// // Bundle+JSON.swift // MasKitTests // // Created by Ben Chatelain on 1/5/19. // Copyright © 2019 mas-cli. All rights reserved. // import Foundation extension Data { /// Unsafe initializer for loading data from string paths. /// - Parameter file: Relative path within the JSON folder init(from fileName: String) { let fileURL = Bundle.url(for: fileName)! print("fileURL: \(fileURL)") try! self.init(contentsOf: fileURL, options: .mappedIfSafe) } } extension Bundle { /// Locates a JSON response file from the test bundle. /// /// - Parameter fileName: Name of file to locate. /// - Returns: URL to file. static func url(for fileName: String) -> URL? { return Bundle(for: NetworkSessionMock.self).url(for: fileName) } /// Builds a URL for a file in the JSON directory of the current bundle. /// /// - Parameter fileName: Name of file to locate. /// - Returns: URL to file. func url(for fileName: String) -> URL? { guard let path = self.path(forResource: fileName.fileNameWithoutExtension, ofType: fileName.fileExtension, inDirectory: "JSON") else { fatalError("Unable to load file \(fileName)") } return URL(fileURLWithPath: path) } }