2022-06-10 08:35:26 -04:00

627 lines
19 KiB

use super::atom_info::{AtomIdent, AtomInfo};
use super::read::{nested_atom, skip_unneeded};
use super::trak::Trak;
use crate::error::{ErrorKind, FileDecodingError, LoftyError, Result};
use crate::file::FileType;
use crate::macros::try_vec;
use crate::properties::FileProperties;
use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::time::Duration;
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// An MP4 file's audio codec
pub enum Mp4Codec {
impl Default for Mp4Codec {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AudioObjectType {
NULL = 0,
AacMain = 1, // AAC Main Profile
AacLowComplexity = 2, // AAC Low Complexity
AacScalableSampleRate = 3, // AAC Scalable Sample Rate
AacLongTermPrediction = 4, // AAC Long Term Predictor
SpectralBandReplication = 5, // Spectral band Replication
AACScalable = 6, // AAC Scalable
TwinVQ = 7, // Twin VQ
CodeExcitedLinearPrediction = 8, // CELP
HarmonicVectorExcitationCoding = 9, // HVXC
TextToSpeechtInterface = 12, // TTSI
MainSynthetic = 13, // Main Synthetic
WavetableSynthesis = 14, // Wavetable Synthesis
GeneralMIDI = 15, // General MIDI
AlgorithmicSynthesis = 16, // Algorithmic Synthesis
ErrorResilientAacLowComplexity = 17, // ER AAC LC
ErrorResilientAacLongTermPrediction = 19, // ER AAC LTP
ErrorResilientAacScalable = 20, // ER AAC Scalable
ErrorResilientAacTwinVQ = 21, // ER AAC TwinVQ
ErrorResilientAacBitSlicedArithmeticCoding = 22, // ER Bit Sliced Arithmetic Coding
ErrorResilientAacLowDelay = 23, // ER AAC Low Delay
ErrorResilientCodeExcitedLinearPrediction = 24, // ER CELP
ErrorResilientHarmonicVectorExcitationCoding = 25, // ER HVXC
ErrorResilientHarmonicIndividualLinesNoise = 26, // ER HILN
ErrorResilientParametric = 27, // ER Parametric
SinuSoidalCoding = 28, // SSC
ParametricStereo = 29, // PS
MpegSurround = 30, // MPEG Surround
MpegLayer1 = 32, // MPEG Layer 1
MpegLayer2 = 33, // MPEG Layer 2
MpegLayer3 = 34, // MPEG Layer 3
DirectStreamTransfer = 35, // DST Direct Stream Transfer
AudioLosslessCoding = 36, // ALS Audio Lossless Coding
ScalableLosslessCoding = 37, // SLC Scalable Lossless Coding
ScalableLosslessCodingNoneCore = 38, // SLC non-core
ErrorResilientAacEnhancedLowDelay = 39, // ER AAC ELD
SymbolicMusicRepresentationSimple = 40, // SMR Simple
SymbolicMusicRepresentationMain = 41, // SMR Main
UnifiedSpeechAudioCoding = 42, // USAC
SpatialAudioObjectCoding = 43, // SAOC
LowDelayMpegSurround = 44, // LD MPEG Surround
SpatialAudioObjectCodingDialogueEnhancement = 45, // SAOC-DE
AudioSync = 46, // Audio Sync
impl Default for AudioObjectType {
fn default() -> Self {
impl TryFrom<u8> for AudioObjectType {
type Error = LoftyError;
fn try_from(value: u8) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
1 => Ok(Self::AacMain),
2 => Ok(Self::AacLowComplexity),
3 => Ok(Self::AacScalableSampleRate),
4 => Ok(Self::AacLongTermPrediction),
5 => Ok(Self::SpectralBandReplication),
6 => Ok(Self::AACScalable),
7 => Ok(Self::TwinVQ),
8 => Ok(Self::CodeExcitedLinearPrediction),
9 => Ok(Self::HarmonicVectorExcitationCoding),
12 => Ok(Self::TextToSpeechtInterface),
13 => Ok(Self::MainSynthetic),
14 => Ok(Self::WavetableSynthesis),
15 => Ok(Self::GeneralMIDI),
16 => Ok(Self::AlgorithmicSynthesis),
17 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacLowComplexity),
19 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacLongTermPrediction),
20 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacScalable),
21 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacTwinVQ),
22 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacBitSlicedArithmeticCoding),
23 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacLowDelay),
24 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientCodeExcitedLinearPrediction),
