--- title: 'macOS defaults' description: 'Uncomplete list of macOS defaults commands with demos ✨' head: - - link - rel: "apple-touch-icon" sizes: "180x180" href: "/apple-touch-icon.png" - - link - rel: "icon" type: "image/png" sizes: "32x32" href: "/favicon-32x32.png" - - link - rel: "icon" type: "image/png" sizes: "16x16" href: "/favicon-16x16.png" - - link - rel: "manifest" href: "/site.webmanifest" - - link - rel: "mask-icon" href: "/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color: "#004bbd" - - meta - name: 'viewport' content: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1' - - meta - name: "msapplication-TileColor" content: "#da532c" - - meta - name: "theme-color" content: "#ffffff" - - meta - http-equiv: "Content-Type" content: "text/html; charset=utf-8" evergreen: true plugins: - '@vuepress/medium-zoom' themeConfig: nav: - text: 'Home' link: '/' activeHeaderLinks: false sidebar: - title: 'Home' path: '/' {{# categories }} - title: {{ name }} collapsable: false path: '/{{ folder }}/' children: {{# keys }} - '{{ ../folder }}/{{ key }}' {{/ keys}} {{/ categories }}