use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::Span; use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens}; use std::fmt::Display; use syn::spanned::Spanned; use syn::{ parse_macro_input, Attribute, Data, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Fields, Ident, Lit, Meta, MetaList, NestedMeta, Type, }; const LOFTY_FILE_TYPES: [&str; 10] = [ "AIFF", "APE", "FLAC", "MPEG", "MP4", "Opus", "Vorbis", "Speex", "WAV", "WavPack", ]; #[proc_macro_derive(LoftyFile, attributes(lofty))] pub fn tag(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); let mut errors = Vec::new(); let ret = parse(input, &mut errors); let compile_errors = errors.iter().map(syn::Error::to_compile_error); TokenStream::from(quote! { #(#compile_errors)* #ret }) } fn parse(input: DeriveInput, errors: &mut Vec) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { macro_rules! bail { ($errors:ident, $span:expr, $msg:literal) => { $errors.push(err($span, $msg)); return proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); }; } let data = match { Data::Struct( ref data_struct @ DataStruct { fields: Fields::Named(_), .. }, ) => data_struct, _ => { bail!( errors, input.ident.span(), "This macro can only be used on structs with named fields" ); }, }; let impl_audiofile = should_impl_audiofile(&input.attrs); let read_fn = match get_attr("read_fn", &input.attrs) { Some(rfn) => rfn, _ if impl_audiofile => { bail!( errors, input.ident.span(), "Expected a #[read_fn] attribute" ); }, _ => proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), }; let struct_name = input.ident.clone(); let file_type = match opt_file_type(struct_name.to_string()) { Some(ft) => ft, _ => match get_attr("file_type", &input.attrs) { Some(rfn) => rfn, _ => { bail!( errors, input.ident.span(), "Expected a #[file_type] attribute" ); }, }, }; let (tag_fields, properties_field) = match get_fields(errors, data) { Some(fields) => fields, None => return proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), }; if tag_fields.is_empty() { errors.push(err(input.ident.span(), "Struct has no tag fields")); } let properties_field = if let Some(field) = properties_field { field } else { bail!(errors, input.ident.span(), "Struct has no properties field"); }; let properties_field_ty = &properties_field.ty; let assert_properties_impl = quote_spanned! {properties_field_ty.span()=> struct _AssertIntoFileProperties where #properties_field_ty: std::convert::Into; }; let assert_tag_impl_into = tag_fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, f)| { let name = format_ident!("_AssertTagExt{}", i); let field_ty = &f.ty; quote_spanned! {field_ty.span()=> struct #name where #field_ty: lofty::TagExt; } }); let tag_exists = tag_fields.iter().map(|f| { let name = &; if f.needs_option { quote! { self.#name.is_some() } } else { quote! { true } } }); let tag_exists_2 = tag_exists.clone(); let tag_type = tag_fields.iter().map(|f| &f.tag_type); let audiofile_impl = if impl_audiofile { quote! { impl lofty::AudioFile for #struct_name { type Properties = #properties_field_ty; fn read_from(reader: &mut R, read_properties: bool) -> lofty::error::Result where R: std::io::Read + std::io::Seek, { #read_fn(reader, read_properties) } fn properties(&self) -> &Self::Properties { & } #[allow(unreachable_code)] fn contains_tag(&self) -> bool { #( #tag_exists )||* } #[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)] fn contains_tag_type(&self, tag_type: lofty::TagType) -> bool { match tag_type { #( lofty::TagType::#tag_type => { #tag_exists_2 } ),* _ => false } } } } } else { proc_macro2::TokenStream::new() }; let conditions = tag_fields.iter().map(|f| { let name = &; if f.needs_option { quote! { if let Some(t) = input.#name { tags.push(t.into()); } } } else { quote! { tags.push(input.#name.into()); } } }); let getters = get_getters(&tag_fields, &struct_name); quote! { #assert_properties_impl #( #assert_tag_impl_into )* #audiofile_impl impl std::convert::From<#struct_name> for lofty::TaggedFile { fn from(input: #struct_name) -> Self { lofty::TaggedFile::new( lofty::FileType::#file_type, lofty::FileProperties::from(, { let mut tags: Vec = Vec::new(); #( #conditions )* tags } ) } } #( #getters )* } } struct FieldContents { name: Ident, cfg_features: Vec, needs_option: bool, getter_name: Option, ty: Type, tag_type: proc_macro2::TokenStream, } fn get_fields<'a>( errors: &mut Vec, data: &'a DataStruct, ) -> Option<(Vec, Option<&'a syn::Field>)> { let mut tag_fields = Vec::new(); let mut properties_field = None; for field in &data.fields { let name = field.ident.clone().unwrap(); if name.to_string().ends_with("_tag") { let tag_type = match get_attr("tag_type", &field.attrs) { Some(tt) => tt, _ => { errors.push(err(field.span(), "Field has no `tag_type` attribute")); return None; }, }; let cfg = field .attrs .iter() .cloned() .filter_map(|a| get_attr_list("cfg", &a).map(|_| a)) .collect::>(); let contents = FieldContents { name, getter_name: get_attr("getter", &field.attrs), ty: extract_type_from_option(&field.ty) .map_or_else(|| field.ty.clone(), |t| t.clone()), tag_type, needs_option: needs_option(&field.attrs), cfg_features: cfg, }; tag_fields.push(contents); continue; } if name == "properties" { properties_field = Some(field); } } Some((tag_fields, properties_field)) } fn opt_file_type(struct_name: String) -> Option { let stripped = struct_name.strip_suffix("File"); if let Some(prefix) = stripped { if let Some(pos) = LOFTY_FILE_TYPES .iter() .position(|p| p.eq_ignore_ascii_case(prefix)) { return Some( LOFTY_FILE_TYPES[pos] .parse::() .unwrap(), ); } } None } fn get_attr(name: &str, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option { for attr in attrs { if let Some(list) = get_attr_list("lofty", attr) { if let Some(NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(mnv))) = list.nested.first() { if mnv .path .segments .first() .expect("path shouldn't be empty") .ident == name { if let Lit::Str(lit_str) = &mnv.lit { return Some(lit_str.parse::().unwrap()); } } } } } None } fn needs_option(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool { for attr in attrs { if has_path_attr(attr, "always_present") { return false; } } true } fn should_impl_audiofile(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool { for attr in attrs { if has_path_attr(attr, "no_audiofile_impl") { return false; } } true } fn has_path_attr(attr: &Attribute, name: &str) -> bool { if let Some(list) = get_attr_list("lofty", attr) { if let Some(NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(p))) = list.nested.first() { if p.is_ident(name) { return true; } } } false } fn get_attr_list(path: &str, attr: &Attribute) -> Option { if attr.path.is_ident(path) { if let Ok(Meta::List(list)) = attr.parse_meta() { return Some(list); } } None } fn get_getters<'a>( tag_fields: &'a [FieldContents], struct_name: &'a Ident, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { tag_fields.iter().map(move |f| { let name = f.getter_name.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| { let name ="_tag").unwrap().to_string(); Ident::new(&name, }); let (ty_prefix, ty_suffix) = if f.needs_option { (quote! {Option<}, quote! {>}) } else { (quote! {}, quote! {}) }; let field_name = &; let field_ty = &f.ty; let assert_field_ty_default = quote_spanned! {> struct _AssertDefault where #field_ty: core::default::Default; }; let ref_access = if f.needs_option { quote! {self.#field_name.as_ref()} } else { quote! {&self.#field_name} }; let mut_ident = Ident::new(&format!("{}_mut", name), Span::call_site()); let mut_access = if f.needs_option { quote! {self.#field_name.as_mut()} } else { quote! {&mut self.#field_name} }; let remove_ident = Ident::new(&format!("remove_{}", name), Span::call_site()); let remover = if f.needs_option { quote! {self.#field_name = None;} } else { quote! { #assert_field_ty_default self.#field_name = <#field_ty>::default(); } }; let cfg = &f.cfg_features; quote! { #( #cfg )* impl #struct_name { /// Returns a reference to the tag pub fn #name(&self) -> #ty_prefix &#field_ty #ty_suffix { #ref_access } /// Returns a mutable reference to the tag pub fn #mut_ident(&mut self) -> #ty_prefix &mut #field_ty #ty_suffix { #mut_access } /// Removes the tag pub fn #remove_ident(&mut self) { #remover } } } }) } // fn extract_type_from_option(ty: &Type) -> Option<&Type> { use syn::{GenericArgument, Path, PathArguments, PathSegment}; fn extract_type_path(ty: &Type) -> Option<&Path> { match *ty { Type::Path(ref typepath) if typepath.qself.is_none() => Some(&typepath.path), _ => None, } } fn extract_option_segment(path: &Path) -> Option<&PathSegment> { let idents_of_path = path .segments .iter() .into_iter() .fold(String::new(), |mut acc, v| { acc.push_str(&v.ident.to_string()); acc.push('|'); acc }); vec!["Option|", "std|option|Option|", "core|option|Option|"] .into_iter() .find(|s| idents_of_path == *s) .and_then(|_| path.segments.last()) } extract_type_path(ty) .and_then(extract_option_segment) .and_then(|path_seg| { let type_params = &path_seg.arguments; // It should have only on angle-bracketed param (""): match *type_params { PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref params) => params.args.first(), _ => None, } }) .and_then(|generic_arg| match *generic_arg { GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => Some(ty), _ => None, }) } fn err(span: Span, error: T) -> syn::Error { syn::Error::new(span, error) }