#!/bin/bash -e # # script/install # mas # # Installs mas into PREFIX using the following steps: # # 1. Invokes the xcodebuild install action. # 2. Copies the mas binary and MasKit.framework bundle into their correct # relative positions under PREFIX. # # NOTE: This script is called by the mas Homebrew formula so it has only system # dependencies aside from xcodebuild. # https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/mas.rb # BUILD_DIR="$PWD/build" PROJECT="mas-cli.xcodeproj" SCHEME="mas-cli Release" CONFIG="Release" VERSION=$(script/version) # Destination for `xcodebuild install` INSTALL_TEMPORARY_FOLDER=${DSTROOT:-build/distributions} # Final destination. # Override default prefix path with optional 1st arg if test -n "$1"; then PREFIX="$1" elif [[ $(uname -m) == 'arm64' ]]; then PREFIX=/opt/homebrew else PREFIX=/usr/local fi echo "==> 📲 Installing mas ($VERSION) to $PREFIX" xcodebuild \ -project "$PROJECT" \ -scheme "$SCHEME" \ -configuration "$CONFIG" \ OBJROOT="$BUILD_DIR" \ SYMROOT="$BUILD_DIR" \ DSTROOT="$INSTALL_TEMPORARY_FOLDER" \ install # Deep copy MasKit.framework ditto -v \ "$INSTALL_TEMPORARY_FOLDER/Frameworks" \ "$PREFIX/Frameworks" # Copy mas binary ditto -v \ "$INSTALL_TEMPORARY_FOLDER/bin" \ "$PREFIX/bin"