// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`write-config should write a vuepress config.yml file using the template 1`] = ` "--- title: 'macOS defaults' description: 'Uncomplete list of macOS defaults commands with demos ✨' evergreen: true plugins: - '@vuepress/medium-zoom' locales: /: lang: 'en-US' /fr/: lang: 'fr-FR' themeConfig: repo: 'yannbertrand/macos-defaults' locales: /: nav: - text: 'Home' link: '/' activeHeaderLinks: false sidebar: - title: 'Home' path: '/' - title: Category 1 collapsable: false path: '/category1/' children: - '/category1/page' - title: Category 2 collapsable: false path: '/category2/' children: - '/category2/page' /fr/: nav: - text: 'Accueil' link: '/fr/' activeHeaderLinks: false sidebar: - title: 'Accueil' path: '/fr/' - title: Catégorie 1 collapsable: false path: '/fr/categorie1/' children: - '/fr/categorie1/page' - title: Catégorie 2 collapsable: false path: '/fr/categorie2/' children: - '/fr/categorie2/page' " `;