#!/bin/bash -eu # # script/build # mas # # Builds the Swift Package. # mas_dir="$(readlink -fn "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-"${0}"}")/..")" if ! cd -- "${mas_dir}"; then printf $'Error: Could not cd into mas directory: %s\n' "${mas_dir}" >&2 exit 1 fi # Build for the host architecture by default. ARCH=() if [[ "${#}" -gt 1 && "${1}" == '--universal' ]]; then ARCH=(--arch arm64 --arch x86_64) fi # Disable the manifest cache on Xcode 12.5 and later. CACHE=() if [[ "$(swift build --help)" =~ manifest-cache ]]; then CACHE=(--manifest-cache none) fi echo "==> 🏗️ Building mas ($(script/version))" swift build \ --configuration release \ "${ARCH[@]+"${ARCH[@]}"}" \ --disable-sandbox \ "${CACHE[@]+"${CACHE[@]}"}"