require 'rake/testtask' require 'rubocop/rake_task' # Rubocop desc 'Run Rubocop lint checks' task :rubocop do end # lint the project desc 'Run robocop linter' task lint: [:rubocop] # run tests task default: [:lint, 'test:check'] namespace :test do # run inspec check to verify that the profile is properly configured task :check do require 'inspec' puts "Checking profile with InSpec Version: #{Inspec::VERSION}" profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target('.', backend: Inspec::Backend.create(Inspec::Config.mock)) pp profile.check end end task :changelog do # Automatically generate a changelog for this project. Only loaded if # the necessary gem is installed. By default its picking up the version from # inspec.yml. You can override that behavior with `rake changelog to=1.2.0` begin require 'yaml' metadata = YAML.load_file('inspec.yml') v = ENV['to'] || metadata['version'] puts " * Generating changelog for version #{v}" require 'github_changelog_generator/task' :changelog do |config| config.future_release = v config.user = 'dev-sec' config.project = 'linux-baseline' end Rake::Task[:changelog].execute rescue LoadError puts '>>>>> GitHub Changelog Generator not loaded, omitting tasks' end end