m1n1.fw.dcp: Add DCP client framework, port tracer to it

This also includes an update to the macOS 12.0 beta ABI

Signed-off-by: Hector Martin <marcan@marcan.st>
This commit is contained in:
Hector Martin 2021-08-14 16:39:17 +09:00
parent b32aec3786
commit de5b5d996c
6 changed files with 748 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -461,23 +461,7 @@ KNOWN_MSGS = {
22: getNamedProperty
class DCPMessage(Register64):
TYPE = 3, 0
class DCPEp_SetShmem(DCPMessage):
IOVA = 47, 16
class CallContext(IntEnum):
CMD = 2
OOB = 6
class DCPEp_Msg(DCPMessage):
LEN = 63, 32
OFF = 31, 16
CTX = 11, 8, CallContext
ACK = 6
from m1n1.fw.dcp.dcpep import DCPMessage, DCPEp_SetShmem, CallContext, DCPEp_Msg
class DCPCallState:
@ -571,23 +555,26 @@ class DCPEp(EP):
self.state.ch = {}
self.state.dumpfile = None
self.ch_cb = DCPCallChannel(self, "CB", 0x60000, 0x20000)
self.ch_cb = DCPCallChannel(self, "CB", 0x60000, 0x8000)
self.ch_cmd = DCPCallChannel(self, "CMD", 0, 0x8000)
self.ch_async = DCPCallChannel(self, "ASYNC", 0x40000, 0x20000)
self.ch_oob = DCPCallChannel(self, "OOB", 0x8000, 0x8000)
self.ch_oobcb = DCPCallChannel(self, "OOBCB", 0x68000, 0x8000)
self.ch_oobcmd = DCPCallChannel(self, "OOBCMD", 0x8000, 0x8000)
self.cmd_ch = {
CallContext.CALLBACK: self.ch_cmd,
CallContext.CB: self.ch_cmd,
CallContext.CMD: self.ch_cmd,
CallContext.ASYNC: self.ch_oob, # guess?
CallContext.OOB: self.ch_oob,
CallContext.ASYNC: None, # unknown
CallContext.OOBCB: self.ch_oobcmd,
CallContext.OOBCMD: self.ch_oobcmd,
self.cb_ch = {
CallContext.CALLBACK: self.ch_cb,
CallContext.CB: self.ch_cb,
CallContext.CMD: None,
CallContext.ASYNC: self.ch_async,
CallContext.OOB: None,
CallContext.OOBCB: self.ch_oobcb,
CallContext.OOBCMD: None,
def start(self):
@ -607,8 +594,8 @@ class DCPEp(EP):
@msg(0, DIR.TX, DCPEp_SetShmem)
def SetShmem(self, msg):
self.log(f"Shared memory IOVA: {msg.IOVA:#x}")
self.state.shmem_iova = msg.IOVA
self.log(f"Shared memory DVA: {msg.DVA:#x}")
self.state.shmem_iova = msg.DVA & 0xffffffff
@msg(2, DIR.TX, DCPEp_Msg)
@ -625,6 +612,7 @@ class DCPEp(EP):
@msg(2, DIR.RX, DCPEp_Msg)
def Rx(self, msg):
if msg.ACK:
self.cmd_ch[msg.CTX].ack(msg, "<")
@ -704,6 +692,9 @@ class DCPTracer(ASCTracer):
dart_dcp_tracer = DARTTracer(hv, "/arm-io/dart-dcp")
dart_disp0_tracer = DARTTracer(hv, "/arm-io/dart-disp0")
def readmem_iova(addr, size):
return dart_dcp_tracer.dart.ioread(0, addr, size)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from ...utils import *
from ..asc import StandardASC
from .dcpep import DCPEndpoint
class DCPClient(StandardASC):
0x37: DCPEndpoint,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import struct
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum
from ..asc.base import *
from ...utils import *
## DCP main endpoint
class DCPMessage(Register64):
TYPE = 3, 0
class DCPEp_SetShmem(DCPMessage):
DVA = 63, 16
FLAG = 7, 4, Constant(4)
TYPE = 3, 0, Constant(0)
class DCPEp_InitComplete(DCPMessage):
TYPE = 3, 0, Constant(1)
class CallContext(IntEnum):
CB = 0
CMD = 2
class DCPEp_Msg(DCPMessage):
LEN = 63, 32
OFF = 31, 16
CTX = 11, 8, CallContext
ACK = 6
TYPE = 3, 0, Constant(2)
class DCPCallState:
tag: str
off: int
in_len: int
in_data: bytes
out_addr: int
out_len: int
complete: bool = False
class DCPCallChannel(Reloadable):
def __init__(self, dcpep, name, buf, bufsize):
self.dcp = dcpep
self.name = name
self.buf = buf
self.bufsize = bufsize
self.off = 0
self.pending = []
def ack(self):
if not self.pending:
raise Exception("ACK with no calls pending")
self.pending[-1].complete = True
def call(self, ctx, tag, inbuf, out_len):
