# lancache-autofill Automatically fill a [lancache](https://github.com/zeropingheroes/lancache) with the content of your choosing, so that subsequent downloads for the same content will be served from the lancache, improving speeds and reducing load on your internet connection. # Features * Download the top popular free and/or paid apps on Steam * Download a specific app by ID * Choose which platform(s) apps should be downloaded for * Download one (or more) users recently played apps * Download using multiple Steam accounts * Check which apps will be downloaded * Alter the download queue as needed * Start downloading process and leave to run unattended * Check which apps downloaded successfully * Check which apps failed to download, and why * Retry downloading of some or all failed apps * Clear the temporary download directory # Screenshots ![Queuing apps](docs/screenshots/lancache-autofill-01.png) ![Starting the download process](docs/screenshots/lancache-autofill-02.png) # Requirements * A working [lancache](https://github.com/zeropingheroes/lancache) * Ubuntu 18.04 x64, configured to download via the lancache * Sufficient disk space to (temporarily) store the downloaded content * Dependencies detailed in *Installation* section # Installation 1. `git clone https://github.com/zeropingheroes/lancache-autofill.git && cd lancache-autofill` 2. `./install.sh` 3. Get a Steam API key from http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey and add it to the `.env` file # Usage $ ./lancache-autofill Usage: lancache-autofill app:initialise-database lancache-autofill app:initialise-downloads-directory lancache-autofill steam:initialise lancache-autofill steam:authorise-account [] lancache-autofill steam:update-app-list lancache-autofill steam:search-apps lancache-autofill steam:queue-app [...] [--windows=true] [--osx] [--linux] lancache-autofill steam:queue-popular-apps [] [--free] [--windows=true] [--osx] [--linux] lancache-autofill steam:queue-users-recent-apps [...] [--windows=true] [--osx] [--linux] lancache-autofill steam:queue-users-recent-apps [--windows=true] [--osx] [--linux] lancache-autofill steam:show-queue [] lancache-autofill steam:start-downloading lancache-autofill steam:dequeue [--app_id=] [--platform=] [--status=] [--message=] lancache-autofill steam:requeue [status=failed] [--message=] # Limitations & Known Issues * Steam is the only supported platform currently * Paid apps can only be cached with access to a Steam account that owns them * No support for forcing download of 32 bit apps * Yes, it's written in PHP. No shame. # SteamCMD Errors | Error | Possible Reason | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | `ERROR! Timed out waiting for AppInfo update.` | Unknown | | `Login Failure: Rate Limit Exceeded (84)` | Unknown | | `ERROR! Failed to install (No subscription)` | Game not owned by any authorised accounts | | `Error! State is 0x202 after update job.` | Not enough space to download game | | `Error! State is 0x402 after update job.` | Update required but not completed - check network | | `Error! State is 0x602 after update job.` | Update required but not completed - check network | For other error codes, you can calculate the app's state(s) by converting the `0x000` code to decimal, and finding which [AppState codes](https://github.com/lutris/lutris/blob/master/docs/steam.rst) sum to the given code, which will give you some clues as to what's going on. For example: * [`0x402` to decimal](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=0x402+to+decimal) = 1026 * 1026 is the sum of: * 2: `StateUpdateRequired` * 1024: `StateUpdateStarted` # Reference * [SteamCMD Reference](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) * [SteamCMD Commands and Variables](https://github.com/dgibbs64/SteamCMD-Commands-List/blob/master/steamcmdcommands.txt) * [Laravel Query Builder](https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/queries) * [Laravel Artisan Console](https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/artisan) * [Symfony Process Component](http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/process.html) * [dotenv Reference](https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv/blob/master/README.md)