: Bool public static func create(_ appName: String) -> (_ forceInstall: Bool) -> LuckyOptions { return { forceInstall in return LuckyOptions(appName: appName, forceInstall: forceInstall) } } public static func evaluate(_ m: CommandMode) -> Result> { return create <*> m <| Argument(usage: "the app name to install") <*> m <| Switch(flag: nil, key: "force", usage: "force reinstall") } }