Michael Griffin
Added Transmission playbook. Also the realization recently cemented in my brain that I can use Ansible and Jinja2 variables anywhere in a playbook, and I mean anywhere! This will greatly help with separation of logic and DRY principles as I will be able to pull out the logic of dealing with DMGs, Tars, and Zips when installing, as they all seem to be using the same formula at this point. I will have to add DMG ejection to the flow, as well as determining how to automate the removal of DMGs from disk utility.
2013-04-14 02:13:21 -07:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made a lot of progress on automation. Created quite a few playbooks and thought about how to implement them most effectively! I'm going to work on installation scripts for ansible (so you could easily install it on a local or remote workstation), documentation, abstraction, and DRY principles etc.
2013-04-14 01:42:22 -07:00 |
Michael Griffin
Reorganized current play books and added a new one, bottle-mongodb.
2013-04-12 01:08:24 -07:00 |
Michael Griffin
Renamed playbooks to conform to a .yaml file name extension.
2013-03-15 10:27:25 -07:00 |
Michael Griffin
Added .vagrant files to a .gitignore, i.e. telling git to not track .vagrant temporary files
2013-03-04 03:33:54 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made some further addendums to README file well as renamed the hosts in the zeromq playbook, and the guests in the Vagrantfile. I could create a local Ansible playbook which would copy public SSH keys to all of the hosts, automatically.
2013-03-04 03:30:09 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Spelling correction
2013-03-03 03:42:46 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
A tad bit more formatting
2013-03-03 03:39:57 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Added descriptions of software managed by playbooks. Will eventually change to summarize playbooks themselves.
2013-03-03 03:31:22 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Changed the repo to encompass all Ansible playbooks I write
2013-03-03 03:13:21 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Added MIT LICENSE to the project
2013-03-03 02:11:17 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made some futher teaks to the summary to make it more specific, yet more universal
2013-03-03 01:52:17 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made a futher tweak to the README file in the phrasing of the summary
2013-03-03 01:49:04 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made further changes to the README file to include a list of ZeroMQ's dependancies
2013-03-03 01:47:07 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Made a wording change
2013-03-03 01:34:56 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Added a README file, created with Mou: a markdown editor for web developers
2013-03-03 01:30:37 -08:00 |
Michael Griffin
Laying the first stone
2013-03-03 00:51:03 -08:00 |