mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 12:28:23 +00:00
* add migration for merging fields * remove usage of website title and description * keep empty website title and description in API for compatibility * restore scraping in API and add option for disabling it * document API scraping behavior * remove deprecated fields from API docs * improve form layout * cleanup migration * cleanup website loader * update tests
193 lines
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193 lines
6.1 KiB
from typing import Optional
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import Q, QuerySet, Exists, OuterRef, Case, When, CharField
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
from django.db.models.functions import Lower
from bookmarks.models import Bookmark, BookmarkSearch, Tag, UserProfile
from bookmarks.utils import unique
def query_bookmarks(
user: User, profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch
) -> QuerySet:
return _base_bookmarks_query(user, profile, search).filter(is_archived=False)
def query_archived_bookmarks(
user: User, profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch
) -> QuerySet:
return _base_bookmarks_query(user, profile, search).filter(is_archived=True)
def query_shared_bookmarks(
user: Optional[User],
profile: UserProfile,
search: BookmarkSearch,
public_only: bool,
) -> QuerySet:
conditions = Q(shared=True) & Q(owner__profile__enable_sharing=True)
if public_only:
conditions = conditions & Q(owner__profile__enable_public_sharing=True)
return _base_bookmarks_query(user, profile, search).filter(conditions)
def _base_bookmarks_query(
user: Optional[User], profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch
) -> QuerySet:
query_set = Bookmark.objects
# Filter for user
if user:
query_set = query_set.filter(owner=user)
# Split query into search terms and tags
query = parse_query_string(search.q)
# Filter for search terms and tags
for term in query["search_terms"]:
conditions = (
| Q(description__icontains=term)
| Q(notes__icontains=term)
| Q(url__icontains=term)
if profile.tag_search == UserProfile.TAG_SEARCH_LAX:
conditions = conditions | Exists(
Bookmark.objects.filter(id=OuterRef("id"), tags__name__iexact=term)
query_set = query_set.filter(conditions)
for tag_name in query["tag_names"]:
query_set = query_set.filter(tags__name__iexact=tag_name)
# Untagged bookmarks
if query["untagged"]:
query_set = query_set.filter(tags=None)
# Legacy unread bookmarks filter from query
if query["unread"]:
query_set = query_set.filter(unread=True)
# Unread filter from bookmark search
if search.unread == BookmarkSearch.FILTER_UNREAD_YES:
query_set = query_set.filter(unread=True)
elif search.unread == BookmarkSearch.FILTER_UNREAD_NO:
query_set = query_set.filter(unread=False)
# Shared filter
if search.shared == BookmarkSearch.FILTER_SHARED_SHARED:
query_set = query_set.filter(shared=True)
elif search.shared == BookmarkSearch.FILTER_SHARED_UNSHARED:
query_set = query_set.filter(shared=False)
# Sort
if (
search.sort == BookmarkSearch.SORT_TITLE_ASC
or search.sort == BookmarkSearch.SORT_TITLE_DESC
# For the title, the resolved_title logic from the Bookmark entity needs
# to be replicated as there is no corresponding database field
query_set = query_set.annotate(
When(Q(title__isnull=False) & ~Q(title__exact=""), then=Lower("title")),
# For SQLite, if the ICU extension is loaded, use the custom collation
# loaded into the connection. This results in an improved sort order for
# unicode characters (umlauts, etc.)
if settings.USE_SQLITE and settings.USE_SQLITE_ICU_EXTENSION:
order_field = RawSQL("effective_title COLLATE ICU", ())
order_field = "effective_title"
if search.sort == BookmarkSearch.SORT_TITLE_ASC:
query_set = query_set.order_by(order_field)
elif search.sort == BookmarkSearch.SORT_TITLE_DESC:
query_set = query_set.order_by(order_field).reverse()
elif search.sort == BookmarkSearch.SORT_ADDED_ASC:
query_set = query_set.order_by("date_added")
# Sort by date added, descending by default
query_set = query_set.order_by("-date_added")
return query_set
def query_bookmark_tags(
user: User, profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch
) -> QuerySet:
bookmarks_query = query_bookmarks(user, profile, search)
query_set = Tag.objects.filter(bookmark__in=bookmarks_query)
return query_set.distinct()
def query_archived_bookmark_tags(
user: User, profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch
) -> QuerySet:
bookmarks_query = query_archived_bookmarks(user, profile, search)
query_set = Tag.objects.filter(bookmark__in=bookmarks_query)
return query_set.distinct()
def query_shared_bookmark_tags(
user: Optional[User],
profile: UserProfile,
search: BookmarkSearch,
public_only: bool,
) -> QuerySet:
bookmarks_query = query_shared_bookmarks(user, profile, search, public_only)
query_set = Tag.objects.filter(bookmark__in=bookmarks_query)
return query_set.distinct()
def query_shared_bookmark_users(
profile: UserProfile, search: BookmarkSearch, public_only: bool
) -> QuerySet:
bookmarks_query = query_shared_bookmarks(None, profile, search, public_only)
query_set = User.objects.filter(bookmark__in=bookmarks_query)
return query_set.distinct()
def get_user_tags(user: User):
return Tag.objects.filter(owner=user).all()
def parse_query_string(query_string):
# Sanitize query params
if not query_string:
query_string = ""
# Split query into search terms and tags
keywords = query_string.strip().split(" ")
keywords = [word for word in keywords if word]
search_terms = [word for word in keywords if word[0] != "#" and word[0] != "!"]
tag_names = [word[1:] for word in keywords if word[0] == "#"]
tag_names = unique(tag_names, str.lower)
# Special search commands
untagged = "!untagged" in keywords
unread = "!unread" in keywords
return {
"search_terms": search_terms,
"tag_names": tag_names,
"untagged": untagged,
"unread": unread,