# Full Mac Setup Process (for Jeff Geerling) There are some things in life that just can't be automated... or aren't 100% worth the time :( This document covers that, at least in terms of setting up a brand new Mac out of the box. ## Initial configuration of a brand new Mac Before starting, I completed Apple's mandatory macOS setup wizard (creating a local user account, and optionally signing into my iCloud account). Once on the macOS desktop, I do the following (in order): - Install Ansible (following the guide in [README.md](README.md)) - **Sign in in App Store** (since `mas` can't sign in automatically) - Clone mac-dev-playbook to the Mac: `git clone git@github.com:geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook.git` - Drop `config.yml` from `~/Dropbox/Apps/Config` to the playbook (copy over the network or using a USB flash drive). - Run the playbook with `--skip-tags post`. - If there are errors, you may need to finish up other tasks like installing 'old-fashioned' apps first (since I try to place Photoshop in the Dock and it can't be installed automatically). Then, run the playbook again ;) - Start Synchronization tasks: - Open Photos and make sure iCloud sync options are correct - Open Music, make sure computer is authorized, and set Library sync options - Open Dropbox, sign in, and set up sync - Install or complete setup for old-fashioned apps: - Open Creative Cloud, sign in, and install needed apps - Open iStat Menus and configure CPU/Net/Temp Combined view - (If required:) - Install [Elgato Stream Deck](https://www.elgato.com/en/downloads) - Open Livestream profile inside `~/Dropbox/Apps/Config/Stream Deck` - Install [Elgato Key Light Air (Control Center)](https://www.elgato.com/en/downloads) - Install [Autodesk Fusion 360](https://www.autodesk.com) - Install Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019 (https://account.microsoft.com/services/) - Install [Fritzing](https://fritzing.org/download/) - Configure FastMail account: - Log into Fastmail - Go to settings, go to the setup page for macOS Mail - Download the profile and double click to install - Head to the 'Profiles' System Preference pane and click install - Open Calendar and enable personal Google CalDAV account (you have to manually sign in). - Manually copy `~/Development` folder from another Mac (to save time). - Manual settings to automate someday: - System Preferences: - Accessibility > Display > Reduce transparency - Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts... > Modifier Keys... > Caps Lock to Esc - Safari: - View > Show Status Bar - Preferences > Advanced > "Show full website address" - Preferences > Advanced > "Show features for web developers" - Install the 'Return YouTube Dislike' Userscript in Userscripts - Dock: - Add jgeerling, Downloads, and Applications folders - Terminal: - Preferences > Profiles > Set JJG-Term as the default theme - _After Dropbox Sync completes_: Run the playbook with `--tags post` to complete setup. - Symlink the synchronized `config.yml` into the playbook dir: `ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/mac-dev-playbook/config.yml /Users/jgeerling/Development/mac-dev-playbook/config.yml` - These things might be automatable, but I do them manually right now: - Configure Time Machine backup drive and [Time Machine Editor](https://tclementdev.com/timemachineeditor/) (if needed) - Install Wireguard from App Store and add configuration (if needed) ## To Wrap in Post-provision automation The following tasks have to wait for the initial Dropbox sync to complete before they'll succeed. So ideally I'll stick this all in a post-provision script but somehow flag it not to run on first provision. ``` # ZSH Aliases. ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/.aliases /Users/jgeerling/.aliases # Electrum BTC Wallet. ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Electrum/default_wallet /Users/jgeerling/.electrum/wallets/default_wallet # SSH setup. ssh-keygen # and create a default key to set up .ssh folder sudo ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/ssh/config ~/.ssh/config # TODO - Manually copy any shared SSH keys that are needed. # Ansible setup. sudo mkdir -p /etc/ansible sudo ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/ansible/ansible.cfg /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg sudo ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/ansible/hosts /etc/ansible/hosts sudo ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/VMs/roles /etc/ansible/roles mkdir -p /Users/jgeerling/.ansible ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/ansible/galaxy_token /Users/jgeerling/.ansible/galaxy_token ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/ansible/mm-vault-password.txt /Users/jgeerling/.ansible/mm-vault-password.txt ln -s /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/VMs/ /Users/jgeerling/.ansible/collections # Final Cut Pro setup. (Open Motion first) cp -r /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/Motion/Motion\ Templates.localized/ /Users/jgeerling/Movies/Motion\ Templates.localized/ cp -r /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/Motion/Text\ Styles/ /Users/jgeerling/Library/Application\ Support/Motion/Library/Text\ Styles.localized/ # Sequel Ace favorites. (Open Sequel Ace first) cp /Users/jgeerling/Dropbox/Apps/Config/Sequel\ Ace/Favorites.plist /Users/jgeerling/Library/Containers/com.sequel-ace.sequel-ace/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Sequel\ Ace/Data/Favorites.plist # Font setup. cp ~/Dropbox/Apps/Config/Fonts/* ~/Library/Fonts/ # Vim setup. mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle cd ~/.vim/autoload curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/master/autoload/pathogen.vim > pathogen.vim cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone git://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git ``` ## When formatting old Mac - Sign out of Adobe Creative Cloud - Sign out of Panic Sync in Transmit - Deauthorize Apple Music in iTunes/Music App - Make sure anything new merged into `~/Dropbox/Apps/Config`: - Fonts from ~/Library/Fonts - Motion Plugins from ~/Movies/Motion - Final Cut Pro Text Styles in ~/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Text Styles - Sequel Ace shortcuts from ~/Library/Containers/com.sequel-ace.sequel-ace/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Sequel\ Ace/Data/Favorites.plist - Follow Apple's guide [here](https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT212749)