25 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientHarmonicVectorExcitationCoding),
26 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientHarmonicIndividualLinesNoise),
27 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientParametric),
28 => Ok(Self::SinuSoidalCoding),
29 => Ok(Self::ParametricStereo),
30 => Ok(Self::MpegSurround),
32 => Ok(Self::MpegLayer1),
33 => Ok(Self::MpegLayer2),
34 => Ok(Self::MpegLayer3),
35 => Ok(Self::DirectStreamTransfer),
36 => Ok(Self::AudioLosslessCoding),
37 => Ok(Self::ScalableLosslessCoding),
38 => Ok(Self::ScalableLosslessCodingNoneCore),
39 => Ok(Self::ErrorResilientAacEnhancedLowDelay),
40 => Ok(Self::SymbolicMusicRepresentationSimple),
41 => Ok(Self::SymbolicMusicRepresentationMain),
42 => Ok(Self::UnifiedSpeechAudioCoding),
43 => Ok(Self::SpatialAudioObjectCoding),
44 => Ok(Self::LowDelayMpegSurround),
45 => Ok(Self::SpatialAudioObjectCodingDialogueEnhancement),
46 => Ok(Self::AudioSync),
_ => Err(FileDecodingError::new(
"Encountered an invalid audio object type",
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
/// An MP4 file's audio properties
pub struct Mp4Properties {
pub(crate) codec: Mp4Codec,
pub(crate) extended_audio_object_type: Option<AudioObjectType>,
pub(crate) duration: Duration,
pub(crate) overall_bitrate: u32,
pub(crate) audio_bitrate: u32,
pub(crate) sample_rate: u32,
pub(crate) bit_depth: Option<u8>,
pub(crate) channels: u8,
impl From<Mp4Properties> for FileProperties {
fn from(input: Mp4Properties) -> Self {
Self {
duration: input.duration,
overall_bitrate: Some(input.overall_bitrate),
audio_bitrate: Some(input.audio_bitrate),
sample_rate: Some(input.sample_rate),
bit_depth: input.bit_depth,
channels: Some(input.channels),
impl Mp4Properties {
/// Duration
pub fn duration(&self) -> Duration {
/// Overall bitrate (kbps)
pub fn overall_bitrate(&self) -> u32 {
/// Audio bitrate (kbps)
pub fn audio_bitrate(&self) -> u32 {
/// Sample rate (Hz)
pub fn sample_rate(&self) -> u32 {
/// Bits per sample
pub fn bit_depth(&self) -> Option<u8> {
/// Channel count
pub fn channels(&self) -> u8 {
/// Audio codec
pub fn codec(&self) -> &Mp4Codec {
/// Extended audio object type
/// This is only applicable to MP4 files with an Elementary Stream Descriptor.
/// See [here]( for
/// more information.
pub fn audio_object_type(&self) -> Option<AudioObjectType> {
pub(crate) fn read_properties<R>(
data: &mut R,
traks: &[Trak],
file_length: u64,
) -> Result<Mp4Properties>
R: Read + Seek,
// We need the mdhd and minf atoms from the audio track
let mut audio_track = false;
let mut mdhd = None;
let mut minf = None;
// We have to search through the traks with a mdia atom to find the audio track
for mdia in traks.iter().filter_map(|trak| trak.mdia.as_ref()) {
if audio_track {
} + 8))?;
let mut read = 8;
while read < mdia.len {
let atom = AtomInfo::read(data)?;
read += atom.len;
if let AtomIdent::Fourcc(fourcc) = atom.ident {
match &fourcc {
b"mdhd" => {
skip_unneeded(data, atom.extended, atom.len)?;
mdhd = Some(atom)
b"hdlr" => {
// The hdlr atom is followed by 8 zeros;
let mut handler_type = [0; 4];
data.read_exact(&mut handler_type)?;
if &handler_type == b"soun" {
audio_track = true
skip_unneeded(data, atom.extended, atom.len - 12)?;
b"minf" => minf = Some(atom),
_ => {
skip_unneeded(data, atom.extended, atom.len)?;
skip_unneeded(data, atom.extended, atom.len)?;
if !audio_track {
return Err(FileDecodingError::new(FileType::MP4, "File contains no audio tracks").into());
let mdhd = match mdhd {
Some(mdhd) => mdhd,
None => {
return Err(LoftyError::new(ErrorKind::BadAtom(
"Expected atom \"trak.mdia.mdhd\"",
}; + 8))?;
let version = data.read_u8()?;
let _flags = data.read_uint::<BigEndian>(3)?;
let (timescale, duration) = if version == 1 {
// We don't care about these two values
let _creation_time = data.read_u64::<BigEndian>()?;