in_len = len(inbuf)
data = tag.encode("ascii")[::-1] + struct.pack("<II", in_len, out_len) + inbuf
data_size = len(data) + out_len
assert (self.off + data_size) <= self.bufsize
self.dcp.asc.iface.writemem(self.dcp.shmem + self.buf + self.off, data)
state = DCPCallState(off=self.off, tag=tag, in_len=in_len, in_data=data, out_len=out_len,
out_addr=self.buf + self.off + 12 + in_len)
self.off += align_up(data_size, 0x40)
print(f"len={data_size:#x} {in_len}")
self.dcp.send(DCPEp_Msg(LEN=data_size, OFF=state.off, CTX=ctx, ACK=0))
while not state.complete:
print(f"off={state.out_addr:#x} len={out_len}")
out_data = self.dcp.asc.iface.readmem(self.dcp.shmem + state.out_addr, out_len)
assert self.pending.pop() is state
self.off = state.off
return out_data
class DCPCallbackChannel(Reloadable):
def __init__(self, dcpep, name, buf, bufsize):
self.dcp = dcpep
self.name = name
self.buf = buf
self.bufsize = bufsize
self.pending = []
def cb(self, msg):
data = self.dcp.asc.iface.readmem(self.dcp.shmem + self.buf + msg.OFF, msg.LEN)
tag = data[:4][::-1].decode("ascii")
in_len, out_len = struct.unpack("<II", data[4:12])
in_data = data[12:12 + in_len]
state = DCPCallState(off=msg.OFF, tag=tag, in_len=in_len, out_len=out_len,
in_data=in_data, out_addr=self.buf + msg.OFF + 12 + in_len)
out_data = self.dcp.mgr.handle_cb(state)
self.dcp.asc.iface.writemem(self.dcp.shmem + state.out_addr, out_data)
self.dcp.send(DCPEp_Msg(CTX=msg.CTX, ACK=1))
assert self.pending.pop() is state
class DCPEndpoint(ASCBaseEndpoint):
SHORT = "dcpep"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.shmem = self.shmem_dva = None
self.init_complete = False
self.mgr = None
self.ch_cb = DCPCallbackChannel(self, "CB", 0x60000, 0x8000)
self.ch_cmd = DCPCallChannel(self, "CMD", 0, 0x8000)
self.ch_async = DCPCallbackChannel(self, "ASYNC", 0x40000, 0x20000)
self.ch_oobcb = DCPCallbackChannel(self, "OOBCB", 0x68000, 0x8000)
self.ch_oobcmd = DCPCallChannel(self, "OOBCMD", 0x8000, 0x8000)
@msg_handler(2, DCPEp_Msg)
def Rx(self, msg):
if msg.ACK:
if msg.CTX in (CallContext.CMD, CallContext.CB):
elif msg.CTX in (CallContext.OOBCMD, CallContext.OOBCB):
raise Exception(f"Unknown RX ack channel {msg.CTX}")
if msg.CTX == CallContext.CB:
elif msg.CTX == CallContext.OOBCMD:
elif msg.CTX == CallContext.ASYNC:
raise Exception(f"Unknown RX callback channel {msg.CTX}")
return True
@msg_handler(1, DCPEp_InitComplete)
def InitComplete(self, msg):
self.log("init complete")
self.init_complete = True
return True
def initialize(self):
self.shmem, self.shmem_dva = self.asc.ioalloc(0x100000)
while not self.init_complete:

View file

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pprint
from enum import IntEnum
from m1n1.utils import *
from construct import *
class ByRef:
val: object
class Pointer(Subconstruct):
@ -22,6 +28,13 @@ class InOut(Subconstruct):
Ptr = InOutPtr
class NULL:
def __str__(self):
return "NULL"
def __repr__(self):
return "NULL"
class Method:
def __init__(self, rtype, name, *args, **kwargs):
self.rtype = rtype
@ -31,8 +44,10 @@ class Method:
raise Exception("Cannot specify args and kwargs")
elif args:
args = [(f"arg{i}", arg) for i, arg in enumerate(args)]
self.as_kwargs = False
elif kwargs:
args = list(kwargs.items())
self.as_kwargs = True
args = []
@ -48,6 +63,7 @@ class Method:
self.dir = []
self.nullable = []
self.array_of_p = []
for i, (name, field) in enumerate(self.args):
align = 1
@ -88,19 +104,29 @@ class Method:
for i, (name, field) in enumerate(self.args):
array_size = None
array_of_p = False
nullable = False
pfield = field
while isinstance(pfield, Subconstruct):
