def run(env = {}, command) system(env, command) or raise "RAKE TASK FAILED: #{command}" end def has_xcodebuild system "which xcodebuild >/dev/null" end def xcode_action ENV["XCODE_ACTION"] || "build test" end namespace "podspec" do desc "Run lint for podspec" task :lint do run "bundle exec pod lib lint" end end namespace "test" do desc "Run unit tests for all iOS targets" task :ios do |t| run "xcodebuild -workspace Quick.xcworkspace -scheme Quick-iOS -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' clean #{xcode_action}" end desc "Run unit tests for all tvOS targets" task :tvos do |t| run "xcodebuild -workspace Quick.xcworkspace -scheme Quick-tvOS -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 1080p' clean #{xcode_action}" end desc "Run unit tests for all macOS targets" task :macos do |t| run "xcodebuild -workspace Quick.xcworkspace -scheme Quick-macOS clean #{xcode_action}" end desc "Run unit tests for all macOS targets using static linking" task :macos_static do |t| run " MACH_O_TYPE=staticlib xcodebuild -workspace Quick.xcworkspace -scheme Quick-macOS clean #{xcode_action}" end desc "Run unit tests for the current platform built by the Swift Package Manager" task :swiftpm do |t| env = { "SWIFT_PACKAGE_TEST_Quick" => "true" } run env, "swift package clean && swift test" end end namespace "templates" do install_dir = File.expand_path("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates/Quick") src_dir = File.expand_path("../Quick Templates", __FILE__) desc "Install Quick templates" task :install do if File.exists? install_dir raise "RAKE TASK FAILED: Quick templates are already installed at #{install_dir}" else mkdir_p install_dir cp_r src_dir, install_dir end end desc "Uninstall Quick templates" task :uninstall do rm_rf install_dir end end if has_xcodebuild then task default: ["test:ios", "test:tvos", "test:macos"] else task default: ["test:swiftpm"] end