hv/trace_mesa.py: add mesa tracer

Mesa is Apple's codename for the TouchID sensor. On M1-based
systems, it is connected to the SPI bus and communicates via
SIO on DMA channels 0x18 and 0x19. The application processors
seem to have very little to do with its operation.

After power on, the command buffer is encrypted by the SEP and
very little useful data can be gleaned from snooping the SIO
messages. While the commands are garbled by the SEP, we can see
that it has a few recurring themes:

* A power on routine involving some sort of calibration, perhaps
  to get a noise image to subtract from each fingerprint

* A polling mode where it is kicked by the kernel and acks if
  there's no finger on the sensor (runs while macOS waits for a

* A data transfer mode, where a SIO message is sent to an unmapped
  EP and the fingerprint scanned into memory. Likely triggered by
  an interrupt coming off the finger detection ring, but I haven't
  been able to verify this.

Signed-off-by: James Calligeros <jcalligeros99@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
James Calligeros 2022-06-10 16:04:10 +10:00 committed by Hector Martin
parent 66a85593db
commit e2d671d597

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@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Things to note:
The command buffer is encrypted after the poweron sequence, and I
can't find the key in the SEP using sven's old SEP tracer.
import struct
from construct import *
from m1n1.hv import TraceMode
from m1n1.proxyutils import RegMonitor
from m1n1.utils import *
from m1n1.trace import ADTDevTracer
from m1n1.trace.asc import ASCTracer, ASCRegs, EP, EPState, msg, msg_log, DIR
from m1n1.trace.dart import DARTTracer
from m1n1.trace.gpio import GPIOTracer
from m1n1.trace.spi import SPITracer
DARTTracer = DARTTracer._reloadcls()
ASCTracer = ASCTracer._reloadcls()
GPIOTracer = GPIOTracer._reloadcls()
SPITracer = SPITracer._reloadcls()
mesa_node = None
for node in hv.adt.walk_tree():
if node.compatible[0] == "spi-1,spimc":
for c in node:
if c.compatible[0] == "biosensor,mesa":
mesa_node = c
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
if mesa_node is not None:
# trace interrupts
aic_phandle = getattr(hv.adt["/arm-io/aic"], "AAPL,phandle")
spi_node = mesa_node._parent
if getattr(spi_node, "interrupt-parent") == aic_phandle:
for irq in getattr(spi_node, "interrupts"):
hv.trace_irq("/arm-io/" + spi_node.name, irq, 1, hv.IRQTRACE_IRQ)
if getattr(mesa_node, "interrupt-parent") == aic_phandle:
for irq in getattr(mesa_node, "interrupts"):
hv.trace_irq("/arm-io/" + mesa_node.name, irq, 1, hv.IRQTRACE_IRQ)
mesa_pins = {
0xc4: "mesa_pwr",
# Trace entire SPI MMIO range, can probably disable
#trace_range(irange(0x000000019B108000, 0x4000), mode=TraceMode.SYNC)
gpio_tracer = GPIOTracer(hv, "/arm-io/gpio0", mesa_pins, verbose=1)
dart_sio_tracer = DARTTracer(hv, "/arm-io/dart-sio", verbose=1)
iomon = RegMonitor(hv.u, ascii=True)
def readmem_iova(addr, size):
return dart_sio_tracer.dart.ioread(0, addr, size)
except Exception as e:
return None
iomon.readmem = readmem_iova
class SIOMessage(Register64):
EP = 7, 0 # SPI2 DMA channels 0x18, 0x19
TAG = 13, 8 # counts up, message ID?
TYPE = 23, 16 # SIO message type
PARAM = 31, 24
DATA = 63, 32
class SIOStart(SIOMessage):
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(2)
class SIOSetup(SIOMessage):
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(3)
class SIOConfig(SIOMessage): #???
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(5)
class SIOAck(SIOMessage):
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(0x65)
class SIOSetupIO(SIOMessage):
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(6)
class SIOCompleteIO(SIOMessage):
TYPE = 23, 16, Constant(0x68)
class SIOEp(EP):
SHORT = "sioep"
def __init__(self, tracer, epid):
super().__init__(tracer, epid)
self.state.iova = None
self.state.iova_cfg = None
self.state.iova_unk = None
self.state.dumpfile = None
@msg(2, DIR.TX, SIOStart)
def Start(self, msg):
self.log("Start SIO")
@msg(3, DIR.TX, SIOSetup)
def m_Setup(self, msg):
if msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0x1:
self.state.iova = msg.DATA << 12
elif msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0x2:
# size for PARAM == 0x1?
iomon.add(self.state.iova, msg.DATA * 8,
name=f"SIO IOVA region at 0x{self.state.iova:08x}",
elif msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0xb:
# second iova block, maybe config
self.state.iova_cfg = msg.DATA << 12
elif msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0xc:
# size for PARAM == 0xb?
iomon.add(self.state.iova_cfg, msg.DATA * 8,
name=f"SIO IOVA CFG region at 0x{self.state.iova_cfg:08x}",
#if msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0xd:
## possible fingerprint sensor IOVA region
#self.state.iova_unk = msg.DATA << 12
#elif msg.EP == 0 and msg.PARAM == 0xe:
#iomon.add(self.state.iova_unk, msg.DATA * 8,
#name=f"SIO IOVA UNK region at {self.state.iova_unk:08x}",
@msg(5, DIR.TX, SIOConfig)
def m_Config(self, msg):
@msg(0x65, DIR.RX, SIOAck)
def m_Ack(self, msg):
@msg(6, DIR.TX, SIOSetupIO)
def m_SetupIO(self, msg):
if msg.EP == 0x18:
if self.state.iova is None:
buf = struct.unpack("<I", self.tracer.ioread(self.state.iova + 0xa8, 4))[0]
size = struct.unpack("<I", self.tracer.ioread(self.state.iova + 0xb0, 4))[0]
self.log(f"SetupIO 0x18: buf {buf:#x}, size {size:#x}")
# XXX: Do not try to log messages going to 0x2
if buf == 0x2:
self.log("Mesa command interrupted!")
self.log_mesa("TO Mesa? (0x18)", self.tracer.ioread(buf, size))
@msg(0x68, DIR.RX, SIOCompleteIO)
def m_CompleteIO(self, msg):
if msg.EP == 0x19:
if self.state.iova is None:
buf = struct.unpack("<I", self.tracer.ioread(self.state.iova + 0x48, 4))[0]
size = struct.unpack("<I", self.tracer.ioread(self.state.iova + 0x50, 4))[0]
self.log(f"CompleteIO 0x19: buf {buf:#x}, size {size:#x}")
# XXX: Do not try to log messages going to 0x2
if buf == 0x2:
self.log("Mesa command interrupted!")
self.log_mesa("FROM Mesa? (0x19)", self.tracer.ioread(buf, size))
def log_mesa(self, label, data):
self.log(f"{label}: {len(data):d} byte message: ")
class SIOTracer(ASCTracer):
0x20: SIOEp
# RegMonitor for fingerprint endpoints?
# Read pages pointed to by SIO
#iomon.add((0x3d0 << 12), 0x4000, name="MESA 0x19?", offset=(0x3d0 << 12))
#trace_device("/arm-io/spi2", True)
#iomon.add((0x3db << 12), 0x4000, name="MESA 0x18?", offset=(0x3db << 12))
sio_tracer = SIOTracer(hv, "/arm-io/sio", verbose=1)
# This doesn't seem to do anything
spi_tracer = SPITracer(hv, "/arm-io/" + spi_node.name, verbose=1)