// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`write-config no categories should write a navbar config file using the navbar template 1`] = `
"* Languages
* [fr-FR](/fr/)
* **en-US**
exports[`write-config no categories should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
exports[`write-config no categories should write an index config file using the index template 1`] = `
macOS defaults
Please enable JavaScript to access this website.
exports[`write-config one category, no page should write a navbar config file using the navbar template 1`] = `
"* Languages
* [fr-FR](/fr/)
* **en-US**
exports[`write-config one category, no page should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](/category/)
exports[`write-config one category, no page should write an index config file using the index template 1`] = `
macOS defaults
Please enable JavaScript to access this website.
exports[`write-config one category, one page should write a navbar config file using the navbar template 1`] = `
"* Languages
* [fr-FR](/fr/)
* **en-US**
exports[`write-config one category, one page should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](/category/)
- [Page](/category/page)
exports[`write-config one category, one page should write an index config file using the index template 1`] = `
macOS defaults
Please enable JavaScript to access this website.
exports[`write-config one category, two pages should write a navbar config file using the navbar template 1`] = `
"* Languages
* [fr-FR](/fr/)
* **en-US**
exports[`write-config one category, two pages should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category](/category/)
- [Page 1](/category/page1)
- [Page 2](/category/page2)
exports[`write-config one category, two pages should write an index config file using the index template 1`] = `
macOS defaults
Please enable JavaScript to access this website.
exports[`write-config two categories, one page in each should write a navbar config file using the navbar template 1`] = `
"* Languages
* [fr-FR](/fr/)
* **en-US**
exports[`write-config two categories, one page in each should write a sidebar config file using the sidebar template 1`] = `
"* [Home](/)
* [Category 1](/category1/)
- [Page](/category1/page)
* [Category 2](/category2/)
- [Page](/category2/page)
exports[`write-config two categories, one page in each should write an index config file using the index template 1`] = `
macOS defaults