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The house spawns a game room, complete with video games you can ENTER INTO. It's fun and a little bit weird! Try it! \n»-(¯`·.·´¯)->", "primaryGenreId": 6014, "primaryGenreName": "Games", "isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled": true, "releaseDate": "2019-10-18T07:00:00Z", "genreIds": [ "6014", "7001", "7009" ], "currentVersionReleaseDate": "2020-03-18T17:39:23Z", "trackCensoredName": "Things That Go Bump", "languageCodesISO2A": [ "EN" ], "sellerUrl": "http://tinybop.com", "contentAdvisoryRating": "4+", "averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion": 0, "userRatingCountForCurrentVersion": 0, "averageUserRating": 0, "trackViewUrl": "https://apps.apple.com/us/app/things-that-go-bump/id1472954003?mt=12&uo=4", "trackContentRating": "4+", "description": "Have you ever heard something go bump in the night? \nPerhaps you’ve caught wind of a spirit or sprite. \nWhen the house is asleep,\nand there’s dark all around, \nspirits from objects awake and abound. \n\nThe spirits are crafty and like to cause trouble. \nThey're called yōkai and together, they double. \nMixing and mashing, they join to fight. \nCan you help them conquer this mysterious night? \n\nPlay with one person, two, three or four. \nFirst you’ll need to escape the dark junk drawer. \n\n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nIn Things That go Bump, familiar objects and rooms come to life every night, and nothing looks quite as does in the day. Create your creature, and battle your friends, but beware the house spirits! They can destroy and they can give life. Battle, create, and make your way through the rooms of the house, and slowly you will unravel the secret of Things that Go Bump. \n\nFeatures:\n * Spirits wake up objects and create yōkai (spirit creatures)\n * Combine everyday objects like umbrellas, staplers, cheese graters and more to create everchanging characters \n * Connect to other players via Game Center and face-off against other spirit creatures and house spirits\n * Add or swap objects to give your spirit creature new skills\n * Gain energy by making mischief, defeating other yōkai, and conquering the house spirits\n * Advance through the house (new rooms will be added throughout the year)\n * Test your curiosity and creativity with new challenges in every room\n * Play with 1-4 players across iPads, iPhones, iPods, AppleTVs and Macs\n * Fun and challenging for the whole family\n * Intuitive, safe, hilarious kid-friendly design\n * New levels introduced roughly every 2 months\n * Original artwork by Adrian Fernandez\n * Original sound design\n\nTinybop, Inc. is a Brooklyn-based studio of designers, engineers, and artists. We make toys for tomorrow. We’re all over the internet.\n\n Visit us: www.tinybop.com\n Follow us: twitter.com/tinybop\n Like us: facebook.com/tinybop\n Peek behind the scenes: instagram.com/tinybop\n\nWe love hearing your stories! If you have ideas, or something isn’t working as you expect it to, please contact us: support@tinybop.com.\n\nPsst! It's not Tiny Bop, or Tiny Bob, or Tiny Pop. It's Tinybop. :)", "currency": "USD", "artistId": 682046582, "artistName": "Tinybop Inc.", "genres": [ "Games", "Action", "Family" ], "bundleId": "uikitformac.com.tinybop.thingamabops", "version": "1.3.0", "wrapperType": "software", "userRatingCount": 0 }