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@ -1,112 +1 @@
# Responding to Changes with `create_effect`
Believe it or not, we’ve made it this far without having mentioned half of the reactive system: effects.
Leptos is built on a fine-grained reactive system, which means that individual reactive values (“signals,” sometimes known as observables) trigger rerunning the code that reacts to them (“effects,” sometimes known as observers). These two halves of the reactive system are inter-dependent. Without effects, signals can change within the reactive system but never be observed in a way that interacts with the outside world. Without signals, effects run once but never again, as there’s no observable value to subscribe to.
[`create_effect`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_effect.html) takes a function as its argument. It immediately runs the function. If you access any reactive signal inside that function, it registers the fact that the effect depends on that signal with the reactive runtime. Whenever one of the signals that the effect depends on changes, the effect runs again.
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(cx, 0);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(cx, 0);
create_effect(cx, move |_| {
// immediately prints "Value: 0" and subscribes to `a`
log::debug!("Value: {}", a());
The effect function is called with an argument containing whatever value it returned the last time it ran. On the initial run, this is `None`.
By default, effects **do not run on the server**. This means you can call browser-specific APIs within the effect function without causing issues. If you need an effect to run on the server, use [`create_isomorphic_effect`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_isomorphic_effect.html).
## Autotracking and Dynamic Dependencies
If you’re familiar with a framework like React, you might notice one key difference. React and similar frameworks typically require you to pass a “dependency array,” an explicit set of variables that determine when the effect should rerun.
Because Leptos comes from the tradition of synchronous reactive programming, we don’t need this explicit dependency list. Instead, we automatically track dependencies depending on which signals are accessed within the effect.
This has two effects (no pun intended). Dependencies are
1. **Automatic**: You don’t need to maintain a dependency list, or worry about what should or shouldn’t be included. The framework simply tracks which signals might cause the effect to rerun, and handles it for you.
2. **Dynamic**: The dependency list is cleared and updated every time the effect runs. If your effect contains a conditional (for example), only signals that are used in the current branch are tracked. This means that effects rerun the absolute minimum number of times.
> If this sounds like magic, and if you want a deep dive into how automatic dependency tracking works, [check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWB3vTWeLd4). (Apologies for the low volume!)
## Effects as Zero-Cost-ish Abstraction
While they’re not a “zero-cost abstraction” in the most technical sense—they require some additional memory use, exist at runtime, etc.—at a higher level, from the perspective of whatever expensive API calls or other work you’re doing within them, effects are a zero-cost abstraction. They rerun the absolute minimum number of times necessary, given how you’ve described them.
Imagine that I’m creating some kind of chat software, and I want people to be able to display their full name, or just their first name, and to notify the server whenever their name changes:
let (first, set_first) = create_signal(cx, String::new());
let (last, set_last) = create_signal(cx, String::new());
let (use_last, set_use_last) = create_signal(cx, true);
// this will add the name to the log
// any time one of the source signals changes
create_effect(cx, move |_| {
if use_last() {
format!("{} {}", first(), last())
} else {
If `use_last` is `true`, effect should rerun whenever `first`, `last`, or `use_last` changes. But if I toggle `use_last` to `false`, a change in `last` will never cause the full name to change. In fact, `last` will be removed from the dependency list until `use_last` toggles again. This saves us from sending multiple unnecessary requests to the API if I change `last` multiple times while `use_last` is still `false`.
## To `create_effect`, or not to `create_effect`?
Effects are intended to run _side-effects_ of the system, not to synchronize state _within_ the system. In other words: don’t write to signals within effects.
If you need to define a signal that depends on the value of other signals, use a derived signal or [`create_memo`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_memo.html).
If you need to synchronize some reactive value with the non-reactive world outside—like a web API, the console, the filesystem, or the DOM—create an effect.
> If you’re curious for more information about when you should and shouldn’t use `create_effect`, [check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQOFJQ2JkvQ) for a more in-depth consideration!
