# Docker container name LD_CONTAINER_NAME=linkding # Port on the host system that the application should be published on LD_HOST_PORT=9090 # Directory on the host system that should be mounted as data dir into the Docker container LD_HOST_DATA_DIR=./data # Can be used to run linkding under a context path, for example: linkding/ # Must end with a slash `/` LD_CONTEXT_PATH= # Username of the initial superuser to create, leave empty to not create one LD_SUPERUSER_NAME= # Password for the initial superuser, leave empty to disable credentials authentication and rely on proxy authentication instead LD_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD= # Option to disable background tasks LD_DISABLE_BACKGROUND_TASKS=False # Option to disable URL validation for bookmarks completely LD_DISABLE_URL_VALIDATION=False # Enables support for authentication proxies such as Authelia LD_ENABLE_AUTH_PROXY=False # Name of the request header that the auth proxy passes to the application to identify the user # See docs/Options.md for more details LD_AUTH_PROXY_USERNAME_HEADER= # The URL that linkding should redirect to after a logout, when using an auth proxy # See docs/Options.md for more details LD_AUTH_PROXY_LOGOUT_URL= # List of trusted origins from which to accept POST requests # See docs/Options.md for more details LD_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS= # Database settings # These are currently only required for configuring PostreSQL. # By default, linkding uses SQLite for which you don't need to configure anything. # Database engine, can be sqlite (default) or postgres LD_DB_ENGINE= # Database name (default: linkding) LD_DB_DATABASE= # Username to connect to the database server (default: linkding) LD_DB_USER= # Password to connect to the database server LD_DB_PASSWORD= # The hostname where the database is hosted (default: localhost) LD_DB_HOST= # Port use to connect to the database server # Should use the default port if not set LD_DB_PORT= # Any additional options to pass to the database (default: {}) LD_DB_OPTIONS=