let _modification_time = data.read_u64::<BigEndian>()?;
let timescale = data.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
let duration = data.read_u64::<BigEndian>()?;
(timescale, duration)
} else {
let _creation_time = data.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
let _modification_time = data.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
let timescale = data.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
let duration = data.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
(timescale, u64::from(duration))
let duration = Duration::from_millis(duration * 1000 / u64::from(timescale));
// We create the properties here, since it is possible the other information isn't available
let mut properties = Mp4Properties {
if let Some(minf) = minf { + 8))?;
if let Some(stbl) = nested_atom(data, minf.len, b"stbl")? {
if let Some(stsd) = nested_atom(data, stbl.len, b"stsd")? {
let mut stsd = try_vec![0; (stsd.len - 8) as usize];
data.read_exact(&mut stsd)?;
let mut stsd_reader = Cursor::new(&*stsd);
// Skipping 8 bytes
// Version (1)
// Flags (3)
// Number of entries (4);
let atom = AtomInfo::read(&mut stsd_reader)?;
if let AtomIdent::Fourcc(ref fourcc) = atom.ident {
match fourcc {
b"mp4a" => mp4a_properties(&mut stsd_reader, &mut properties)?,
b"alac" => alac_properties(&mut stsd_reader, &mut properties)?,
// Maybe do these?
// TODO: dfla (
// TODO: dops
// TODO: wave (
_ => {},
// We do the mdat check up here, so we have access to the entire file
let duration_millis = properties.duration.as_millis();
if duration_millis > 0 {
let overall_bitrate = u128::from(file_length * 8) / duration_millis;
properties.overall_bitrate = overall_bitrate as u32;
if properties.audio_bitrate == 0 {
properties.audio_bitrate =
(u128::from(mdat_length(data)? * 8) / duration_millis) as u32;
fn mp4a_properties<R>(stsd: &mut R, properties: &mut Mp4Properties) -> Result<()>
R: Read + Seek,
const DECODER_CONFIG_TAG: u8 = 0x04;
const SAMPLE_RATES: [u32; 15] = [
96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350, 0,
// Set the codec to AAC, which is a good guess if we fail before reaching the `esds`
properties.codec = Mp4Codec::AAC;
// Skipping 16 bytes
// Reserved (6)
// Data reference index (2)
// Version (2)
// Revision level (2)
// Vendor (4);
properties.channels = stsd.read_u16::<BigEndian>()? as u8;
// Skipping 4 bytes
// Sample size (2)
// Compression ID (2);
properties.sample_rate = stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;;
// This information is often followed by an esds (elementary stream descriptor) atom containing the bitrate
if let Ok(esds) = AtomInfo::read(stsd) {
// There are 4 bytes we expect to be zeroed out
// Version (1)
// Flags (3)
if esds.ident == AtomIdent::Fourcc(*b"esds") && stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()? == 0 {
let descriptor = Descriptor::read(stsd)?;
if descriptor.tag == ELEMENTARY_DESCRIPTOR_TAG {
// Skipping 3 bytes
// Elementary stream ID (2)
// Flags (1);
// There is another descriptor embedded in the previous one
let descriptor = Descriptor::read(stsd)?;
if descriptor.tag == DECODER_CONFIG_TAG {
let codec = stsd.read_u8()?;
properties.codec = match codec {
0x40 | 0x41 | 0x66 | 0x67 | 0x68 => Mp4Codec::AAC,
0x69 | 0x6B => Mp4Codec::MP3,
_ => Mp4Codec::Unknown,
// Skipping 8 bytes
// Stream type (1)
// Buffer size (3)
// Max bitrate (4);
let average_bitrate = stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
// Yet another descriptor to check
let descriptor = Descriptor::read(stsd)?;
// 5 bits: object type
// if (object type == 31)
// 6 bits + 32: object type
// 4 bits: frequency index
// if (frequency index == 15)
// 24 bits: frequency
// 4 bits: channel configuration
let byte_a = stsd.read_u8()?;
let byte_b = stsd.read_u8()?;