## Effects and Rendering
We’ve managed to get this far without mentioning effects because they’re built into the Leptos DOM renderer. We’ve seen that you can create a signal and pass it into the `view` macro, and it will update the relevant DOM node whenever the signal changes:
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
view! { cx,
This works because the framework essentially creates an effect wrapping this update. You can imagine Leptos translating this view into something like this:
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
// create a DOM element
let p = create_element("p");
// create an effect to reactively update the text
create_effect(cx, move |prev_value| {
// first, access the signal’s value and convert it to a string
let text = count().to_string();
// if this is different from the previous value, update the node
if prev_value != Some(text) {
// return this value so we can memoize the next update
Every time `count` is updated, this effect wil rerun. This is what allows reactive, fine-grained updates to the DOM.
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# Responding to Changes with create_effect
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Global State Management
So far, we've only been working with local state in components
We've only seen how to communicate between parent and child components
But there are also more general ways to manage global state
So far, we've only been working with local state in components, and we’ve seen how to coordinate state between parent and child components. On occasion, there are times where people look for a more general solution for global state management that can work throughout an application.
In general, **you do not need this chapter.** The typical pattern is to compose your application out of components, each of which manages its own local state, not to store all state in a global structure. However, there are some cases (like theming, saving user settings, or sharing data between components in different parts of your UI) in which you may want to use some kind of global state management.
The three best approaches to global state are
@ -12,19 +12,17 @@ The three best approaches to global state are
## Option #1: URL as Global State
The next few sections of the tutorial will be about the router.
So for now, we'll just look at options #2 and #3.
In many ways, the URL is actually the best way to store global state. It can be accessed from any component, anywhere in your tree. There are native HTML elements like `<form>` and `<a>` that exist solely to update the URL. And it persists across page reloads and between devices; you can share a URL with a friend or send it from your phone to your laptop and any state stored in it will be replicated.
The next few sections of the tutorial will be about the router, and we’ll get much more into these topics.
But for now, we'll just look at options #2 and #3.
## Option #2: Passing Signals through Context
In virtual DOM libraries like React, using the Context API to manage global
state is a bad idea: because the entire app exists in a tree, changing
some value provided high up in the tree can cause the whole app to render.
In the section on [parent-child communication](view/08_parent_child.md), we saw that you can use `provide_context` to pass signal from a parent component to a child, and `use_context` to read it in the child. But `provide_context` works across any distance. If you want to create a global signal that holds some piece of state, you can provide it and access it via context anywhere in the descendants of the component where you provide it.
In fine-grained reactive libraries like Leptos, this is simply not the case.
You can create a signal in the root of your app and pass it down to other
components using provide_context(). Changing it will only cause rerendering
in the specific places it is actually used, not the whole app.
A signal provided via context only causes reactive updates where it is read, not in any of the components in between, so it maintains the power of fine-grained reactive updates, even at a distance.
We start by creating a signal in the root of the app and providing it to
all its children and descendants using `provide_context`.
@ -81,61 +79,72 @@ fn FancyMath(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
This kind of “provide a signal in a parent, consume it in a child” should be familiar
from the chapter on [parent-child interactions](./view/08_parent_child.md). The same
pattern you use to communicate between parents and children works for grandparents and
grandchildren, or any ancestors and descendants: in other words, between “global” state
in the root component of your app and any other components anywhere else in the app.
Because of the fine-grained nature of updates, this is usually all you need. However,
in some cases with more complex state changes, you may want to use a slightly more
structured approach to global state.
## Option #3: Create a Global State Struct
You can use this approach to build a single global data structure
that holds the state for your whole app, and then access it by
taking fine-grained slices using
or [`create_memo`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/fn.create_memo.html),
so that changing one part of the state doesn't cause parts of your
app that depend on other parts of the state to change.
You can begin by defining a simple state struct:
Note that this same pattern can be applied to more complex state. If you have multiple fields you want to update independently, you can do that by providing some struct of signals:
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct GlobalState {
count: u32,
name: String,
count: RwSignal<i32>,
name: RwSignal<String>
Provide it in the root of your app so it’s available everywhere.
impl GlobalState {
pub fn new(cx: Scope) -> Self {
Self {
count: create_rw_signal(cx, 0),
name: create_rw_signal(cx, "Bob".to_string())
fn App(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
// we'll provide a single signal that holds the whole state
// each component will be responsible for creating its own "lens" into it
let state = create_rw_signal(cx, GlobalState::default());
provide_context(cx, state);
provide_context(cx, GlobalState::new(cx));
// ...
// etc.
