use batch::Batch; use color::{Colors, Theme}; use display::Display; use flags::{Flags, WhenFlag}; use meta::{FileType, Meta}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use terminal_size::terminal_size; pub struct Core { flags: Flags, display: Display, colors: Colors, } impl Core { pub fn new(flags: Flags) -> Core { // terminal_size allows us to know if the stdout is a tty or not. let tty_available = terminal_size().is_some(); let mut inner_flags = flags; let theme = match (tty_available, flags.color) { (true, WhenFlag::Never) => Theme::NoColor, (false, WhenFlag::Auto) => Theme::NoColor, (false, WhenFlag::Always) => Theme::Default, _ => Theme::Default, }; if !tty_available { // The output is not a tty, this means the command is piped. (ex: lsd -l | less) // // Most of the programs does not handle correctly the ansi colors // or require a raw output (like the `wc` command). inner_flags.display_online = true; }; Core { flags, display: Display::new(inner_flags), colors: Colors::new(theme), } } pub fn run(self, paths: Vec) { self.run_inner(paths, 0); } fn run_inner(&self, paths: Vec, depth: usize) { let mut dirs = Vec::new(); let mut files = Vec::new(); for path in paths { if path.is_dir() { dirs.push(path); } else if let Some(meta) = Meta::from_path(&path) { files.push(meta); } } let print_folder_name: bool = dirs.len() + files.len() > 1; if !files.is_empty() && !self.flags.display_tree { let mut file_batch = Batch::from(files); file_batch.sort(); self.display .print_outputs(self.get_batch_outputs(&file_batch)); } dirs.sort_unstable(); for dir in dirs { if let Some(folder_batch) = self.list_folder_content(dir.as_path()) { if (print_folder_name || self.flags.recursive) && !self.flags.display_tree { println!("\n{}:", dir.display()) } if self.flags.display_tree { self.display_as_tree(folder_batch, depth); } else if self.flags.recursive { self.display .print_outputs(self.get_batch_outputs(&folder_batch)); let folder_dirs = folder_batch .into_iter() .filter_map(|x| { if x.file_type == FileType::Directory { Some(x.path) } else { None } }).collect(); self.run_inner(folder_dirs, depth); } else { self.display .print_outputs(self.get_batch_outputs(&folder_batch)); } } } } pub fn display_as_tree(&self, batch: Batch, depth: usize) { let last_idx = batch.len(); for (idx, elem) in batch.into_iter().enumerate() { let last = idx + 1 != last_idx; if elem.file_type == FileType::Directory { self.display.print_tree_row(, depth, last, ); self.run_inner(vec![elem.path], depth + 1); } else { self.display.print_tree_row(, depth, last, ); } } } pub fn get_batch_outputs<'b>(&self, batch: &'b Batch) -> Vec { if self.flags.display_long { batch.get_long_output(&self.colors) } else { batch.get_short_output(&self.colors) } } pub fn list_folder_content(&self, folder: &Path) -> Option { let mut metas: Vec = Vec::new(); let dir = match folder.read_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(err) => { println!("cannot open directory'{}': {}", folder.display(), err); return None; } }; for entry in dir { if let Ok(entry) = entry { if let Some(meta) = Meta::from_path(&entry.path()) { if ! || self.flags.display_all { metas.push(meta); } } } } let mut batch = Batch::from(metas); batch.sort(); Some(batch) } }