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import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils import timezone
from bookmarks.models import Bookmark, Tag, parse_tag_string
from bookmarks.services import tasks
from bookmarks.services.parser import parse, NetscapeBookmark
from bookmarks.utils import parse_timestamp
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ImportResult:
total: int = 0
success: int = 0
failed: int = 0
class TagCache:
def __init__(self, user: User):
self.user = user
self.cache = dict()
# Init cache with all existing tags for that user
tags = Tag.objects.filter(owner=user)
for tag in tags:
def get(self, tag_name: str):
tag_name_lowercase = tag_name.lower()
if tag_name_lowercase in self.cache:
return self.cache[tag_name_lowercase]
return None
def get_all(self, tag_names: List[str]):
result = []
for tag_name in tag_names:
tag = self.get(tag_name)
# Prevent returning duplicates
if not (tag in result):
return result
def put(self, tag: Tag):
self.cache[tag.name.lower()] = tag
def import_netscape_html(html: str, user: User):
result = ImportResult()
import_start = timezone.now()
netscape_bookmarks = parse(html)
logging.exception('Could not read bookmarks file.')
parse_end = timezone.now()
logger.debug(f'Parse duration: {parse_end - import_start}')
# Create and cache all tags beforehand
_create_missing_tags(netscape_bookmarks, user)
tag_cache = TagCache(user)
# Split bookmarks to import into batches, to keep memory usage for bulk operations manageable
batches = _get_batches(netscape_bookmarks, 200)
for batch in batches:
_import_batch(batch, user, tag_cache, result)
# Create snapshots for newly imported bookmarks
end = timezone.now()
logger.debug(f'Import duration: {end - import_start}')
return result
def _create_missing_tags(netscape_bookmarks: List[NetscapeBookmark], user: User):
tag_cache = TagCache(user)
tags_to_create = []
for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks:
tag_names = parse_tag_string(netscape_bookmark.tag_string)
for tag_name in tag_names:
tag = tag_cache.get(tag_name)
if not tag:
tag = Tag(name=tag_name, owner=user)
tag.date_added = timezone.now()
def _get_batches(items: List, batch_size: int):
batches = []
offset = 0
num_items = len(items)
while offset < num_items:
batch = items[offset:min(offset + batch_size, num_items)]
if len(batch) > 0:
offset = offset + batch_size
return batches
def _import_batch(netscape_bookmarks: List[NetscapeBookmark], user: User, tag_cache: TagCache, result: ImportResult):
# Query existing bookmarks
batch_urls = [bookmark.href for bookmark in netscape_bookmarks]
existing_bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(owner=user, url__in=batch_urls)
# Create or update bookmarks from parsed Netscape bookmarks
bookmarks_to_create = []
bookmarks_to_update = []
for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks:
result.total = result.total + 1
# Lookup existing bookmark by URL, or create new bookmark if there is no bookmark for that URL yet
bookmark = next(
(bookmark for bookmark in existing_bookmarks if bookmark.url == netscape_bookmark.href), None)
if not bookmark:
bookmark = Bookmark(owner=user)
is_update = False
is_update = True
# Copy data from parsed bookmark
_copy_bookmark_data(netscape_bookmark, bookmark)
# Validate bookmark fields, exclude owner to prevent n+1 database query,
# also there is no specific validation on owner
# Schedule for update or insert
if is_update:
result.success = result.success + 1
shortened_bookmark_tag_str = str(netscape_bookmark)[:100] + '...'
logging.exception('Error importing bookmark: ' + shortened_bookmark_tag_str)
result.failed = result.failed + 1
# Bulk update bookmarks in DB
['url', 'date_added', 'date_modified', 'unread', 'title', 'description', 'owner'])
# Bulk insert new bookmarks into DB
# Bulk assign tags
# In Django 3, bulk_create does not return the auto-generated IDs when bulk inserting,
# so we have to reload the inserted bookmarks, and match them to the parsed bookmarks by URL
existing_bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(owner=user, url__in=batch_urls)
BookmarkToTagRelationShip = Bookmark.tags.through
relationships = []
for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks:
# Lookup bookmark by URL again
bookmark = next(
(bookmark for bookmark in existing_bookmarks if bookmark.url == netscape_bookmark.href), None)
if not bookmark:
# Something is wrong, we should have just created this bookmark
shortened_bookmark_tag_str = str(netscape_bookmark)[:100] + '...'
f'Failed to assign tags to the bookmark: {shortened_bookmark_tag_str}. Could not find bookmark by URL.')
# Get tag models by string, schedule inserts for bookmark -> tag associations
tag_names = parse_tag_string(netscape_bookmark.tag_string)
tags = tag_cache.get_all(tag_names)
for tag in tags:
relationships.append(BookmarkToTagRelationShip(bookmark=bookmark, tag=tag))
# Insert all bookmark -> tag associations at once, should ignore errors if association already exists
BookmarkToTagRelationShip.objects.bulk_create(relationships, ignore_conflicts=True)
def _copy_bookmark_data(netscape_bookmark: NetscapeBookmark, bookmark: Bookmark):
bookmark.url = netscape_bookmark.href
if netscape_bookmark.date_added:
bookmark.date_added = parse_timestamp(netscape_bookmark.date_added)
bookmark.date_added = timezone.now()
bookmark.date_modified = bookmark.date_added
bookmark.unread = False
if netscape_bookmark.title:
bookmark.title = netscape_bookmark.title
if netscape_bookmark.description:
bookmark.description = netscape_bookmark.description