// // MasAppLibrary.swift // MasKit // // Created by Ben Chatelain on 12/27/18. // Copyright © 2018 mas-cli. All rights reserved. // import CommerceKit /// Utility for managing installed apps. public class MasAppLibrary: AppLibrary { /// CommerceKit's singleton manager of installed software. private let softwareMap = CKSoftwareMap.shared() /// Array of installed software products. public lazy var installedApps: [SoftwareProduct] = { var appList = [SoftwareProduct]() guard let products = softwareMap.allProducts() else { return appList } appList.append(contentsOf: products) return products }() /// Designated initializer public init() {} /// Finds an app using a bundle identifier. /// /// - Parameter bundleId: Bundle identifier of app. /// - Returns: Software Product of app if found; nil otherwise. public func installedApp(forBundleId bundleId: String) -> SoftwareProduct? { return softwareMap.product(forBundleIdentifier: bundleId) } /// Uninstalls an app. /// /// - Parameter app: App to be removed. /// - Throws: Error if there is a problem. public func uninstallApp(app: SoftwareProduct) throws { if !userIsRoot() { printWarning("Apps installed from the Mac App Store require root permission to remove.") } let fileManager = FileManager() let appUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: app.bundlePath) do { var trashUrl: NSURL? try withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &trashUrl) { (mutablePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer) in let pointer = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(mutablePointer) // Move item to trash try fileManager.trashItem(at: appUrl, resultingItemURL: pointer) if let url = pointer.pointee, let path = url.path { printInfo("App moved to trash: \(path)") } } } catch { printError("Unable to move app to trash.") throw MASError.uninstallFailed } } /// Detects whether the current user is root. /// /// - Returns: true if the current user is root; false otherwise private func userIsRoot() -> Bool { return NSUserName() == "root" } }