Then child components can access “slices” of that state with fine-grained
updates via `create_slice`. Each slice signal only updates when the particular
piece of the larger struct it accesses updates. This means you can create a single
root signal, and then take independent, fine-grained slices of it in different
components, each of which can update without notifying the others of changes.
## Option #3: Create a Global State Struct and Slices
You may find it cumbersome to wrap each field of a structure in a separate signal like this. In some cases, it can be useful to create a plain struct with non-reactive fields, and then wrap that in a signal.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct GlobalState {
count: i32,
name: String
fn App(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
provide_context(cx, create_rw_signal(GlobalState::default()));
// etc.
But there’s a problem: because our whole state is wrapped in one signal, updating the value of one field will cause reactive updates in parts of the UI that only depend on the other.
let state = expect_context::<RwSignal<GlobalState>>(cx);
view! { cx,
<button on:click=move |_| state.update(|n| *n += 1)>"+1"</button>
<p>{move || state.with(|state| state.name.clone())}</p>
In this example, clicking the button will cause the text inside `<p>` to be updated, cloning `state.name` again! Because signals are the atomic unit of reactivity, updating any field of the signal triggers updates to everything that depends on the signal.
There’s a better way. You can use take fine-grained, reactive slices by using [`create_memo`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/fn.create_memo.html) or [`create_slice`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/fn.create_slice.html) (which uses `create_memo` but also provides a setter). “Memoizing” a value means creating a new reactive value which will only update when it changes. “Memoizing a slice” means creating a new reactive value which will only update when some field of the state struct updates.
Here, instead of reading from the state signal directly, we create “slices” of that state with fine-grained updates via `create_slice`. Each slice signal only updates when the particular piece of the larger struct it accesses updates. This means you can create a single root signal, and then take independent, fine-grained slices of it in different components, each of which can update without notifying the others of changes.
/// A component that updates the count in the global state.
fn GlobalStateCounter(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
let state = use_context::<RwSignal<GlobalState>>(cx).expect("state to have been provided");
let state = expect_context::<RwSignal<GlobalState>>(cx);
// `create_slice` lets us create a "lens" into the data
let (count, set_count) = create_slice(
@ -169,6 +178,8 @@ somewhere else that only takes `state.name`, clicking the button won’t cause
that other slice to update. This allows you to combine the benefits of a top-down
data flow and of fine-grained reactive updates.
> **Note**: There are some significant drawbacks to this approach. Both signals and memos need to own their values, so a memo will need to clone the field’s value on every change. The most natural way to manage state in a framework like Leptos is always to provide signals that are as locally-scoped and fine-grained as they can be, not to hoist everything up into global state. But when you _do_ need some kind of global state, `create_slice` can be a useful tool.
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@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
- [Error Handling](./view/07_errors.md)
- [Parent-Child Communication](./view/08_parent_child.md)
- [Passing Children to Components](./view/09_component_children.md)
- [Interlude: Reactivity and Functions](./interlude_functions.md)
- [Reactivity](./reactivity/README.md)
- [Working with Signals](./reactivity/working_with_signals.md)
- [Responding to Changes with `create_effect`](./reactivity/14_create_effect.md)
- [Interlude: Reactivity and Functions](./reactivity/interlude_functions.md)
- [Testing](./testing.md)
- [Async](./async/README.md)
- [Loading Data with Resources](./async/10_resources.md)
@ -29,7 +32,7 @@
- [`<A/>`](./router/19_a.md)
- [`<Form/>`](./router/20_form.md)
- [Interlude: Styling](./interlude_styling.md)
- [Metadata]()
- [Metadata](./metadata.md)
- [Server Side Rendering](./ssr/README.md)
- [`cargo-leptos`](./ssr/21_cargo_leptos.md)
- [The Life of a Page Load](./ssr/22_life_cycle.md)
@ -37,14 +40,9 @@
- [Hydration Bugs](./ssr/24_hydration_bugs.md)
- [Working with the Server](./server/README.md)
- [Server Functions](./server/25_server_functions.md)
- [Request/Response]()
- [Extractors]()
- [Axum]()
- [Actix]()
- [Headers]()
- [Cookies]()
- [Extractors](./server/26_extractors.md)
- [Responses and Redirects](./server/27_response.md)
- [Building Full-Stack Apps]()
- [Actions]()
- [Forms]()
- [`<ActionForm/>`s]()
- [Turning off WebAssembly: Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation]()
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Metadata
So far, everything we’ve rendered has been inside the `<body>` of the HTML document. And this makes sense. After all, everything you can see on a web page lives inside the `<body>`.
