import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils import timezone from bookmarks.models import Bookmark, Tag from import tasks from import parse, NetscapeBookmark from bookmarks.utils import parse_timestamp logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class ImportResult: total: int = 0 success: int = 0 failed: int = 0 @dataclass class ImportOptions: map_private_flag: bool = False class TagCache: def __init__(self, user: User): self.user = user self.cache = dict() # Init cache with all existing tags for that user tags = Tag.objects.filter(owner=user) for tag in tags: self.put(tag) def get(self, tag_name: str): tag_name_lowercase = tag_name.lower() if tag_name_lowercase in self.cache: return self.cache[tag_name_lowercase] else: return None def get_all(self, tag_names: List[str]): result = [] for tag_name in tag_names: tag = self.get(tag_name) # Prevent returning duplicates if not (tag in result): result.append(tag) return result def put(self, tag: Tag): self.cache[] = tag def import_netscape_html(html: str, user: User, options: ImportOptions = ImportOptions()) -> ImportResult: result = ImportResult() import_start = try: netscape_bookmarks = parse(html) except: logging.exception('Could not read bookmarks file.') raise parse_end = logger.debug(f'Parse duration: {parse_end - import_start}') # Create and cache all tags beforehand _create_missing_tags(netscape_bookmarks, user) tag_cache = TagCache(user) # Split bookmarks to import into batches, to keep memory usage for bulk operations manageable batches = _get_batches(netscape_bookmarks, 200) for batch in batches: _import_batch(batch, user, options, tag_cache, result) # Create snapshots for newly imported bookmarks tasks.schedule_bookmarks_without_snapshots(user) # Load favicons for newly imported bookmarks tasks.schedule_bookmarks_without_favicons(user) end = logger.debug(f'Import duration: {end - import_start}') return result def _create_missing_tags(netscape_bookmarks: List[NetscapeBookmark], user: User): tag_cache = TagCache(user) tags_to_create = [] for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks: for tag_name in netscape_bookmark.tag_names: tag = tag_cache.get(tag_name) if not tag: tag = Tag(name=tag_name, owner=user) tag.date_added = tags_to_create.append(tag) tag_cache.put(tag) Tag.objects.bulk_create(tags_to_create) def _get_batches(items: List, batch_size: int): batches = [] offset = 0 num_items = len(items) while offset < num_items: batch = items[offset:min(offset + batch_size, num_items)] if len(batch) > 0: batches.append(batch) offset = offset + batch_size return batches def _import_batch(netscape_bookmarks: List[NetscapeBookmark], user: User, options: ImportOptions, tag_cache: TagCache, result: ImportResult): # Query existing bookmarks batch_urls = [bookmark.href for bookmark in netscape_bookmarks] existing_bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(owner=user, url__in=batch_urls) # Create or update bookmarks from parsed Netscape bookmarks bookmarks_to_create = [] bookmarks_to_update = [] for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks: = + 1 try: # Lookup existing bookmark by URL, or create new bookmark if there is no bookmark for that URL yet bookmark = next( (bookmark for bookmark in existing_bookmarks if bookmark.url == netscape_bookmark.href), None) if not bookmark: bookmark = Bookmark(owner=user) is_update = False else: is_update = True # Copy data from parsed bookmark _copy_bookmark_data(netscape_bookmark, bookmark, options) # Validate bookmark fields, exclude owner to prevent n+1 database query, # also there is no specific validation on owner bookmark.clean_fields(exclude=['owner']) # Schedule for update or insert if is_update: bookmarks_to_update.append(bookmark) else: bookmarks_to_create.append(bookmark) result.success = result.success + 1 except: shortened_bookmark_tag_str = str(netscape_bookmark)[:100] + '...' logging.exception('Error importing bookmark: ' + shortened_bookmark_tag_str) result.failed = result.failed + 1 # Bulk update bookmarks in DB Bookmark.objects.bulk_update(bookmarks_to_update, ['url', 'date_added', 'date_modified', 'unread', 'shared', 'title', 'description', 'notes', 'owner']) # Bulk insert new bookmarks into DB Bookmark.objects.bulk_create(bookmarks_to_create) # Bulk assign tags # In Django 3, bulk_create does not return the auto-generated IDs when bulk inserting, # so we have to reload the inserted bookmarks, and match them to the parsed bookmarks by URL existing_bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(owner=user, url__in=batch_urls) BookmarkToTagRelationShip = Bookmark.tags.through relationships = [] for netscape_bookmark in netscape_bookmarks: # Lookup bookmark by URL again bookmark = next( (bookmark for bookmark in existing_bookmarks if bookmark.url == netscape_bookmark.href), None) if not bookmark: # Something is wrong, we should have just created this bookmark shortened_bookmark_tag_str = str(netscape_bookmark)[:100] + '...' logging.warning( f'Failed to assign tags to the bookmark: {shortened_bookmark_tag_str}. Could not find bookmark by URL.') continue # Get tag models by string, schedule inserts for bookmark -> tag associations tags = tag_cache.get_all(netscape_bookmark.tag_names) for tag in tags: relationships.append(BookmarkToTagRelationShip(bookmark=bookmark, tag=tag)) # Insert all bookmark -> tag associations at once, should ignore errors if association already exists BookmarkToTagRelationShip.objects.bulk_create(relationships, ignore_conflicts=True) def _copy_bookmark_data(netscape_bookmark: NetscapeBookmark, bookmark: Bookmark, options: ImportOptions): bookmark.url = netscape_bookmark.href if netscape_bookmark.date_added: bookmark.date_added = parse_timestamp(netscape_bookmark.date_added) else: bookmark.date_added = bookmark.date_modified = bookmark.date_added bookmark.unread = netscape_bookmark.to_read if netscape_bookmark.title: bookmark.title = netscape_bookmark.title if netscape_bookmark.description: bookmark.description = netscape_bookmark.description if netscape_bookmark.notes: bookmark.notes = netscape_bookmark.notes if options.map_private_flag and not netscape_bookmark.private: bookmark.shared = True if netscape_bookmark.archived: bookmark.is_archived = True