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synced 2024-12-14 06:02:36 +00:00
Implemented get_file_data
Also added a few supporting functions. Every unsafe block (and there are many) has a list of assumptions that must be true. Most of them are easy to verify: for example, almost all pointers indicate something in the *sd_ptr buffer, which lives until the very end. The rest of the pointers are to something Rust allocated, so they'll also live to the end of the function.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 260 additions and 2 deletions
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ lscolors = "0.5.0"
users = "0.8.0"
winapi = {version = "0.3.6", features = []}
winapi = {version = "0.3.6", features = ["aclapi", "accctrl", "winnt", "winerror", "securitybaseapi", "winbase"]}
features = ["suggestions", "color", "wrap_help"]
@ -1,11 +1,262 @@
use std::io;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStringExt, OsStrExt};
use winapi::um::winnt;
use winapi::um::accctrl::TRUSTEE_W;
use winapi::shared::winerror;
use winapi::ctypes::c_void;
use super::{Owner, Permissions};
const BUF_SIZE: u32 = 256;
pub fn get_file_data(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(Owner, Permissions), io::Error> {
// Overall design:
// This function allocates some data with GetNamedSecurityInfoW,
// manipulates it only through WinAPI calls (treating the pointers as
// opaque) and then frees it at the end with LocalFree.
// For memory safety, the critical things are:
// - No pointer is valid before the return value of GetNamedSecurityInfoW
// is checked
// - LocalFree must be called before returning
// - No pointer is valid after the call to LocalFree
let mut windows_path = buf_from_os(path.as_os_str());
// These pointers will be populated by GetNamedSecurityInfoW
// sd_ptr points at a new buffer that must be freed
// The others point at (opaque) things inside that buffer
let mut owner_sid_ptr = null_mut();
let mut group_sid_ptr = null_mut();
let mut dacl_ptr = null_mut();
let mut sd_ptr = null_mut();
// Assumptions:
// - windows_path is a null-terminated WTF-16-encoded string
// - The return value is checked against ERROR_SUCCESS before pointers are used
// - All pointers are opaque and should only be used with WinAPI calls
// - Pointers are only valid if their corresponding X_SECURITY_INFORMATION
// flags are set
// - sd_ptr must be freed with LocalFree
let error_code = unsafe {
&mut owner_sid_ptr,
&mut group_sid_ptr,
&mut dacl_ptr,
&mut sd_ptr
if error_code != winerror::ERROR_SUCCESS {
return Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(error_code as i32))
// Assumptions:
// - owner_sid_ptr is valid
// - group_sid_ptr is valid
// (both OK because GetNamedSecurityInfoW returned success)
let (owner_name, owner_domain) = unsafe { lookup_account_sid(owner_sid_ptr) }?;
let (group_name, group_domain) = unsafe { lookup_account_sid(group_sid_ptr) }?;
let owner_name = os_from_buf(&owner_name);
let owner_domain = os_from_buf(&owner_domain);
let group_name = os_from_buf(&group_name);
let group_domain = os_from_buf(&group_domain);
// Format into domain\name format
let mut owner = owner_domain.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
let mut group = group_domain.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
// This structure will be returned
let owner = Owner::new(owner, group);
// Get the size and allocate bytes for a 1-sub-authority SID
// 1 sub-authority because the Windows World SID is always S-1-1-0, with
// only a single sub-authority.