if isinstance(pfield, Array) and array_size is None:
array_size = pfield.count
if isinstance(pfield, Pointer):
nullable = True
array_of_p = array_size is not None
pfield = pfield.subcon
if nullable:
self.in_fields.append((name + "_null") / bool_)
in_size += 1
if array_of_p:
self.in_fields.append((name + "_null") / bool_[array_size])
in_size += array_size
self.in_fields.append((name + "_null") / bool_)
in_size += 1
if in_size % 4:
self.in_fields.append(Padding(4 - (in_size % 4)))
@ -110,6 +136,33 @@ class Method:
self.in_struct = Struct(*self.in_fields)
self.out_struct = Struct(*self.out_fields)
def get_field_val(self, i, in_vals, out_vals=None, nullobj=None):
name, field = self.args[i]
nullable = self.nullable[i]
array_of_p = self.array_of_p[i]
val = None
if out_vals:
val = out_vals.get(name, val)
if val is None and in_vals:
val = in_vals.get(name, val)
if nullable and val is not None:
null = in_vals.get(name + "_null", None)
if null is None:
return None
if not array_of_p:
val = nullobj if null else val
val2 = [nullobj if n else val for val, n in zip(val, null)]
if isinstance(val, ListContainer):
val2 = ListContainer(val2)
val = val2
return val
def fmt_args(self, in_vals, out_vals=None):
s = []
@ -120,31 +173,17 @@ class Method:
dir = self.dir[i]
nullable = self.nullable[i]
if nullable:
null = in_vals.get(name + "_null", None)
if null is None:
elif null:
val = self.get_field_val(i, in_vals, out_vals, nullobj=NULL)
if out_vals and name in out_vals:
if self.is_long(out_vals[name]):
if val is not None:
if self.is_long(val):
elif isinstance(out_vals[name], ListContainer):
elif isinstance(val, ListContainer):
elif dir == "out":
elif name in in_vals:
if self.is_long(in_vals[name]):
elif isinstance(in_vals[name], ListContainer):
@ -157,16 +196,9 @@ class Method:
dir = self.dir[i]
if self.nullable[i] and in_vals.get(name + "_null", None):
val = self.get_field_val(i, in_vals, out_vals, nullobj=NULL)
if out_vals and name in out_vals:
val = out_vals[name]
elif out_vals:
elif name in in_vals:
val = in_vals[name]
if name in in_vals and out_vals is not None and name not in out_vals:
if self.is_long(val):
@ -184,7 +216,7 @@ class Method:
def is_long(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, (list, bytes)):
return len(arg) > 4
return len(arg) > 4 or any(self.is_long(i) for i in arg)
return isinstance(arg, (dict, list, bytes))
@ -203,6 +235,128 @@ class Method:
return Container({ k: v() if callable(v) else v for k,v in vals.items() })
def __str__(self):
if self.rtype is None:
rtype = "void"
rtype = str(self.rtype)
args = []
for name, field in self.args:
if name == "ret":
args.append(f"{field} {name}")
return f"{rtype} {self.name}({', '.join(args)})"
def callback(self, func, in_data):
in_vals = self.parse_input(in_data)
args = []
kwargs = {}
out_vals = {}
for i, (name, field) in enumerate(self.args):
if name == "ret":
dir = self.dir[i]
val = self.get_field_val(i, in_vals, out_vals, nullobj=NULL)
is_null = val is NULL
if is_null:
val = None
if dir == "inout":
if val is not None and not isinstance(val, list):
val = ByRef(val)
out_vals[name] = val
elif dir == "out" and not is_null:
val = ByRef(None)
out_vals[name] = val
if self.as_kwargs:
kwargs[name] = val
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
if self.rtype is None:
assert retval is None
assert retval is not None
out_vals["ret"] = retval
out_vals = {k: v.val if isinstance(v, ByRef) else v for k, v in out_vals.items()}
context = dict(in_vals)
if "obj" in context:
del context["obj"]
out_data = self.out_struct.build(out_vals, **context)
return out_data
