Hector Martin fb36e30236 firmware: Add support for 12.3.1 firmware.
This includes mapping it to 12.3.0 for compat in both DCP and GPU.

Added for machines with replaced logic boards that trigger the 12.3
bootloop issue.

Also fix the 12.5/12.6 version arrays which were wrong.

Signed-off-by: Hector Martin <marcan@marcan.st>
2022-12-08 23:04:01 +09:00

452 lines
14 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
#include "kboot.h"
#include "adt.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "firmware.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "pmgr.h"
#include "soc.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "libfdt/libfdt.h"
#define bail(...) \
do { \
printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
return -1; \
} while (0)
#define MAX_PSTATES 16
#define MAX_CLUSTERS 8
struct perf_state {
u32 freq;
u32 volt;
static int get_core_counts(u32 *count, u32 nclusters, u32 ncores)
u64 base;
int adt_sgx_path[8];
if (adt_path_offset_trace(adt, "/arm-io/sgx", adt_sgx_path) < 0)
bail("ADT: GPU: Failed to get sgx\n");
if (adt_get_reg(adt, adt_sgx_path, "reg", 0, &base, NULL) < 0)
bail("ADT: GPU: Failed to get sgx reg 0\n");
u32 cores_lo = read32(base + 0xd01500);
u32 cores_hi = read32(base + 0xd01514);
u64 cores = (((u64)cores_hi) << 32) | cores_lo;
for (u32 i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) {
count[i] = __builtin_popcount(cores & MASK(ncores));
cores >>= ncores;
return 0;
static void adjust_leakage(float *val, u32 clusters, u32 *cores, u32 max, float uncore_fraction)
for (u32 i = 0; i < clusters; i++) {
float uncore = val[i] * uncore_fraction;
float core = val[i] - uncore;
val[i] = uncore + (cores[i] / (float)max) * core;
static void load_fuses(float *out, u32 count, u64 base, u32 start, u32 width, float scale,
float offset, bool flip)
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
base += (start / 32) * 4;
start &= 31;
u32 low = read32(base);
u32 high = read32(base + 4);
u32 val = (((((u64)high) << 32) | low) >> start) & MASK(width);
float fval = (float)val * scale + offset;
if (flip)
out[count - i - 1] = fval;
out[i] = fval;
start += width;
static u32 t8103_pwr_scale[] = {0, 63, 80, 108, 150, 198, 210};
static int calc_power_t8103(u32 count, u32 table_count, const struct perf_state *core,
const struct perf_state *sram, u32 *max_pwr, float *core_leak,
float *sram_leak)
u32 *pwr_scale;
u32 pwr_scale_count;
u32 core_count;
u32 max_cores;
switch (chip_id) {
case T8103:
pwr_scale = t8103_pwr_scale;
pwr_scale_count = ARRAY_SIZE(t8103_pwr_scale);
max_cores = 8;
bail("ADT: GPU: Unsupported chip\n");
if (get_core_counts(&core_count, 1, max_cores))
return -1;
if (table_count != 1)
bail("ADT: GPU: expected 1 perf state table but got %d\n", table_count);
if (count != pwr_scale_count)
bail("ADT: GPU: expected %d perf states but got %d\n", pwr_scale_count, count);
for (u32 i = 0; i < pwr_scale_count; i++)
max_pwr[i] = (u32)core[i].volt * (u32)pwr_scale[i] * 100;
core_leak[0] = 1000.0;
sram_leak[0] = 45.0;
adjust_leakage(core_leak, 1, &core_count, max_cores, 0.12);
adjust_leakage(sram_leak, 1, &core_count, max_cores, 0.2);
return 0;
static int calc_power_t600x(u32 count, u32 table_count, const struct perf_state *core,
const struct perf_state *sram, u32 *max_pwr, float *core_leak,
float *sram_leak)
float s_sram, k_sram, s_core, k_core;
float dk_core, dk_sram;
float imax = 1000;
u32 nclusters = 0;
u32 ncores = 0;
u32 core_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
bool simple_exps = false;
bool adjust_leakages = true;
switch (chip_id) {
case T6002:
nclusters += 4;
load_fuses(core_leak + 4, 4, 0x22922bc1b8, 25, 13, 2, 2, true);
load_fuses(sram_leak + 4, 4, 0x22922bc1cc, 4, 9, 1, 1, true);
// fallthrough
case T6001:
nclusters += 2;
case T6000:
nclusters += 2;
load_fuses(core_leak + 0, min(4, nclusters), 0x2922bc1b8, 25, 13, 2, 2, false);
load_fuses(sram_leak + 0, min(4, nclusters), 0x2922bc1cc, 4, 9, 1, 1, false);
s_sram = 4.3547606;
k_sram = 0.024927923;
// macOS difference: macOS uses a misbehaved piecewise function here
// Since it's obviously wrong, let's just use only the first component
s_core = 1.48461742;
k_core = 0.39013552;
dk_core = 8.558;
dk_sram = 0.05;
ncores = 8;
adjust_leakages = true;
imax = 26.0;
case T8112:
nclusters = 1;
load_fuses(core_leak, 1, 0x23d2c84dc, 30, 13, 2, 2, false);
load_fuses(sram_leak, 1, 0x23d2c84b0, 15, 9, 1, 1, false);
s_sram = 3.61619841;
k_sram = 0.0529281;
// macOS difference: macOS uses a misbehaved piecewise function here
// Since it's obviously wrong, let's just use only the first component
s_core = 1.21356187;
k_core = 0.43328839;
dk_core = 9.83196;
dk_sram = 0.07828;
simple_exps = true;
ncores = 10;
adjust_leakages = false; // pre-adjusted?
