2020-09-20 11:18:39 +02:00

696 lines
19 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`write-tree no categories should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
exports[`write-tree no categories should write an empty file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, no page with image should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
<img src=\\"./category-category.png\\" alt=\\"A screenshot of the Category\\" width=\\"740\\" height=\\"80\\"
style=\\"height: auto\\" />
> Category description.
exports[`write-tree one category, no page with image should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, no page with image should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with image example should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: bool
## Set to \`true\` (default value)
defaults write page -bool true
<img src=\\"/category-page-true.png\\" alt=\\"Example output with value set to true\\"
width=\\"600\\" height=\\"400\\" style=\\"height: auto\\" />
## Set to \`false\`
defaults write page -bool false
<img src=\\"/category-page-false.png\\" alt=\\"Example output with value set to false\\"
width=\\"400\\" height=\\"200\\" style=\\"height: auto\\" />
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with image example should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with image example should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with image example should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text and possible values example should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: string
* start
* middle
* end
## Set to \`start\`
defaults write page -string start
- output when value is start
## Set to \`middle\` (default value)
defaults write page -string middle
- output when value is middle
## Set to \`end\`
defaults write page -string end
- output when value is end
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text and possible values example should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text and possible values example should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text and possible values example should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with an after command should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: string
## Set to \`~/Desktop\` (default value)
defaults write page -string ~/Desktop && killall App
- output when value is ~/Desktop
## Set to \`~/Pictures\`
defaults write page -string ~/Pictures && killall App
- output when value is ~/Pictures
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page && killall App
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with an after command should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with an after command should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with an after command should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with requirements should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: string
## Requirements
- [\` another-key\`](another-category/another-key?id=set-to-true) must be set to \`true\`
- [\` a-third-key\`](a-third-category/a-third-key?id=set-to-0.5) must be set to \`0.5\`
## Set to \`true\` (default value)
defaults write page -string true && killall App
- output when value is true
## Set to \`false\`
defaults write page -string false && killall App
- output when value is false
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page && killall App
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with requirements should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with requirements should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with requirements should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with special chars values should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: string
## Set to \`~/Desktop\` (default value)
defaults write page -string ~/Desktop
- output when value is ~/Desktop
## Set to \`~/Pictures\`
defaults write page -string ~/Pictures
- output when value is ~/Pictures
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with special chars values should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with special chars values should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with text example with special chars values should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with video example should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: float
## Set to \`0\` (default value)
defaults write page -float 0
<video autoplay loop muted playsinline width=\\"750\\" height=\\"400\\" style=\\"max-width: 100%; height: auto\\">
<source src=\\"/category-page-0.mp4\\" type=\\"video/mp4\\">
Example output with value set to 0
## Set to \`0.5\`
defaults write page -float 0.5
<video autoplay loop muted playsinline width=\\"720\\" height=\\"390\\" style=\\"max-width: 100%; height: auto\\">
<source src=\\"/category-page-0.5.mp4\\" type=\\"video/mp4\\">
Example output with value set to 0.5
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with video example should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with video example should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page](category/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, one page with video example should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page](category/page)
exports[`write-tree one category, two pages should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page 1
> Page 1 description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: bool
## Set to \`true\` (default value)
defaults write page1 -bool true
- output when value is true
## Set to \`false\`
defaults write page1 -bool false
- output when value is false
## Read current value
defaults read page1
## Delete current value
defaults delete page1
exports[`write-tree one category, two pages should write a category/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page 2
> Page 2 description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: bool
## Set to \`true\`
defaults write page2 -bool true
- output when value is true
## Set to \`false\` (default value)
defaults write page2 -bool false
- output when value is false
## Read current value
defaults read page2
## Delete current value
defaults delete page2
exports[`write-tree one category, two pages should write a category/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category
> Category description.
- [Page 1](category/page1)
- [Page 2](category/page2)
exports[`write-tree one category, two pages should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category
- [Page 1](category/page1)
- [Page 2](category/page2)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree one category, two pages should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](category/)
- [Page 1](category/page1)
- [Page 2](category/page2)
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a category1/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: bool
## Set to \`true\` (default value)
defaults write page -bool true
- output when value is true
## Set to \`false\`
defaults write page -bool false
- output when value is false
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a category1/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category 1
> Category 1 description.
- [Page](category1/page)
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a category2/ file using the page template 1`] = `
"# Page
> Page description.
- **Tested on macOS**:
* Big Sur
- **Parameter type**: bool
## Set to \`true\`
defaults write page -bool true
- output when value is true
## Set to \`false\` (default value)
defaults write page -bool false
- output when value is false
## Read current value
defaults read page
## Delete current value
defaults delete page
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a category2/ file using the category template 1`] = `
"# Category 2
> Category 2 description.
- [Page](category2/page)
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a file using the home template 1`] = `
"# macOS \`defaults\` list
Uncomplete list of macOS \`defaults\` commands with demos ✨
## 💻 Commands
### Category 1
- [Page](category1/page)
### Category 2
- [Page](category2/page)
## 🤔 How do I add a command?
Please update [this file]( that I use to [build multiple websites]( like this one.
## ❤️ I like this website, how can I build the same?
Thank you! I built it using [docsify]( Take a look at [my report]( if you want to use it.
exports[`write-tree two categories, one page in each should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category 1](category1/)
- [Page](category1/page)
* [Category 2](category2/)
- [Page](category2/page)