def call(self, call, *args, **kwargs):
if args and kwargs:
raise Exception("Cannot use both args and kwargs")
if args:
for arg, (name, field) in zip(args, self.args):
kwargs[name] = arg
in_vals = {}
out_refs = {}
for i, (name, field) in enumerate(self.args):
if name == "ret":
val = kwargs[name]
dir = self.dir[i]
nullable = self.nullable[i]
array_of_p = self.array_of_p[i]
if nullable:
if not array_of_p:
in_vals[name + "_null"] = val is None
defaults = field.parse(b"\x00" * field.sizeof())
in_vals[name + "_null"] = [i is None for i in val]
val = [v if v is not None else defaults[i] for i, v in enumerate(val)]
assert val is not None
if val is None:
if dir == "out":
assert isinstance(val, ByRef)
out_refs[name] = val
elif dir == "inout":
if isinstance(val, ByRef):
in_vals[name] = val.val
out_refs[name] = val
elif val is not None:
in_vals[name] = val
elif val is not None:
in_vals[name] = val
in_data = self.in_struct.build(in_vals)
out_data = call(in_data)
out_vals = self.parse_output(out_data, in_vals)
for k, v in out_refs.items():
v.val = out_vals[k]
if self.rtype is not None:
return out_vals["ret"]
def dump_fields(fields):
off = 0
for f in fields:
@ -234,11 +388,14 @@ def Bool(c):
return ExprAdapter(c, lambda d, ctx: bool(d & 1), lambda d, ctx: int(d))
def SizedArray(count, svar, subcon):
return Lazy(Padded(subcon.sizeof() * count, Array(lambda ctx: ctx.get(svar) or ctx._.get(svar), subcon)))
return Padded(subcon.sizeof() * count, Array(lambda ctx: min(count, ctx.get(svar, ctx._.get(svar))), subcon))
def SizedBytes(count, svar):
return Lazy(Padded(count, Bytes(lambda ctx: ctx.get(svar) or ctx._.get(svar))))
def UnkBytes(s):
return Default(HexDump(Bytes(s)), b"\x00" * s)
bool_ = Bool(int8_t)
class OSObject(Construct):
@ -277,8 +434,8 @@ class OSDictionary(OSObject):
TYPE = 'd'
FourCC = ExprAdapter(uint32_t,
lambda d, ctx: d.to_bytes(4, "big").decode("ascii"),
lambda d, ctx: int.from_bytes(d.encode("ascii"), "big"))
lambda d, ctx: d.to_bytes(4, "big").decode("latin-1"),
lambda d, ctx: int.from_bytes(d.encode("latin-1"), "big"))
void = None
@ -312,15 +469,112 @@ IOMFBParameterName = Int32ul
BufferDescriptor = uint64_t
SwapCompleteData = Bytes(0x12)
SwapInfoBlob = Bytes(0x600)
SwapInfoBlob = Bytes(0x680)
IOMFBSwapRec = Bytes(0x274)
IOSurface = Bytes(0x204)
Rect = NamedTuple("rect", "x y w h", Int32ul[4])
IOMFBSwapRec = Struct(
"ts1" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"ts2" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"unk_10" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"unk_18" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"ts64_unk" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"unk_28" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"ts3" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"unk_38" / Default(Int64ul, 0),
"flags1" / Hex(Int64ul),
"flags2" / Hex(Int64ul),
"swap_id" / Int32ul,
"surf_ids" / Int32ul[SWAP_SURFACES],
"src_rect" / Rect[SWAP_SURFACES],
"surf_flags" / Int32ul[SWAP_SURFACES],
"surf_unk" / Int32ul[SWAP_SURFACES],
"dst_rect" / Rect[SWAP_SURFACES],
"swap_enabled" / Hex(Int32ul),
"swap_completed" / Hex(Int32ul),
"unk_10c" / Hex(Default(Int32ul, 0)),
"unk_110" / UnkBytes(0x1b8),
"unk_2c8" / Hex(Default(Int32ul, 0)),
"unk_2cc" / UnkBytes(0x14),
"unk_2e0" / Hex(Default(Int32ul, 0)),
"unk_2e4" / UnkBytes(0x3c),
assert IOMFBSwapRec.sizeof() == 0x320
ComponentTypes = Struct(
"count" / Int8ul,
"types" / SizedArray(7, "count", Int8ul),
#ComponentTypes = Bytes(8)
PlaneInfo = Struct(
"width" / Int32ul,
"height" / Int32ul,
"base" / Hex(Int32ul),
"offset" / Hex(Int32ul),