let mut object_type = byte_a >> 3;
let mut frequency_index = ((byte_a & 0x07) << 1) | (byte_b >> 7);
let mut channel_conf = (byte_b >> 3) & 0x0F;
let mut extended_object_type = false;
if object_type == 31 {
extended_object_type = true;
object_type = 32 + ((byte_a & 7) | (byte_b >> 5));
frequency_index = (byte_b >> 1) & 0x0F;
properties.extended_audio_object_type =
match frequency_index {
// 15 means the sample rate is stored in the next 24 bits
0x0F => {
let sample_rate;
let explicit_sample_rate = stsd.read_u24::<BigEndian>()?;
if extended_object_type {
sample_rate = explicit_sample_rate >> 1;
channel_conf = ((explicit_sample_rate >> 4) & 0x0F) as u8;
} else {
sample_rate = explicit_sample_rate << 1;
let byte_c = stsd.read_u8()?;
channel_conf = ((explicit_sample_rate & 0x80) as u8
| (byte_c >> 1)) & 0x0F;
// Just use the sample rate we already read above if this is invalid
if sample_rate > 0 {
properties.sample_rate = sample_rate;
i if i < SAMPLE_RATES.len() as u8 => {
properties.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATES[i as usize];
if extended_object_type {
let byte_c = stsd.read_u8()?;
channel_conf = (byte_b & 1) | (byte_c & 0xE0);
} else {
channel_conf = (byte_b >> 3) & 0x0F;
// Keep the sample rate we read above
_ => {},
// The channel configuration isn't always set, at least when testing with
// the Audio Lossless Coding reference software
if channel_conf > 0 {
properties.channels = channel_conf;
// We just check for ALS here, might extend it for more codes eventually
if object_type == 36 {
let mut ident = [0; 5];
stsd.read_exact(&mut ident)?;
if &ident == b"\0ALS\0" {
properties.sample_rate = stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
// Sample count;
properties.channels = stsd.read_u16::<BigEndian>()? as u8 + 1;
if average_bitrate > 0 || properties.duration.is_zero() {
properties.audio_bitrate = average_bitrate / 1000;
fn alac_properties<R>(stsd: &mut R, properties: &mut Mp4Properties) -> Result<()>
R: Read + Seek,
// With ALAC, we can expect the length to be exactly 88 (80 here since we removed the size and identifier)
if != 80 {
return Ok(());
// Unlike the mp4a atom, we cannot read the data that immediately follows it
// For ALAC, we have to skip the first "alac" atom entirely, and read the one that
// immediately follows it.
// We are skipping over 44 bytes total
// stsd information/alac atom header (16, see `read_properties`)
// First alac atom's content (28);
if let Ok(alac) = AtomInfo::read(stsd) {
if alac.ident == AtomIdent::Fourcc(*b"alac") {
properties.codec = Mp4Codec::ALAC;
// Skipping 9 bytes
// Version (4)
// Samples per frame (4)
// Compatible version (1);
// Sample size (1)
let sample_size = stsd.read_u8()?;
properties.bit_depth = Some(sample_size);
// Skipping 3 bytes
// Rice history mult (1)
// Rice initial history (1)
// Rice parameter limit (1);
properties.channels = stsd.read_u8()?;
// Skipping 6 bytes
// Max run (2)
// Max frame size (4);
properties.audio_bitrate = stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()? / 1000;
properties.sample_rate = stsd.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
// Used to calculate the bitrate, when it isn't readily available to us
fn mdat_length<R>(data: &mut R) -> Result<u64>
R: Read + Seek,
while let Ok(atom) = AtomInfo::read(data) {
if atom.ident == AtomIdent::Fourcc(*b"mdat") {
return Ok(atom.len);
skip_unneeded(data, atom.extended, atom.len)?;
Err(FileDecodingError::new(FileType::MP4, "Failed to find \"mdat\" atom").into())
struct Descriptor {
tag: u8,
_size: u32,
impl Descriptor {
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Descriptor> {
let tag = reader.read_u8()?;
let mut size: u32 = 0;
for _ in 0..4 {
let b = reader.read_u8()?;
size = (size << 7) | u32::from(b & 0x7F);
if b & 0x80 == 0 {
Ok(Descriptor { tag, _size: size })