// Assumptions: None
// "This function cannot fail"
// -- Windows Dev Center docs
let mut world_sid_len: u32 = unsafe { winapi::um::securitybaseapi::GetSidLengthRequired(1) };
let mut world_sid = vec![0u8; world_sid_len as usize];
// Assumptions:
// - world_sid_len is no larger than the number of bytes available at
// world_sid
// - world_sid is appropriately aligned (if there are strange crashes this
// might be why)
let result = unsafe {
world_sid.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
&mut world_sid_len)
if result == 0 {
// Failed to create the SID
// Assumptions: Same as the other identical calls
unsafe { winapi::um::winbase::LocalFree(sd_ptr); }
// Assumptions: None (GetLastError shouldn't ever fail)
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(
unsafe { winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError() } as i32));
// Assumptions:
// - xxxxx_sid_ptr are valid pointers to SIDs
// - xxxxx_trustee is only valid as long as its SID pointer is
let mut owner_trustee = unsafe { trustee_from_sid(owner_sid_ptr) };
let mut group_trustee = unsafe { trustee_from_sid(group_sid_ptr) };
let mut world_trustee = unsafe { trustee_from_sid(world_sid.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _) };
// Assumptions:
// - xxxxx_trustee are still valid (including underlying SID)
// - dacl_ptr is still valid
let mut owner_access_mask = unsafe {
get_acl_access_mask(dacl_ptr as *mut _, &mut owner_trustee)
let mut group_access_mask = unsafe {
get_acl_access_mask(dacl_ptr as *mut _, &mut group_trustee)
let mut world_access_mask = unsafe {
get_acl_access_mask(dacl_ptr as *mut _, &mut world_trustee)
let has_bit = |field: u32, bit: u32| field & bit != 0;
let permissions = Permissions {
user_read: has_bit(owner_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_READ),
user_write: has_bit(owner_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE),
user_execute: has_bit(owner_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE),
group_read: has_bit(group_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_READ),
group_write: has_bit(group_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE),
group_execute: has_bit(group_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE),
other_read: has_bit(world_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_READ),
other_write: has_bit(world_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE),
other_execute: has_bit(world_access_mask, winnt::FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE),
sticky: false,
setuid: false,
setgid: false,
// Assumptions:
// - sd_ptr was previously allocated with WinAPI functions
// - All pointers into the memory are now invalid
// - The free succeeds (currently unchecked -- there's no real recovery
// options. It's not much memory, so leaking it on failure is
// *probably* fine)
unsafe { winapi::um::winbase::LocalFree(sd_ptr); }
Ok((owner, permissions))
/// Evaluate an ACL for a particular trustee and get its access rights
/// Assumptions:
/// - acl_ptr points to a valid ACL data structure
/// - trustee_ptr points to a valid trustee data structure
/// - Both remain valid through the function call (no long-term requirement)
unsafe fn get_acl_access_mask(acl_ptr: *mut c_void, trustee_ptr: *mut TRUSTEE_W) -> Result<u32, io::Error> {
let mut access_mask = 0;
// Assumptions:
// - All function assumptions
// - Result is not valid until return value is checked
let err_code = winapi::um::aclapi::GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW(
acl_ptr as *mut _,
&mut access_mask);
if err_code == winerror::ERROR_SUCCESS {
} else {
Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(err_code as i32))
/// Get a trustee buffer from a SID
/// Assumption: sid is valid, and the trustee is only valid as long as the SID
/// is
/// Note: winapi's TRUSTEE_W looks different from the one in the MS docs because
/// of some unusal pre-processor macros in the original .h file. The winapi
/// version is correct (MS's doc generator messed up)
unsafe fn trustee_from_sid(sid_ptr: *mut c_void) -> TRUSTEE_W {
let mut trustee: TRUSTEE_W = std::mem::zeroed();
winapi::um::aclapi::BuildTrusteeWithSidW(&mut trustee, sid_ptr);
/// Get a username and domain name from a SID
/// Assumption: sid is a valid pointer that remains valid through the entire
/// function execution
/// Returns null-terminated Vec's, one for the name and one for the domain.
unsafe fn lookup_account_sid(sid: *mut c_void) -> Result<(Vec<u16>, Vec<u16>), std::io::Error> {
let mut name_size: u32 = BUF_SIZE;
let mut domain_size: u32 = BUF_SIZE;
loop {
let mut name: Vec<u16> = vec![0; name_size as usize];
let mut domain: Vec<u16> = vec![0; domain_size as usize];
let old_name_size = name_size;
let old_domain_size = domain_size;
let mut sid_name_use = 0;
// Assumptions:
// - sid is a valid pointer to a SID data structure
// - name_size and domain_size accurately reflect the sizes
let result = winapi::um::winbase::LookupAccountSidW(
&mut name_size,
&mut domain_size,
&mut sid_name_use,
if result != 0 {
// Success!
return Ok((name, domain));
} else if name_size != old_name_size || domain_size != old_domain_size {
// Need bigger buffers
// name_size and domain_size are already set, just loop
} else {
// Some other failure
// Assumptions: None (GetLastError shouldn't ever fail)
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError() as i32));
/// Create an `OsString` from a NUL-terminated buffer
@ -34,6 +285,13 @@ fn buf_from_os(os: &OsStr) -> Vec<u16> {
mod test {
use super::*;
fn throwaway() {
let mut manifest_path = PathBuf::from(std::env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()).join("Cargo.toml");
fn basic_wtf16_behavior() {
let basic_os = OsString::from("TeSt");
Reference in a new issue