However, there are plenty of occasions where you might want to update something inside the `<head>` of the document using the same reactive primitives and component patterns you use for your UI.
That’s where the [`leptos_meta`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/) package comes in.
## Metadata Components
`leptos_meta` provides special components that let you inject data from inside components anywhere in your application into the `<head>`:
[`<Title/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Title.html) allows you to set the document’s title from any component. It also takes a `formatter` function that can be used to apply the same format to the title set by other pages. So, for example, if you put `<Title formatter=|text| format!("{text} — My Awesome Site")/>` in your `<App/>` component, and then `<Title text="Page 1"/>` and `<Title text="Page 2"/>` on your routes, you’ll get `Page 1 — My Awesome Site` and `Page 2 — My Awesome Site`.
[`<Link/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Link.html) takes the standard attributes of the `<link>` element.
[`<Stylesheet/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Stylesheet.html) creates a `<link rel="stylesheet">` with the `href` you give.
[`<Style/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Style.html) creates a `<style>` with the children you pass in (usually a string). You can use this to import some custom CSS from another file at compile time `<Style>{include_str!("my_route.css")}</Style>`.
[`<Meta/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Meta.html) lets you set `<meta>` tags with descriptions and other metadata.
## `<Script/>` and `<script>`
`leptos_meta` also provides a [`<Script/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Script.html) component, and it’s worth pausing here for a second. All of the other components we’ve considered inject `<head>`-only elements in the `<head>`. But a `<script>` can also be included in the body.
There’s a very simple way to determine whether you should use a capital-S `<Script/>` component or a lowercase-s `<script>` element: the `<Script/>` component will be rendered in the `<head>`, and the `<script>` element will be rendered wherever in your the `<body>` of your user interface you put in, alongside other normal HTML elements. These cause JavaScript to load and run at different times, so use whichever is appropriate to your needs.
## `<Body/>` and `<Html/>`
There are even a couple elements designed to make semantic HTML and styling easier. [`<Html/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Html.html) lets you set the `lang` and `dir` on your `<html>` tag from your application code. `<Html/>` and [`<Body/>`](https://docs.rs/leptos_meta/latest/leptos_meta/fn.Html.html) both have `class` props that let you set their respective `class` attributes, which is sometimes needed by CSS frameworks for styling.
`<Body/>` and `<Html/>` both also have `attributes` props which can be used to set any number of additional attributes on them via the [`AdditionalAttributes`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.AdditionalAttributes.html) type:
attributes=AdditionalAttributes::from(vec![("data-theme", "dark")])
## Metadata and Server Rendering
Now, some of this is useful in any scenario, but some of it is especially important for search-engine optimization (SEO). Making sure you have things like appropriate `<title>` and `<meta>` tags is crucial. Modern search engine crawlers do handle client-side rendering, i.e., apps that are shipped as an empty `index.html` and rendered entirely in JS/WASM. But they prefer to receive pages in which your app has been rendered to actual HTML, with metadata in the `<head>`.
This is exactly what `leptos_meta` is for. And in fact, during server rendering, this is exactly what it does: collect all the `<head>` content you’ve declared by using its components throughout your application, and then inject it into the actual `<head>`.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. We haven’t actually talked about server-side rendering yet. As a matter of fact... Let’s do that next!
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Responding to Changes with `create_effect`
We’ve made it this far without having mentioned half of the reactive system: effects.
Reactivity works in two halves: updating individual reactive values (“signals”) notifies the pieces of code that depend on them (“effects”) that it needs to run again them. These two halves of the reactive system are inter-dependent. Without effects, signals can change within the reactive system but never be observed in a way that interacts with the outside world. Without signals, effects run once but never again, as there’s no observable value to subscribe to. Effects are quite literally “side effects” of the reactive system: they exist to synchronize the reactive system with the non-reactive world outside it.
Hidden behind the whole reactive DOM renderer that we’ve seen so far is a function called `create_effect`.
