[package] name = "todo_app_sqlite_csr" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] [dependencies] console_log = "1.0" console_error_panic_hook = "0.1" futures = "0.3" leptos = { path = "../../leptos" } leptos_axum = { path = "../../integrations/axum", optional = true } leptos_meta = { path = "../../meta"} leptos_router = { path = "../../router" } leptos_integration_utils = { path = "../../integrations/utils", optional = true } log = "0.4" simple_logger = "4.0" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } axum = { version = "0.7", optional = true } tower = { version = "0.4", optional = true } tower-http = { version = "0.5", features = ["fs"], optional = true } tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"], optional = true } http = { version = "1.0" } sqlx = { version = "0.7", features = [ "runtime-tokio-rustls", "sqlite", ], optional = true } thiserror = "1.0" wasm-bindgen = "0.2" [features] csr = ["leptos/csr", "leptos_meta/csr", "leptos_router/csr"] ssr = [ "dep:axum", "dep:tower", "dep:tower-http", "dep:tokio", "dep:sqlx", "leptos/ssr", "leptos_meta/ssr", "leptos_router/ssr", "dep:leptos_axum", "dep:leptos_integration_utils", ] [package.metadata.cargo-all-features] denylist = ["axum", "tower", "tower-http", "tokio", "sqlx", "leptos_axum"] skip_feature_sets = [["csr", "ssr"], ["csr", "hydrate"], ["ssr", "hydrate"]] [package.metadata.leptos] # The name used by wasm-bindgen/cargo-leptos for the JS/WASM bundle. Defaults to the crate name output-name = "todo_app_sqlite_csr" # The site root folder is where cargo-leptos generate all output. WARNING: all content of this folder will be erased on a rebuild. Use it in your server setup. site-root = "target/site" # The site-root relative folder where all compiled output (JS, WASM and CSS) is written # Defaults to pkg site-pkg-dir = "pkg" # [Optional] The source CSS file. If it ends with .sass or .scss then it will be compiled by dart-sass into CSS. The CSS is optimized by Lightning CSS before being written to //app.css style-file = "./style.css" # [Optional] Files in the asset-dir will be copied to the site-root directory assets-dir = "public" # The IP and port (ex: where the server serves the content. Use it in your server setup. site-addr = "" # The port to use for automatic reload monitoring reload-port = 3001 # [Optional] Command to use when running end2end tests. It will run in the end2end dir. end2end-cmd = "cargo make test-ui" end2end-dir = "e2e" # The browserlist query used for optimizing the CSS. browserquery = "defaults" # Set by cargo-leptos watch when building with that tool. Controls whether autoreload JS will be included in the head watch = false # The environment Leptos will run in, usually either "DEV" or "PROD" env = "DEV" # The features to use when compiling the bin target # # Optional. Can be over-ridden with the command line parameter --bin-features bin-features = ["ssr"] # If the --no-default-features flag should be used when compiling the bin target # # Optional. Defaults to false. bin-default-features = false # The features to use when compiling the lib target # # Optional. Can be over-ridden with the command line parameter --lib-features lib-features = ["csr"] # If the --no-default-features flag should be used when compiling the lib target # # Optional. Defaults to false. lib-default-features = false