const MacRunner = require('../../mac-runner') const util = require('util') const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec) const { compressPngImage } = require('../../utils') module.exports = { run: async (outputPath) => { console.log('> Recording TextEdit opens rich text files to true') try { const fileName = '/tmp/lorem.txt'; await manageFile(fileName, true) await addContentToFile(fileName, "") const runner = new MacRunner() await runner .setDefault( '', 'RichText', '-bool true', '1', '' ) .openApp('TextEdit', fileName) .moveAndResizeApp('TextEdit', 0, 0, 744, 451) .captureApp('TextEdit', `${outputPath}/false.png`) .deleteDefault( '', 'RichText', 'killall -SIGKILL TextEdit' ) .run() await manageFile(fileName, false); } catch (runnerError) { throw new Error(runnerError) } try { await compressPngImage(`${outputPath}/false.png`, outputPath, 'false') } catch (compressPngImageError) { throw new Error(compressPngImageError) } return { filepath: `${outputPath}/false` } } } async function manageFile(filename, create) { console.log(` Command: ${create ? 'create' : 'remove'} ${filename}`) const { stderr: mngFile } = await exec( `${create ? 'touch' : 'rm -f'} ${filename}` ) if (mngFile) { console.error( 'An error occured while working with a file' ) throw new Error(mngFile) } } async function addContentToFile(filename, content) { console.log(` Command: add content to ${filename}`) const { stderr: mngFile } = await exec( `cat > ${filename} << EOF ${content} EOF` ) if (mngFile) { console.error( 'An error occured while working with a file' ) throw new Error(mngFile) } }