"stride" / Hex(Int32ul),
"size" / Hex(Int32ul),
"tile_size" / Int16ul,
"tile_w" / Int8ul,
"tile_h" / Int8ul,
"unk1" / UnkBytes(0xd),
"unk2" / Hex(Int8ul),
"unk3" / UnkBytes(0x26),
assert PlaneInfo.sizeof() == 0x50
IOSurface = Struct(
"is_tiled" / bool_,
"unk_1" / bool_,
"unk_2" / bool_,
"plane_cnt" / Int32ul,
"plane_cnt2" / Int32ul,
"format" / FourCC,
"unk_f" / Default(Hex(Int32ul), 0),
"unk_13" / Int8ul,
"unk_14" / Int8ul,
"stride" / Int32ul,
"pix_size" / Int16ul,
"pel_w" / Int8ul,
"pel_h" / Int8ul,
"offset" / Default(Hex(Int32ul), 0),
"width" / Int32ul,
"height" / Int32ul,
"buf_size" / Hex(Int32ul),
"unk_2d" / Default(Int32ul, 0),
"unk_31" / Default(Int32ul, 0),
"surface_id" / Int32ul,
"comp_types" / Default(SizedArray(MAX_PLANES, "plane_cnt", ComponentTypes), []),
"has_comp" / Bool(Int64ul),
"planes" / Default(SizedArray(MAX_PLANES, "plane_cnt", PlaneInfo), []),
"has_planes" / Bool(Int64ul),
"compression_info" / Default(SizedArray(MAX_PLANES, "plane_cnt", UnkBytes(0x34)), []),
"has_compr_info" / Bool(Int64ul),
"unk_1f5" / Int32ul,
"unk_1f9" / Int32ul,
"padding" / UnkBytes(7),
assert IOSurface.sizeof() == 0x204
IOMFBColorFixedMatrix = Array(5, Array(3, ulong))
class PropID(IntEnum):
BrightnessCorrection = 14
class UPPipeAP_H13P(IPCObject):
A000 = Call(bool_, "late_init_signal")
A029 = Call(void, "setup_video_limits")
A034 = Call(void, "update_notify_clients_dcp", Array(11, uint))
A034 = Call(void, "update_notify_clients_dcp", Array(13, uint))
A036 = Call(bool_, "apt_supported")
D000 = Callback(bool_, "did_boot_signal")
@ -330,6 +584,7 @@ class UPPipeAP_H13P(IPCObject):
class UnifiedPipeline2(IPCObject):
A357 = Call(void, "set_create_DFB")
A358 = Call(IOMFBStatus, "vi_set_temperature_hint")
D100 = Callback(void, "match_pmu_service")
D101 = Callback(uint32_t, "UNK_get_some_field")
@ -341,40 +596,44 @@ class UnifiedPipeline2(IPCObject):
D110 = Callback(bool_, "create_iomfb_service")
D111 = Callback(bool_, "create_backlight_service")
D116 = Callback(bool_, "start_hardware_boot")
D119 = Callback(bool_, "read_edt_data", key=string(0x40), count=uint, value=InOut(SizedArray(8, "count", uint32_t)))
D118 = Callback(bool_, "is_waking_from_hibernate")
D120 = Callback(bool_, "read_edt_data", key=string(0x40), count=uint, value=InOut(Lazy(SizedArray(8, "count", uint32_t))))
D121 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropStart", length=uint)
D122 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropChunk", data=HexDump(SizedBytes(0x1000, "length")), offset=uint, length=uint)
D123 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropEnd", key=string(0x40))
D122 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropStart", length=uint)
D123 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropChunk", data=HexDump(SizedBytes(0x1000, "length")), offset=uint, length=uint)
D124 = Callback(bool_, "setDCPAVPropEnd", key=string(0x40))
class UPPipe2(IPCObject):
A103 = Call(uint64_t, "test_control", cmd=uint64_t, arg=uint)
A131 = Call(bool_, "pmu_service_matched")
D201 = Callback(uint32_t, "map_buf", InPtr(BufferDescriptor), OutPtr(ulong), OutPtr(ulong), bool_)
D206 = Callback(bool_, "match_pmu_service")
D206 = Callback(bool_, "match_pmu_service_2")
D207 = Callback(bool_, "match_backlight_service")
D208 = Callback(uint64_t, "get_calendar_time_ms")
class PropRelay(IPCObject):
D300 = Callback(void, "publish", prop_id=uint32_t, value=int_)
D300 = Callback(void, "pr_publish", prop_id=uint32_t, value=int_)
class IOMobileFramebufferAP(IPCObject):
A401 = Call(uint32_t, "start_signal")
