Sven Peter d73276b0bc tunables: add initial version.
There are at least two types in the ADT related to USB,
but there's a decent chance that there are even more
required for other devices:

 * A simple tunable that applies to a whole device node
   and all its MMIO ranges specified in the "reg" property.
   This one seems to just be mask32.

 * A slightly more complex tunable that applies to a single
   MMIO range specified in the "reg" property. So far I've
   only seen 32 bit masks but the format looks like it should
   also support 8,16 and 64 bit masks.

Signed-off-by: Sven Peter <sven@svenpeter.dev>
2021-04-08 20:32:12 +09:00

109 lines
3 KiB

ARCH := aarch64-linux-gnu-
ifeq ($(USE_CLANG),1)
CC := clang --target=$(ARCH)
AS := clang --target=$(ARCH)
LD := ld.lld
OBJCOPY := llvm-objcopy
CC := $(ARCH)gcc
AS := $(ARCH)gcc
LD := $(ARCH)ld
OBJCOPY := $(ARCH)objcopy
CFLAGS := -O2 -Wall -Wundef -Werror=strict-prototypes -fno-common -fno-PIE \
-Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=implicit-int \
-Wsign-compare -Wunused-parameter -Wno-multichar \
-ffreestanding -fpic -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \
-nostdinc -isystem $(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=include) -isystem sysinc \
-fno-stack-protector -mgeneral-regs-only -mstrict-align -march=armv8.2-a
LDFLAGS := -T m1n1.ld -EL -maarch64elf --no-undefined -X -Bsymbolic \
-z notext --no-apply-dynamic-relocs --orphan-handling=warn --strip-debug \
-z nocopyreloc --gc-sections -pie
MINILZLIB_OBJECTS := $(patsubst %,minilzlib/%, \
dictbuf.o inputbuf.o lzma2dec.o lzmadec.o rangedec.o xzstream.o)
TINF_OBJECTS := $(patsubst %,tinf/%, \
adler32.o crc32.o tinfgzip.o tinflate.o tinfzlib.o)
DLMALLOC_OBJECTS := dlmalloc/malloc.o
LIBFDT_OBJECTS := $(patsubst %,libfdt/%, \
fdt_addresses.o fdt_empty_tree.o fdt_ro.o fdt_rw.o fdt_strerror.o fdt_sw.o \
fdt_wip.o fdt.o)
OBJECTS := adt.o bootlogo_128.o bootlogo_256.o chickens.o exception.o exception_asm.o fb.o \
heapblock.o kboot.o main.o memory.o memory_asm.o payload.o proxy.o smp.o start.o startup.o \
string.o tunables.o uart.o uartproxy.o utils.o utils_asm.o vsprintf.o wdt.o $(MINILZLIB_OBJECTS) \
DTS := t8103-j274.dts
BUILD_OBJS := $(patsubst %,build/%,$(OBJECTS))
DTBS := $(patsubst %.dts,build/dtb/%.dtb,$(DTS))
NAME := m1n1
TARGET := m1n1.macho
DEPDIR := build/.deps
.PHONY: all clean format
all: build/$(TARGET) $(DTBS)
rm -rf build/*
clang-format -i src/*.c src/*.h sysinc/*.h
clang-format --dry-run --Werror src/*.c src/*.h sysinc/*.h
build/dtb/%.dts: dts/%.dts
@echo " DTCPP $@"
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
@$(CC) -E -nostdinc -I dts -x assembler-with-cpp -o $@ $<
build/dtb/%.dtb: build/dtb/%.dts
@echo " DTC $@"
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
@dtc -I dts -i dts $< -o $@
build/%.o: src/%.S
@echo " AS $@"
@mkdir -p $(DEPDIR)
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
@$(AS) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wp,-MMD,$(DEPDIR)/$(*F).d,-MQ,"$@",-MP -o $@ $<
build/%.o: src/%.c
@echo " CC $@"
@mkdir -p $(DEPDIR)
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
@$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wp,-MMD,$(DEPDIR)/$(*F).d,-MQ,"$@",-MP -o $@ $<
build/$(NAME).elf: $(BUILD_OBJS) m1n1.ld
@echo " LD $@"
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILD_OBJS)
build/$(NAME).macho: build/$(NAME).elf
@echo " MACHO $@"
@$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
@echo " TAG $@"
@echo "#define BUILD_TAG \"$$(git describe --always --dirty)\"" > $@
build/%.bin: data/%.png
@echo " IMG $@"
@convert $< -background black -flatten -depth 8 rgba:$@
build/%.o: build/%.bin
@echo " BIN $@"
@$(OBJCOPY) -I binary -B aarch64 -O elf64-littleaarch64 $< $@
build/main.o: build/build_tag.h src/main.c
-include $(DEPDIR)/*