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//! [](https://crates.io/crates/lofty)
//! [](https://crates.io/crates/lofty)
//! [](https://crates.io/crates/lofty)
//! [](https://docs.rs/lofty/)
//! This is a fork of [Audiotags](https://github.com/TianyiShi2001/audiotags), adding support for more file types and (optionally) duration.
//! Parse, convert, and write metadata to audio files of different file types.
//! This crate aims to provide a unified trait for parsers and writers of different audio file formats.
//! Without this crate, you would otherwise need to learn the different APIs in **id3**, **mp4ameta**, etc.
//! in order to parse metadata in different file formats.
//! # Supported Formats
//! | File Format | Extensions | Read | Write | Metadata Format(s) |
//! |-------------|-------------------------------------------|------|-------|----------------------|
//! | Ape | `ape` |**X** |**X** | `APEv2` |
//! | AIFF | `aiff`, `aif` |**X** |**X** | `ID3v2` |
//! | FLAC | `flac` |**X** |**X** | `Vorbis Comments` |
//! | MP3 | `mp3` |**X** |**X** | `ID3v2` |
//! | MP4 | `mp4`, `m4a`, `m4b`, `m4p`, `m4v`, `isom` |**X** |**X** | `Vorbis Comments` |
//! | Opus | `opus` |**X** |**X** | `Vorbis Comments` |
//! | Ogg | `ogg`, `oga` |**X** |**X** | `Vorbis Comments` |
//! | WAV | `wav`, `wave` |**X** |**X** | `RIFF INFO`, `ID3v2` |
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use lofty::{Tag, TagType};
//! // Guess the format from the extension, in this case `mp3`
//! let mut tag = Tag::new().read_from_path("tests/assets/a.mp3").unwrap();
//! tag.set_title("Foo");
//! // You can also guess the format from the file signature
//! let mut tag_sig = Tag::new().read_from_path_signature("tests/assets/a.wav").unwrap();
//! tag_sig.set_artist("Foo artist");
//! // You can convert the tag type and save the metadata to another file.
//! tag.to_dyn_tag(TagType::Mp4).write_to_path("tests/assets/a.m4a");
//! // You can specify the tag type, but when you want to do this
//! // also consider directly using the concrete type
//! let tag = Tag::new().with_tag_type(TagType::Mp4).read_from_path("tests/assets/a.m4a").unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(tag.title(), Some("Foo"));
//! ```
//! # Features
//! By default, `full` (`all_tags` and `duration`) are enabled.
//! `all_tags` provides all tag types (ID3, RIFF, Vorbis, etc).
//! `duration` provides the `duration` field in each tag (ex. Tag.duration).
//! Either one can be disabled if it doesn't fit your use case.
//! In addition to this, each format can be individually enabled.
//! All features are: `ape, flac, id3, mp4, opus, vorbis, riff`.
//! ## Performance
//! Using lofty incurs a little overhead due to vtables if you want to guess the metadata format (from file extension).
//! Apart from this, the performance is almost the same as directly calling the function provided from those ‘specialized’ crates.
//! No copies will be made if you only need to read and write metadata of one format. If you want to convert between tags, copying is
//! unavoidable, no matter if you use lofty or use getters and setters provided by specialized libraries. Lofty is not making additional
//! unnecessary copies.
mod macros;
mod types;
pub use crate::types::{
picture::{MimeType, Picture},
mod tag;
pub use crate::tag::{Id3Format, Tag, TagType, VorbisFormat};
mod error;
pub use crate::error::{Error, Result};
mod components;
pub use crate::components::tags::*;
mod traits;
pub use crate::traits::{AudioTag, AudioTagEdit, AudioTagWrite, ToAny, ToAnyTag};