const fs = require('fs') jest.mock('fs') const writeConfig = require('./write-config') const templatesPath = 'templates' const destinationPath = 'dist' const copiedFiles = [ '.vuepress/public/android-chrome-192x192.png', '.vuepress/public/android-chrome-512x512.png', '.vuepress/public/apple-touch-icon.png', '.vuepress/public/browserconfig.xml', '.vuepress/public/favicon.ico', '.vuepress/public/favicon-16x16.png', '.vuepress/public/favicon-32x32.png', '.vuepress/public/logo.svg', '.vuepress/public/media-1x1.jpg', '.vuepress/public/media-1x1.webp', '.vuepress/public/media-2x1.jpg', '.vuepress/public/media-2x1.webp', '.vuepress/public/mstile-150x150.png', '.vuepress/public/robots.txt', '.vuepress/public/safari-pinned-tab.svg', '.vuepress/public/site.webmanifest', '.vuepress/styles/index.styl', '.vuepress/styles/palette.styl' ] describe('write-config', () => { afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) beforeEach(() => { callWriteConfig() }) it('should copy some static files', () => { copiedFiles.forEach(file => { const fileContent = readFile(`${destinationPath}/${file}`) expect(fileContent).toEqual(`copied:${templatesPath}/${file}`) }) }) it('should write the netlify _headers file', () => { const netlifyHeadersContent = readFile(`${destinationPath}/.vuepress/public/_headers`) expect(netlifyHeadersContent).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should write a vuepress config.yml file using the template', () => { const vuepressConfigContent = readFile(`${destinationPath}/.vuepress/config.yml`) expect(vuepressConfigContent).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) const supportedLanguages = { languages: [ { url: '/', lang: 'en-US', home: 'Home', defaults: { categories: [ { folder: 'category1', name: 'Category 1', keys: [ { key: 'page', title: 'Page', } ] }, { folder: 'category2', name: 'Category 2', keys: [ { key: 'page', title: 'Page', } ] } ] } }, { url: '/fr/', lang: 'fr-FR', home: 'Accueil', defaults: { categories: [ { folder: 'categorie1', name: 'Catégorie 1', keys: [ { key: 'page', title: 'Page', } ] }, { folder: 'categorie2', name: 'Catégorie 2', keys: [ { key: 'page', title: 'Page', } ] } ] } } ] } const callWriteConfig = () => writeConfig(supportedLanguages, templatesPath, destinationPath) const readFile = file => fs.readFakeFileSync(file, 'utf8')