A407 = Call(uint32_t, "swap_start", InOutPtr(uint), InOutPtr(IOUserClient))
A407 = Call(uint32_t, "swap_start", swap_id=InOutPtr(uint), client=InOutPtr(IOUserClient))
A408 = Call(uint32_t, "swap_submit_dcp",
surfInfo=Array(3, uint),
surfaces=Array(4, InPtr(IOSurface)),
surfAddr=Array(4, Hex(ulong)),
A410 = Call(uint32_t, "set_display_device", uint)
A411 = Call(bool_, "is_main_display")
A438 = Call(uint32_t, "swap_set_color_matrix", matrix=InOutPtr(IOMFBColorFixedMatrix), func=uint32_t, unk=uint)
#"A438": "IOMobileFramebufferAP::swap_set_color_matrix(IOMFBColorFixedMatrix*, IOMFBColorMatrixFunction, unsigned int)",
A412 = Call(uint32_t, "set_digital_out_mode", uint, uint)
A419 = Call(uint32_t, "get_gamma_table", InOutPtr(Bytes(0xc0c)))
A422 = Call(uint32_t, "set_matrix", uint, InPtr(Array(3, Array(3, ulong))))
@ -383,23 +642,27 @@ class IOMobileFramebufferAP(IPCObject):
A427 = Call(uint32_t, "setBrightnessCorrection", uint)
A435 = Call(uint32_t, "set_block_dcp", arg1=uint64_t, arg2=uint, arg3=uint, arg4=Array(8, ulong), arg5=uint, data=SizedBytes(0x1000, "length"), length=ulong)
A438 = Call(uint32_t, "set_parameter_dcp", param=IOMFBParameterName, value=SizedArray(4, "count", ulong), count=uint)
A439 = Call(uint32_t, "set_parameter_dcp", param=IOMFBParameterName, value=Lazy(SizedArray(4, "count", ulong)), count=uint)
A441 = Call(void, "get_display_size", OutPtr(uint), OutPtr(uint))
A442 = Call(int_, "do_create_default_frame_buffer")
A446 = Call(int_, "enable_disable_video_power_savings", uint)
A453 = Call(void, "first_client_open")
A455 = Call(bool_, "writeDebugInfo", ulong)
A459 = Call(bool_, "setDisplayRefreshProperties")
A462 = Call(void, "flush_supportsPower", bool_)
A467 = Call(uint32_t, "setPowerState", ulong, bool_, OutPtr(uint))
A468 = Call(bool_, "isKeepOnScreen")
A440 = Call(uint, "display_width")
A441 = Call(uint, "display_height")
A442 = Call(void, "get_display_size", OutPtr(uint), OutPtr(uint))
A443 = Call(int_, "do_create_default_frame_buffer")
A444 = Call(void, "printRegs")
A447 = Call(int_, "enable_disable_video_power_savings", uint)
A454 = Call(void, "first_client_open")
A456 = Call(bool_, "writeDebugInfo", ulong)
A458 = Call(bool_, "io_fence_notify", uint, uint, ulong, IOMFBStatus)
A460 = Call(bool_, "setDisplayRefreshProperties")
A463 = Call(void, "flush_supportsPower", bool_)
A468 = Call(uint32_t, "setPowerState", ulong, bool_, OutPtr(uint))
A469 = Call(bool_, "isKeepOnScreen")
D552 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSDictionary>", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D561 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSDictionary>", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D563 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSNumber>", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(uint64_t))
D565 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSBoolean>", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Bool(uint32_t)))
D567 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<AFKString>", key=string(0x40), value=string(0x40))
D552 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty_dict", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D561 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty_dict", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D563 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty_int", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(uint64_t))
D565 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty_bool", key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Bool(uint32_t)))
