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configure_dotfiles: true
configure_terminal: true
configure_osx: true
# Set to 'true' to configure the Dock via dockutil.
configure_dock: false
dockitems_remove: []
# - Launchpad
# - TV
# - Podcasts
# - 'App Store'
dockitems_persist: []
# - name: "Sublime Text"
# path: "/Applications/Sublime"
# pos: 5
2021-04-12 15:37:55 +00:00
configure_sudoers: false
sudoers_custom_config: ''
# Example:
# sudoers_custom_config: |
# # Allow users in admin group to use sudo with no password.
dotfiles_repo_accept_hostkey: true
2020-03-20 18:38:40 +00:00
dotfiles_repo_local_destination: ~/Development/GitHub/dotfiles
- .zshrc
- .gitignore
- .inputrc
- .osx
- .vimrc
# - ansible # Installed via Pip.
- autoconf
- bash-completion
- doxygen
- gettext
- gifsicle
- git
- gh
2015-01-17 03:22:12 +00:00
- go
2015-02-10 21:58:48 +00:00
- gpg
2016-02-25 18:17:32 +00:00
- httpie
2015-02-17 03:24:34 +00:00
- iperf
- libevent
- sqlite
2016-10-07 16:33:21 +00:00
- nmap
2017-06-02 16:53:33 +00:00
- node
2015-12-09 20:09:00 +00:00
- nvm
- php
- ssh-copy-id
- cowsay
- readline
- openssl
- pv
- wget
2015-02-26 15:51:41 +00:00
- wrk
- zsh-history-substring-search
homebrew_taps: []
homebrew_cask_appdir: /Applications
- chromedriver
- docker
- dropbox
- firefox
- google-chrome
- handbrake
- licecap
- sequel-ace
- slack
- sublime-text
- transmit
# See `geerlingguy.mas` role documentation for usage instructions.
mas_installed_apps: []
mas_email: ""
mas_password: ""
osx_script: "~/.osx --no-restart"
2017-05-31 15:07:42 +00:00
# Install packages from other package managers.
# Note: You are responsible for making sure the required package managers are
# installed, eg. through homebrew.
composer_packages: []
# - name: drush
# state: present # present/absent, default: present
# version: "^8.1" # default: N/A
gem_packages: []
# - name: bundler
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "~> 1.15.1" # default: N/A
npm_packages: []
# - name: webpack
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "^2.6" # default: N/A
pip_packages: []
# - name: mkdocs
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "0.16.3" # default: N/A
# Set to 'true' to configure Sublime Text.
configure_sublime: false
sublime_base_path: '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text'
sublime_config_path: "Packages/User"
- "DocBlockr"
- "Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting"
- "FileDiffs"
- "GitHub Flavored Markdown Preview"
- "Jinja2"
- "Package Control"
- "PHP-Twig"
- "Pretty JSON"
- "SublimeLinter"
- "SublimeLinter-contrib-yamllint"
- "TrailingSpaces"
- "WordCount"
# Glob pattern to ansible task files to run after all other tasks are finished.
2017-05-31 15:07:42 +00:00
post_provision_tasks: []