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2016-10-22 00:02:19 +01:00
// Info.swift
// mas-cli
// Created by Denis Lebedev on 21/10/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Andrew Naylor. All rights reserved.
2018-07-04 14:56:10 -06:00
import Commandant
import Result
2016-10-22 00:02:19 +01:00
import Foundation
struct InfoCommand: CommandProtocol {
let verb = "info"
let function = "Display app information from the Mac App Store"
func run(_ options: InfoOptions) -> Result<(), MASError> {
guard let infoURLString = infoURLString(options.appId),
let searchJson = URLSession.requestSynchronousJSONWithURLString(infoURLString) as? [String: Any] else {
return .failure(.searchFailed)
guard let resultCount = searchJson[ResultKeys.ResultCount] as? Int, resultCount > 0,
let results = searchJson[ResultKeys.Results] as? [[String: Any]],
let result = results.first else {
print("No results found")
return .failure(.noSearchResultsFound)
print(AppInfoFormatter.format(appInfo: result))
return .success(())
private func infoURLString(_ appId: String) -> String? {
if let urlEncodedAppId = appId.URLEncodedString {
return "\(urlEncodedAppId)"
return nil
struct InfoOptions: OptionsProtocol {
let appId: String
static func create(_ appId: String) -> InfoOptions {
return InfoOptions(appId: appId)
static func evaluate(_ m: CommandMode) -> Result<InfoOptions, CommandantError<MASError>> {
return create
<*> m <| Argument(usage: "the app id to show info")
private struct AppInfoFormatter {
private enum Keys {
static let Name = "trackCensoredName"
static let Version = "version"
static let Price = "formattedPrice"
static let Seller = "sellerName"
static let VersionReleaseDate = "currentVersionReleaseDate"
static let MinimumOS = "minimumOsVersion"
static let FileSize = "fileSizeBytes"
static let AppStoreUrl = "trackViewUrl"
static func format(appInfo: [String: Any]) -> String {
let headline = [
"\(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.Name))",
"\(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.Version))",
"[\(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.Price))]",
].joined(separator: " ")
return [
"By: \(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.Seller))",
"Released: \(humaReadableDate(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.VersionReleaseDate)))",
"Minimum OS: \(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.MinimumOS))",
"Size: \(humanReadableSize(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.FileSize)))",
"From: \(appInfo.stringOrEmpty(key: Keys.AppStoreUrl))",
].joined(separator: "\n")
private static func humanReadableSize(_ size: String) -> String {
let bytesSize = Int64(size) ?? 0
return ByteCountFormatter.string(fromByteCount: bytesSize, countStyle: .file)
private static func humaReadableDate(_ serverDate: String) -> String {
let serverDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
serverDateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
serverDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"
let humanDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
humanDateFormatter.timeStyle = .none
humanDateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
return serverDate).flatMap(humanDateFormatter.string(from:)) ?? ""
extension Dictionary {
fileprivate func stringOrEmpty(key: Key) -> String {
return self[key] as? String ?? ""