D567 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty_str", key=string(0x40), value=string(0x40))
D574 = Callback(IOMFBStatus, "powerUpDART", bool_)
@ -414,16 +677,16 @@ class IOMobileFramebufferAP(IPCObject):
D598 = Callback(void, "find_swap_function_gated")
class ServiceRelay(IPCObject):
D401 = Callback(bool_, "get_uint_prop", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InOutPtr(ulong))
D408 = Callback(uint64_t, "getClockFrequency", uint, uint)
D411 = Callback(IOMFBStatus, "mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex", uint, uint, uint, OutPtr(ulong), OutPtr(ulong))
D413 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSDictionary>", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D414 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSNumber>", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(uint64_t))
D415 = Callback(bool_, "setProperty<OSBoolean>", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Bool(uint32_t)))
D401 = Callback(bool_, "sr_get_uint_prop", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InOutPtr(ulong))
D408 = Callback(uint64_t, "sr_getClockFrequency", obj=FourCC, arg=uint)
D411 = Callback(IOMFBStatus, "sr_mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex", obj=FourCC, index=uint, flags=uint, addr=OutPtr(ulong), length=OutPtr(ulong))
D413 = Callback(bool_, "sr_setProperty_dict", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Padded(0x1000, OSDictionary())))
D414 = Callback(bool_, "sr_setProperty_int", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(uint64_t))
D415 = Callback(bool_, "sr_setProperty_bool", obj=FourCC, key=string(0x40), value=InPtr(Bool(uint32_t)))
class MemDescRelay(IPCObject):
D451 = Callback(uint, "allocate_buffer", uint, ulong, uint, OutPtr(ulong), OutPtr(ulong), OutPtr(ulong))
D452 = Callback(uint, "map_physical", ulong, ulong, uint, OutPtr(ulong), OutPtr(ulong))
D452 = Callback(uint, "map_physical", paddr=ulong, size=ulong, flags=uint, dva=OutPtr(ulong), dvasize=OutPtr(ulong))
@ -444,7 +707,8 @@ SHORT_CHANNELS = {
"CB": "d",
"CMD": "C",
"ASYNC": "a",
"OOB": "O",
"OOBCMD": "O",
"OOBCB": "o",
RDIR = { ">": "<", "<": ">" }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import struct, functools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum
from construct.lib import hexundump
from ..asc.base import *
from ...utils import *
from . import ipc
from .dcpep import CallContext
## DCP API manager
class DCPBaseManager:
def __init__(self, dcpep):
self.dcpep = dcpep
self.dcp = dcpep.asc
dcpep.mgr = self
self.name_map = {}
self.tag_map = {}
self.in_callback = 0
for k, (cls, v) in ipc.ALL_METHODS.items():
self.name_map[v.name] = k, v
self.tag_map[k] = v
def handle_cb(self, state):
method = self.tag_map.get(state.tag, None)
if method is None:
raise Exception(f"Unknown callback {state.tag}")
func = getattr(self, method.name, None)
if func is None:
raise Exception(f"Unimplemented callback {method!s} [{state.tag}]")
self.in_callback += 1
retval = method.callback(func, state.in_data)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception in callback {method.name}")
self.in_callback -= 1
return retval
def __getattr__(self, attr):
tag, method = self.name_map.get(attr, (None, None))
if method is None or tag.startswith("D"):
raise AttributeError(f"Unknown method {attr}")
out_len = method.out_struct.sizeof()
if self.in_callback:
ctx = CallContext.CB
ctx = CallContext.CMD
rpc = functools.partial(self.dcpep.ch_cmd.call, ctx, tag, out_len=out_len)
return functools.partial(method.call, rpc)
class DCPManager(DCPBaseManager):
def __init__(self, dcpep):
self.iomfb_prop = {}