imax = 24.0;
if (get_core_counts(core_count, nclusters, ncores))
return -1;
printf("FDT: GPU: Core counts: ");
for (u32 i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) {
printf("%d ", core_count[i]);
if (adjust_leakages) {
adjust_leakage(core_leak, nclusters, core_count, ncores, 0.0825);
adjust_leakage(sram_leak, nclusters, core_count, ncores, 0.2247);
if (table_count != nclusters)
bail("ADT: GPU: expected %d perf state tables but got %d\n", nclusters, table_count);
max_pwr[0] = 0;
for (u32 i = 1; i < count; i++) {
u32 total_mw = 0;
for (u32 j = 0; j < nclusters; j++) {
// macOS difference: macOS truncates Hz to integer MHz before doing this math.
// That's probably wrong, so let's not do that.
float mw = 0;
size_t idx = j * count + i;
mw += sram[idx].volt / 1000.f * sram_leak[j] * k_sram *
expf(sram[idx].volt / 1000.f * s_sram);
mw += core[idx].volt / 1000.f * core_leak[j] * k_core *
expf(core[idx].volt / 1000.f * s_core);
float sbase = sram[idx].volt / 750.f;
float sram_v_p;
if (simple_exps)
sram_v_p = sbase * sbase; // v ^ 2
sram_v_p = sbase * sbase * sbase; // v ^ 3
mw += dk_sram * (sram[idx].freq / 1000000.f) * sram_v_p;
float cbase = core[idx].volt / 750.f;
float core_v_p;
if (simple_exps || core[idx].volt < 750)
core_v_p = cbase * cbase; // v ^ 2
core_v_p = cbase * cbase * cbase; // v ^ 3
mw += dk_core * (core[idx].freq / 1000000.f) * core_v_p;
if (mw > imax * core[idx].volt)
mw = imax * core[idx].volt;
total_mw += mw;
max_pwr[i] = total_mw * 1000;
return 0;
static int dt_set_region(void *dt, int sgx, const char *name, const char *path)
u64 base, size;
char prop[64];
snprintf(prop, sizeof(prop), "%s-base", name);
if (ADT_GETPROP(adt, sgx, prop, &base) < 0 || !base)
bail("ADT: GPU: failed to find %s property\n", prop);
snprintf(prop, sizeof(prop), "%s-size", name);
if (ADT_GETPROP(adt, sgx, prop, &size) < 0 || !base)
bail("ADT: GPU: failed to find %s property\n", prop);
int node = fdt_path_offset(dt, path);
if (node < 0)
bail("FDT: GPU: failed to find %s node\n", path);
fdt64_t reg[2];
fdt64_st(&reg[0], base);
fdt64_st(&reg[1], size);
if (fdt_setprop_inplace(dt, node, "reg", reg, sizeof(reg)))
bail("FDT: GPU: failed to set reg prop for %s\n", path);
return 0;
int fdt_set_float_array(void *dt, int node, const char *name, float *val, int count)
fdt32_t data[MAX_CLUSTERS];
if (count > MAX_CLUSTERS)
bail("FDT: GPU: fdt_set_float_array() with too many values\n");
memcpy(data, val, sizeof(float) * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
data[i] = cpu_to_fdt32(data[i]);
if (fdt_setprop_inplace(dt, node, name, data, sizeof(u32) * count))
bail("FDT: GPU: Failed to set %s\n", name);
return 0;
int dt_set_gpu(void *dt)
int (*calc_power)(u32 count, u32 table_count, const struct perf_state *perf,
const struct perf_state *sram, u32 *max_pwr, float *core_leak,
float *sram_leak);
printf("FDT: GPU: Initializing GPU info\n");
switch (chip_id) {
case T8103:
calc_power = calc_power_t8103;
case T6000:
case T6001:
case T6002:
case T8112:
calc_power = calc_power_t600x;
printf("ADT: GPU: unsupported chip!\n");
return 0;
int gpu = fdt_path_offset(dt, "gpu");
if (gpu < 0) {
printf("FDT: GPU: gpu alias not found in device tree\n");
return 0;
int len;
const fdt32_t *opps_ph = fdt_getprop(dt, gpu, "operating-points-v2", &len);
if (!opps_ph || len != 4)
bail("FDT: GPU: operating-points-v2 not found\n");
int opps = fdt_node_offset_by_phandle(dt, fdt32_ld(opps_ph));
if (opps < 0)
bail("FDT: GPU: node for phandle %u not found\n", fdt32_ld(opps_ph));
int sgx = adt_path_offset(adt, "/arm-io/sgx");
if (sgx < 0)
bail("ADT: GPU: /arm-io/sgx node not found\n");
u32 perf_state_count;
if (ADT_GETPROP(adt, sgx, "perf-state-count", &perf_state_count) < 0 || !perf_state_count)
bail("ADT: GPU: missing perf-state-count\n");
u32 perf_state_table_count;
if (ADT_GETPROP(adt, sgx, "perf-state-table-count", &perf_state_table_count) < 0 ||
bail("ADT: GPU: missing perf-state-table-count\n");
if (perf_state_count > MAX_PSTATES)
bail("ADT: GPU: perf-state-count too large\n");
if (perf_state_table_count > MAX_CLUSTERS)
bail("ADT: GPU: perf-state-table-count too large\n");
u32 perf_states_len;
const struct perf_state *perf_states, *perf_states_sram;
perf_states = adt_getprop(adt, sgx, "perf-states", &perf_states_len);
if (!perf_states ||
perf_states_len != sizeof(*perf_states) * perf_state_count * perf_state_table_count)
bail("ADT: GPU: invalid perf-states length\n");
perf_states_sram = adt_getprop(adt, sgx, "perf-states-sram", &perf_states_len);
if (perf_states_sram &&
perf_states_len != sizeof(*perf_states) * perf_state_count * perf_state_table_count)
bail("ADT: GPU: invalid perf-states-sram length\n");
u32 max_pwr[MAX_PSTATES];
float core_leak[MAX_CLUSTERS];
float sram_leak[MAX_CLUSTERS];
if (calc_power(perf_state_count, perf_state_table_count, perf_states, perf_states_sram, max_pwr,
core_leak, sram_leak))
return -1;
printf("FDT: GPU: Max power table: ");
for (u32 i = 0; i < perf_state_count; i++) {
printf("%d ", max_pwr[i]);
printf("\nFDT: GPU: Core leakage table: ");
for (u32 i = 0; i < perf_state_table_count; i++) {
printf("%d.%03d ", (int)core_leak[i], ((int)(core_leak[i] * 1000) % 1000));
printf("\nFDT: GPU: SRAM leakage table: ");
for (u32 i = 0; i < perf_state_table_count; i++) {
printf("%d.%03d ", (int)sram_leak[i], ((int)(sram_leak[i] * 1000) % 1000));
if (fdt_set_float_array(dt, gpu, "apple,core-leak-coef", core_leak, perf_state_table_count))
return -1;
if (fdt_set_float_array(dt, gpu, "apple,sram-leak-coef", sram_leak, perf_state_table_count))
return -1;
if (firmware_set_fdt(dt, gpu, "apple,firmware-version", &os_firmware))
return -1;
const struct fw_version_info *compat;
switch (os_firmware.version) {
case V12_3_1:
compat = &fw_versions[V12_3];
compat = &os_firmware;
if (firmware_set_fdt(dt, gpu, "apple,firmware-compat", compat))
return -1;
u32 i = 0;
int opp;
fdt_for_each_subnode(opp, dt, opps)
fdt32_t volts[MAX_CLUSTERS];
for (u32 j = 0; j < perf_state_table_count; j++) {
volts[j] = cpu_to_fdt32(perf_states[i + j * perf_state_count].volt * 1000);
if (i >= perf_state_count)
bail("FDT: GPU: Expected %d operating points, but found more\n", perf_state_count);
if (fdt_setprop_inplace(dt, opp, "opp-microvolt", &volts,
sizeof(u32) * perf_state_table_count))
bail("FDT: GPU: Failed to set opp-microvolt for PS %d\n", i);
if (fdt_setprop_inplace_u64(dt, opp, "opp-hz", perf_states[i].freq))
bail("FDT: GPU: Failed to set opp-hz for PS %d\n", i);
if (fdt_setprop_inplace_u32(dt, opp, "opp-microwatt", max_pwr[i]))
bail("FDT: GPU: Failed to set opp-microwatt for PS %d\n", i);
if (i != perf_state_count)
bail("FDT: GPU: Expected %d operating points, but found %d\n", perf_state_count, i);
if (dt_set_region(dt, sgx, "gfx-handoff", "/reserved-memory/uat-handoff"))
return -1;
if (dt_set_region(dt, sgx, "gfx-shared-region", "/reserved-memory/uat-pagetables"))
return -1;
if (dt_set_region(dt, sgx, "gpu-region", "/reserved-memory/uat-ttbs"))
return -1;
return 0;