[`create_effect`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_effect.html) takes a function as its argument. It immediately runs the function. If you access any reactive signal inside that function, it registers the fact that the effect depends on that signal with the reactive runtime. Whenever one of the signals that the effect depends on changes, the effect runs again.
let (a, set_a) = create_signal(cx, 0);
let (b, set_b) = create_signal(cx, 0);
create_effect(cx, move |_| {
// immediately prints "Value: 0" and subscribes to `a`
log::debug!("Value: {}", a());
The effect function is called with an argument containing whatever value it returned the last time it ran. On the initial run, this is `None`.
By default, effects **do not run on the server**. This means you can call browser-specific APIs within the effect function without causing issues. If you need an effect to run on the server, use [`create_isomorphic_effect`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_isomorphic_effect.html).
## Autotracking and Dynamic Dependencies
If you’re familiar with a framework like React, you might notice one key difference. React and similar frameworks typically require you to pass a “dependency array,” an explicit set of variables that determine when the effect should rerun.
Because Leptos comes from the tradition of synchronous reactive programming, we don’t need this explicit dependency list. Instead, we automatically track dependencies depending on which signals are accessed within the effect.
This has two effects (no pun intended). Dependencies are
1. **Automatic**: You don’t need to maintain a dependency list, or worry about what should or shouldn’t be included. The framework simply tracks which signals might cause the effect to rerun, and handles it for you.
2. **Dynamic**: The dependency list is cleared and updated every time the effect runs. If your effect contains a conditional (for example), only signals that are used in the current branch are tracked. This means that effects rerun the absolute minimum number of times.
> If this sounds like magic, and if you want a deep dive into how automatic dependency tracking works, [check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWB3vTWeLd4). (Apologies for the low volume!)
## Effects as Zero-Cost-ish Abstraction
While they’re not a “zero-cost abstraction” in the most technical sense—they require some additional memory use, exist at runtime, etc.—at a higher level, from the perspective of whatever expensive API calls or other work you’re doing within them, effects are a zero-cost abstraction. They rerun the absolute minimum number of times necessary, given how you’ve described them.
Imagine that I’m creating some kind of chat software, and I want people to be able to display their full name, or just their first name, and to notify the server whenever their name changes:
let (first, set_first) = create_signal(cx, String::new());
let (last, set_last) = create_signal(cx, String::new());
let (use_last, set_use_last) = create_signal(cx, true);
// this will add the name to the log
// any time one of the source signals changes
create_effect(cx, move |_| {
if use_last() {
format!("{} {}", first(), last())
} else {
If `use_last` is `true`, effect should rerun whenever `first`, `last`, or `use_last` changes. But if I toggle `use_last` to `false`, a change in `last` will never cause the full name to change. In fact, `last` will be removed from the dependency list until `use_last` toggles again. This saves us from sending multiple unnecessary requests to the API if I change `last` multiple times while `use_last` is still `false`.
## To `create_effect`, or not to `create_effect`?
Effects are intended to run _side-effects_ of the system, not to synchronize state _within_ the system. In other words: don’t write to signals within effects.
If you need to define a signal that depends on the value of other signals, use a derived signal or [`create_memo`](https://docs.rs/leptos_reactive/latest/leptos_reactive/fn.create_memo.html).
If you need to synchronize some reactive value with the non-reactive world outside—like a web API, the console, the filesystem, or the DOM—create an effect.
> If you’re curious for more information about when you should and shouldn’t use `create_effect`, [check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQOFJQ2JkvQ) for a more in-depth consideration!
## Effects and Rendering
We’ve managed to get this far without mentioning effects because they’re built into the Leptos DOM renderer. We’ve seen that you can create a signal and pass it into the `view` macro, and it will update the relevant DOM node whenever the signal changes:
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
view! { cx,
This works because the framework essentially creates an effect wrapping this update. You can imagine Leptos translating this view into something like this:
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
// create a DOM element
let p = create_element("p");
// create an effect to reactively update the text
create_effect(cx, move |prev_value| {
// first, access the signal’s value and convert it to a string
let text = count().to_string();
// if this is different from the previous value, update the node
if prev_value != Some(text) {
// return this value so we can memoize the next update
Every time `count` is updated, this effect wil rerun. This is what allows reactive, fine-grained updates to the DOM.