self.dcpav_prop = {}
self.service_prop = {}
self.pr_prop = {}
self.swaps = 0
self.frame = 0
self.mapid = 0
## IOMobileFramebufferAP methods
def find_swap_function_gated(self):
def create_provider_service(self):
return True
def create_product_service(self):
return True
def create_PMU_service(self):
return True
def create_iomfb_service(self):
return True
def create_backlight_service(self):
return False
def setProperty(self, key, value):
self.iomfb_prop[key] = value
print(f"setProperty({key} = {value!r})")
return True
setProperty_dict = setProperty_int = setProperty_bool = setProperty_str = setProperty
def swap_complete_ap_gated(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4):
print(f"swap_complete_ap_gated({arg0}, {arg1}, ..., ..., {arg4}")
self.swaps += 1
self.frame = arg0
## UPPipeAP_H13P methods
def did_boot_signal(self):
return True
def did_power_on_signal(self):
return True
def rt_bandwidth_setup_ap(self, config):
config.val = {"data":unhex("""
6C 43 6C 6F 63 6B 00 44 14 80 73 3B 02 00 00 00
00 C0 C3 3B 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 90 26 FB 43 FF FF FF FF 04 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 65 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
## UnifiedPipeline2 methods
def match_pmu_service(self):
def create_provider_service(self):
return True
def read_edt_data(self, key, count, value):
return False
def UNK_get_some_field(self):
return 0
def start_hardware_boot(self):
return True
def setDCPAVPropStart(self, length):
return True
def setDCPAVPropChunk(self, data, offset, length):
print(f"setDCPAVPropChunk(..., {offset:#x}, {length:#x})")
return True
def setDCPAVPropEnd(self, key):
return True
def is_waking_from_hibernate(self):
return False
## UPPipe2 methods
def match_pmu_service_2(self):
return True
def match_backlight_service(self):
return True
## ServiceRelay methods
def sr_setProperty(self, obj, key, value):
self.service_prop.setdefault(obj, {})[key] = value
print(f"sr_setProperty({obj}/{key} = {value!r})")
return True
def sr_getClockFrequency(self, obj, arg):
print(f"sr_getClockFrequency({obj}, {arg})")
return 533333328
sr_setProperty_dict = sr_setProperty_int = sr_setProperty_bool = sr_setProperty_str = sr_setProperty
def sr_get_uint_prop(self, obj, key, value):
value.val = 0
return False
def sr_mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex(self, obj, index, flags, addr, length):
assert obj == "PROV"
addr.val, length.val = self.dcp.u.adt["/arm-io/disp0"].get_reg(index)
print(f"sr_mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex({obj}, {index}, {flags}, {addr.val:#x}, {length.val:#x})")
return 0
## PropRelay methods
def pr_publish(self, prop_id, value):
self.pr_prop[prop_id] = value
print(f"pr_publish({prop_id}, {value!r})")
## MemDescRelay methods:
def map_physical(self, paddr, size, flags, dva, dvasize):
dvasize.val = align_up(size, 4096)
dva.val = self.dcp.dart.iomap(0, paddr, size)
print(f"map_physical({paddr:#x}, {size:#x}, {flags}, {dva.val:#x}, {dvasize.val:#x})")
self.mapid += 1
return self.mapid

View file

@ -23,14 +23,20 @@ def parse_log(fd):
yield op
def dump_log(fd):
nesting = 0
nesting = {
"": 0,
"OOB": 0,
for op in parse_log(fd):
ctx = ""
if "OOB" in op.chan:
ctx = "[OOB] -----------> "
if not op.complete:
op.print_req(indent=" " * nesting)
nesting += 1
op.print_req(indent=ctx + " " * nesting.setdefault(ctx, 0))
nesting[ctx] += 1
nesting -= 1
op.print_reply(indent=" " * nesting)
nesting[ctx] -= 1
op.print_reply(indent=ctx + " " * nesting.setdefault(ctx, 0))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys