--- title: 'macOS defaults' description: 'Uncomplete list of macOS defaults commands with demos ✨' head: - - link - rel: "preload" href: "/logo.svg" as: "image" - - link - rel: "apple-touch-icon" sizes: "180x180" href: "/apple-touch-icon.png" - - link - rel: "icon" type: "image/png" sizes: "32x32" href: "/favicon-32x32.png" - - link - rel: "icon" type: "image/png" sizes: "16x16" href: "/favicon-16x16.png" - - link - rel: "manifest" href: "/site.webmanifest" - - link - rel: "mask-icon" href: "/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color: "#004bbd" - - meta - name: 'viewport' content: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1' - - meta - name: "msapplication-TileColor" content: "#da532c" - - meta - name: "theme-color" content: "#ffffff" - - meta - http-equiv: "Content-Type" content: "text/html; charset=utf-8" - - meta - property: "twitter:site" content: "@macos_defaults" - - meta - property: "twitter:creator" content: "@_YannBertrand" - - meta - property: "og:site_name" content: "macOS defaults" - - meta - property: "og:url" content: "https://macos-defaults.netlify.app" - - meta - property: "og:type" content: "website" - - meta - property: "og:image:alt" content: "" - - meta - name: "author" content: "Yann Bertrand" evergreen: true plugins: sitemap: hostname: 'https://macos-defaults.com' changefreq: 'weekly' exclude: ['/404.html'] locales: {{# languages }} {{ url }}: lang: '{{ lang }}' {{/ languages }} themeConfig: repo: 'yannbertrand/macos-defaults' logo: '/logo.svg' algolia: apiKey: '{{ ALGOLIA_API_KEY }}' indexName: '{{ ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME }}' appId: '{{ ALGOLIA_APP_ID }}' locales: {{# languages }} {{ url }}: nav: - text: '{{ home }}' link: '{{ url }}' activeHeaderLinks: false sidebar: - title: '{{ home }}' path: '{{ url }}' {{# defaults.categories }} - title: {{{ name }}} collapsable: false path: '{{ ../url }}{{ folder }}/' children: {{# keys }} - '{{ ../../url }}{{ ../folder }}/{{ slugify key }}' {{/ keys}} {{/ defaults.categories }} {{/ languages }}