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Reactivity
Leptos is built on top of a fine-grained reactive system, designed to run expensive side effects (like rendering something in a browser, or making a network request) as infrequently as possible in response to change, reactive values.
So far we’ve seen signals in action. These chapters will go into a bit more depth, and look at effects, which are the other half of the story.
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# Working with Signals
So far we’ve used some simple examples of [`create_signal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/fn.create_signal.html), which returns a [`ReadSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.ReadSignal.html) getter and a [`WriteSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.WriteSignal.html) setter.
There are four basic signal operations:
1. [`.get()`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.ReadSignal.html#impl-SignalGet%3CT%3E-for-ReadSignal%3CT%3E) clones the current value of the signal and tracks any future changes to the value reactively.
2. [`.with()`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.ReadSignal.html#impl-SignalWith%3CT%3E-for-ReadSignal%3CT%3E) takes a function, which receives the current value of the signal by reference (`&T`), and tracks any future changes.
3. [`.set()`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.WriteSignal.html#impl-SignalSet%3CT%3E-for-WriteSignal%3CT%3E) replaces the current value of the signal and notifies any subscribers that they need to update.
4. [`.update()`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.WriteSignal.html#impl-SignalUpdate%3CT%3E-for-WriteSignal%3CT%3E) takes a function, which receives a mutable reference to the current value of the signal (`&T`), and notifies any subscribers that they need to update. (`.update()` doesn’t return the value returned by the closure, but you can use [`.try_update()`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/trait.SignalUpdate.html#tymethod.try_update) if you need to; for example, if you’re removing an item from a `Vec<_>` and want the removed item.)
Calling a `ReadSignal` as a function is syntax sugar for `.get()`. Calling a `WriteSignal` as a function is syntax sugar for `.set()`. So
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
is the same as
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(cx, 0);
You might notice that `.get()` and `.set()` can be implemented in terms of `.with()` and `.update()`. In other words, `count.get()` is identical with `count.with(|n| n.clone())`, and `count.set(1)` is implemented by doing `count.update(|n| *n = 1)`.
But of course, `.get()` and `.set()` (or the plain function-call forms!) are much nicer syntax.
However, there are some very good use cases for `.with()` and `.update()`.
For example, consider a signal that holds a `Vec<String>`.
let (names, set_names) = create_signal(cx, Vec::new());
if names().is_empty() {
In terms of logically, this is simple enough, but it’s hiding some significant inefficiencies. Remember that `names().is_empty()` is sugar for `names.get().is_empty()`, which clones the value (it’s `names.with(|n| n.clone()).is_empty()`). This means we clone the whole `Vec<String>`, run `is_empty()`, and then immediately throw away the clone.
Likewise, `set_names` replaces the value with a whole new `Vec<_>`. This is fine, but we might as well just mutate the original `Vec<_>` in place.
let (names, set_names) = create_signal(cx, Vec::new());
if names.with(|names| names.is_empty()) {
set_names.update(|names| names.push("Alice".to_string()));
Now our function simply takes `names` by reference to run `is_empty()`, avoiding that clone.
And if you have Clippy on, or if you have sharp eyes, you may notice we can make this even neater:
if names.with(Vec::is_empty) {
// ...
After all, `.with()` simply takes a function that takes the value by reference. Since `Vec::is_empty` takes `&self`, we can pass it in directly and avoid the unncessary closure.
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# Extractors
The server functions we looked at in the last chapter showed how to run code on the server, and integrate it with the user interface you’re rendering in the browser. But they didn’t show you much about how to actually use your server to its full potential.
## Server Frameworks
We call Leptos a “full-stack” framework, but “full-stack” is always a misnomer (after all, it never means everything from the browser to your power company.) For us, “full stack” means that your Leptos app can run in the browser, and can run on the server, and can integrate the two, drawing together the unique features available in each; as we’ve seen in the book so far, a button click on the browser can drive a database read on the server, both written in the same Rust module. But Leptos itself doesn’t provide the server (or the database, or the operating system, or the firmware, or the electrical cables...)
