# Xcode # # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore ## Build generated build/ DerivedData ## Various settings *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata ## Other *.xccheckout *.moved-aside *.xcuserstate *.xcscmblueprint *.xcarchive ## Obj-C/Swift specific *.hmap *.ipa # Bundler /.rubygems/ /bin/ # CocoaPods # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # http://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-ignore-the-pods-directory-in-source-control # # Pods/ # Carthage # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Carthage dependencies. # Carthage/Checkouts Carthage/Build # CocoaSeeds !Seeds/Seedfile.lock Seeds/**/.git* Seeds/**/.swift-version Seeds/**/.travis.yml Seeds/**/*.md Seeds/**/Cartfile* Seeds/**/Carthage/ Seeds/**/LICENSE* Seeds/**/Package.* Seeds/**/*Info.plist Seeds/**/*.podspec Seeds/**/*.xc* Seeds/**/Tests/ # Commandant !Seeds/Commandant/Source/*.swift # Result !Seeds/Result/Result/*.swift Seeds/Quick Seeds/Nimble ## https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/OSX.gitignore .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride # Icon must end with two \r Icon # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear in the root of a volume .DocumentRevisions-V100 .fseventsd .Spotlight-V100 .TemporaryItems .Trashes .VolumeIcon.icns # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share .AppleDB .AppleDesktop Network Trash Folder Temporary Items .apdisk # Build artifacts *.zip