Clicking the button twice will cause a panic, because of the nested signal _read_. Calling the `update` function on `resources` immediately takes out a mutable borrow on `resources`, then updates the `resource` signal—which re-runs the effect that reads from the signals, which tries to immutably access `resources` and panics. It's the nested update here which causes a problem, because the inner update triggers and effect that tries to read both signals while the outer is still updating.
### `<input value=...>` doesn't update or stops updating
Many DOM attributes can be updated either by setting an attribute on the DOM node, or by setting an object property directly on it. In general, `setAttribute()` stops working once the property has been set.
This means that in practice, attributes like `value` or `checked` on an `<input/>` element only update the _default_ value for the `<input/>`. If you want to reactively update the value, you should use `prop:value` instead to set the `value` property.
A new [version]( of Cargo's feature resolver was introduced for the 2021 edition of Rust.
For single crate projects it will select a resolver version based on the Rust edition in `Cargo.toml`. As there is no Rust edition present for `Cargo.toml` in a workspace, Cargo will default to the pre 2021 edition resolver.
This can cause issues resulting in non WASM compatible code being built for a WASM target. Seeing `mio` failing to build is often a sign that none WASM compatible code is being included in the build.