const fs = require('fs') const mkdirp = require('mkdirp') const pngquant = require('node-pngquant-native') const sharp = require('sharp') const Jimp = require('jimp') const robot = require('robotjs') const { spawn } = require('child_process') module.exports.captureImage = (x, y, w, h) => { // Taken from const pic = robot.screen.capture(x, y, w, h) const width = pic.byteWidth / pic.bytesPerPixel // pic.width is sometimes wrong! const height = pic.height const image = new Jimp(width, height) let red, green, blue pic.image.forEach((byte, i) => { switch (i % 4) { case 0: return (blue = byte) case 1: return (green = byte) case 2: return (red = byte) case 3:[i - 3] = red[i - 2] = green[i - 1] = blue[i] = 255 } }) return image } module.exports.compressPngImage = async ( inputPath, outputFolder, outputName ) => { const tmpOutput = `${outputFolder}/${outputName}-tmp.png` const finalOutput = `${outputFolder}/${outputName}.png` await mkdirp(outputFolder) fs.renameSync(inputPath, tmpOutput) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {' Compressing PNG image') sharp(tmpOutput) .resize(740, undefined, { fit:, withoutEnlargement: true, }) .toFormat('png') .toBuffer() .then((resizedBuffer) => { const responseBuffer = pngquant.compress(resizedBuffer) fs.writeFile(finalOutput, responseBuffer, (writeFileError) => { removeSync(tmpOutput) if (writeFileError) { console.error('An error occured while saving the image') reject(writeFileError) } resolve() }) }) }) } module.exports.compressVideo = async (inputPath, outputFolder, outputName) => { const tmpOutput = `${outputFolder}/${outputName}-tmp.mp4` const finalOutput = `${outputFolder}/${outputName}.mp4` await mkdirp(outputFolder) fs.renameSync(inputPath, tmpOutput) try { await resizeVideo(tmpOutput, finalOutput) } catch (resizeVideoError) { console.error('An error occured while resizing the video') throw new Error(resizeVideoError) } finally { removeSync(tmpOutput) } } function resizeVideo(input, output) {' Resizing video') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ffmpeg = spawn('ffmpeg', [ '-i', input, '-vf', "scale='min(740,iw)':-2", '-c:v', 'libx264', '-crf', '18', '-preset', 'veryslow', '-y', '-c:a', 'copy', output, ]) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'DEBUG') { ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function (message) { console.debug(`${message}`) }) } ffmpeg.on('exit', (ffmpegExitCode) => { if (ffmpegExitCode === '1') { return reject('ffmpeg') } resolve() }) }) } function removeSync(file) { if (fs.existsSync(file)) { fs.unlinkSync(file) } } module.exports.makeAppActive = async (appName) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const osascript = spawn('osascript', [ '-e', 'try', '-e', `tell application "${appName}" to activate`, '-e', 'end try', ]) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'DEBUG') { osascript.stderr.on('data', function (message) { console.debug(`${message}`) }) } osascript.on('exit', (osascriptExitCode) => { if (osascriptExitCode === '1') { return reject('osascript') } resolve() }) }) } module.exports.moveAndResizeApp = async (appName, cropArea, screenHeight) => { const x = { start: cropArea.x, end: cropArea.x + cropArea.width } const y = { start: screenHeight - cropArea.y - cropArea.height, end: screenHeight - cropArea.y, } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const osascript = spawn('osascript', [ '-e', 'try', '-e', `tell application "${appName}"`, '-e', `set the bounds of the first window to {${x.start}, ${y.start}, ${x.end}, ${y.end}}`, '-e', 'end tell', '-e', 'end try', ]) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'DEBUG') { osascript.stderr.on('data', function (message) { console.debug(`${message}`) }) } osascript.on('exit', (osascriptExitCode) => { if (osascriptExitCode === '1') { return reject('osascript') } resolve() }) }) }