Instead, Leptos provides integrations for the two most popular Rust web server frameworks, Actix Web ([`leptos_actix`](https://docs.rs/leptos_actix/latest/leptos_actix/)) and Axum ([`leptos_axum`](https://docs.rs/leptos_actix/latest/leptos_axum/)). We’ve built integrations with each server’s router so that you can simply plug your Leptos app into an existing server with `.leptos_routes()`, and easily handle server function calls.
> If haven’t seen our [Actix](https://github.com/leptos-rs/start) and [Axum](https://github.com/leptos-rs/start-axum) templates, now’s a good time to check them out.
## Using Extractors
Both Actix and Axum handlers are built on the same powerful idea of **extractors**. Extractors “extract” typed data from an HTTP request, allowing you to access server-specific data easily.
Leptos provides `extract` helper functions to let you use these extractors directly in your server functions, with a convenient syntax very similar to handlers for each framework.
### Actix Extractors
The [`extract` function in `leptos_actix`](https://docs.rs/leptos_actix/latest/leptos_actix/fn.extract.html) takes a handler function as its argument. The handler follows similar rules to an Actix handler: it is an async function that receives arguments that will be extracted from the request and returns some value. The handler function receives that extracted data as its arguments, and can do further `async` work on them inside the body of the `async move` block. It returns whatever value you return back out into the server function.
#[server(ActixExtract, "/api")]
pub async fn actix_extract(cx: Scope) -> Result<String, ServerFnError> {
use leptos_actix::extract;
use actix_web::dev::ConnectionInfo;
use actix_web::web::{Data, Query};
|search: Query<Search>, connection: ConnectionInfo| async move {
"search = {}\nconnection = {:?}",
## Axum Extractors
The syntax for the `leptos_axum::extract` function is very similar. (**Note**: This is available on the git main branch, but has not been released as of writing.) Note that Axum extractors return a `Result`, so you’ll need to add something to handle the error case.
#[server(AxumExtract, "/api")]
pub async fn axum_extract(cx: Scope) -> Result<String, ServerFnError> {
use axum::{extract::Query, http::Method};
use leptos_axum::extract;
extract(cx, |method: Method, res: Query<MyQuery>| async move {
format!("{method:?} and {}", res.q)
.map_err(|e| ServerFnError::ServerError("Could not extract method and query...".to_string()))
These are relatively simple examples accessing basic data from the server. But you can use extractors to access things like headers, cookies, database connection pools, and more, using the exact same `extract()` pattern.
## A Note about Data-Loading Patterns
Because Actix and (especially) Axum are built on the idea of a single round-trip HTTP request and response, you typically run extractors near the “top” of your application (i.e., before you start rendering) and use the extracted data to determine how that should be rendered. Before you render a `<button>`, you load all the data your app could need. And any given route handler needs to know all the data that will need to be extracted by that route.
But Leptos integrates both the client and the server, and it’s important to be able to refresh small pieces of your UI with new data from the server without forcing a full reload of all the data. So Leptos likes to push data loading “down” in your application, as far towards the leaves of your user interface as possible. When you click a `<button>`, it can refresh just the data it needs. This is exactly what server functions are for: they give you granular access to data to be loaded and reloaded.
The `extract()` functions let you combine both models by using extractors in your server functions. You get access to the full power of route extractors, while decentralizing knowledge of what needs to be extracted down to your individual components. This makes it easier to refactor and reorganize routes: you don’t need to specify all the data a route needs up front.
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# Responses and Redirects
@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ This returns a `(getter, setter)` tuple. To access the current value, you’ll
use `count.get()` (or, on `nightly` Rust, the shorthand `count()`). To set the
current value, you’ll call `set_count.set(...)` (or `set_count(...)`).
> `.get()` clones the value and `.set()` overwrites it. In many cases, it’s more
> efficient to use `.with()` or `.update()`; check out the docs for [`ReadSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.ReadSignal.html) and [`WriteSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.WriteSignal.html) if you’d like to learn more about those trade-offs at this point.
> `.get()` clones the value and `.set()` overwrites it. In many cases, it’s more efficient to use `.with()` or `.update()`; check out the docs for [`ReadSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.ReadSignal.html) and [`WriteSignal`](https://docs.rs/leptos/latest/leptos/struct.WriteSignal.html) if you’d like to learn more about those trade-offs at this point.
## The View
Reference in a new issue