--- metaTitle: {{{ title }}} | {{{ name }}} | macOS defaults meta: - property: "og:title" content: macOS defaults > {{{ name }}} > {{{ title }}} - name: "description" content: {{{ escapeDoubleQuote description }}} - property: "og:description" content: {{{ escapeDoubleQuote description }}} - property: "twitter:card" content: "summary" - property: "twitter:image" content: "https://inspiring-hopper-66c5ab.netlify.app/media-1x1.webp" - property: "og:image" content: "https://inspiring-hopper-66c5ab.netlify.app/media-1x1.jpg" --- # {{{ title }}} > {{{ description }}} - **Tested on macOS**: {{# versions }} * {{ . }} {{/ versions }} - **Parameter type**: {{ param.type }} {{# param.values }} * {{ . }} {{/ param.values }} {{# if requirements }} ## Requirements {{# requirements }} - [`{{ name }}`](../../{{ folder }}/{{ key }}.html#set-to-{{ value }}) must be set to `{{ value }}` {{/ requirements }} {{/ if }} {{# examples }} ## Set to `{{{ value }}}`{{# if default }} (default value){{/ if }} ```bash defaults write {{ ../domain }} {{ ../key }} -{{ ../param.type }} {{{ value }}}{{# if ../after }} && {{ ../after }}{{/ if }} ``` {{# video }} {{/ video }} {{# image }} Example output with value set to {{{ ../value }}} {{/ image }} {{# text }} - {{{ . }}} {{/ text }} {{/ examples }} ## Read current value ```bash defaults read {{ domain }} {{ key }} ``` ## Delete current value ```bash defaults delete {{ domain }} {{ key }}{{# if after }} && {{ after }}{{/ if }} ```