Update #[component] docs

This commit is contained in:
Greg Johnston 2022-12-14 06:44:14 -05:00
parent 621976c92c
commit 1c8b640855

View file

@ -245,23 +245,29 @@ pub fn view(tokens: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// Annotates a function so that it can be used with your template as a Leptos `<Component/>`.
/// The `#[component]` macro allows you to write plain Rust functions that return DOM nodes,
/// and call them within your Leptos application as if they were custom HTML elements. The
/// The `#[component]` macro allows you to annotate plain Rust functions that return [Element](leptos_dom::Element)s,
/// and use them within your Leptos [view](mod@view) as if they were custom HTML elements. The
/// component function takes a [Scope](leptos_reactive::Scope) and any number of other arguments.
/// When you use the component somewhere else, the names of its arguments are the names
/// of the properties you use in the [view](mod@view) macro. (The compiler generates a special `Props` type
/// for each component, which you need to import; see #3 below.)
/// of the properties you use in the [view](mod@view) macro.
/// In other words, you can write code like this:
/// Heres how you would define and use a simple Leptos component which can accept custom properties for a name and age:
/// ```rust
/// # use leptos::*;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// #[component]
/// fn HelloComponent(cx: Scope, name: String, age: u8) -> Element {
/// // do some reactive stuff here
/// let (name, set_name) = create_signal(cx, name);
/// // create the signals (reactive values) that will update the UI
/// let (age, set_age) = create_signal(cx, age);
/// // increase `age` by 1 every second
/// set_interval(move || {
/// set_age.update(|age| *age += 1)
/// }, Duration::from_secs(1));
/// // return a view
/// view! {
/// // return the user interface, which will be automatically updated
/// // when signal values change
/// view! { cx,
/// <p>"Your name is " {name} " and you are " {age} " years old."</p>
/// }
/// }
@ -275,8 +281,12 @@ pub fn view(tokens: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The `#[component]` macro creates a struct with a name like `HelloComponentProps`. If you define
/// your component in one module and import it into another, make sure you import this `___Props`
/// struct as well.
/// Here are some important things to remember.
/// Here are some important details about how Leptos components work within the framework:
/// 1. **The component function only runs once.** Your component function is not a “render” function
/// that re-runs whenever changes happen in the state. Its a “setup” function that runs once to
/// create the user interface, and sets up a reactive system to update it. This means its okay