// // StoreSearchSpec.swift // MasKitTests // // Created by Ben Chatelain on 1/11/19. // Copyright © 2019 mas-cli. All rights reserved. // import Nimble import PromiseKit import Quick @testable import MasKit /// Protocol minimal implementation struct StoreSearchForTesting: StoreSearch { func lookup(app _: Int) -> Promise { .value(nil) } func search(for _: String) -> Promise<[SearchResult]> { .value([]) } } public class StoreSearchSpec: QuickSpec { override public func spec() { let storeSearch = StoreSearchForTesting() describe("url string") { it("contains the app name") { let appName = "myapp" let urlString = storeSearch.searchURL(for: appName)?.absoluteString expect(urlString) == "https://itunes.apple.com/search?media=software&entity=macSoftware&term=\(appName)" } it("contains the encoded app name") { let appName = "My App" let appNameEncoded = "My%20App" let urlString = storeSearch.searchURL(for: appName)?.absoluteString expect(urlString) == "https://itunes.apple.com/search?media=software&entity=macSoftware&term=\(appNameEncoded)" } // Find a character that causes addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters to return nil xit("is nil when app name cannot be url encoded") { let appName = "`~!@#$%^&*()_+ 💩" let urlString = storeSearch.searchURL(for: appName)?.absoluteString expect(urlString).to(beNil()) } } } }