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synced 2025-02-26 12:17:12 +00:00
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133 lines
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<OnClickOutside @trigger="close">
class="menu context-menu select-none shadow"
<slot>Menu items go here.</slot>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { OnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'
import { nextTick, ref, toRefs } from 'vue'
import { eventBus, logger } from '@/utils'
const props = defineProps<{ extraClass?: string }>()
const { extraClass } = toRefs(props)
const el = ref<HTMLElement>()
const shown = ref(false)
const top = ref('0')
const left = ref('0')
const preventOffScreen = async (element: HTMLElement, isSubmenu = false) => {
const { bottom, right } = element.getBoundingClientRect()
if (bottom > window.innerHeight) {
element.style.top = 'auto'
element.style.bottom = '0'
} else {
element.style.bottom = 'auto'
if (right > window.innerWidth) {
element.style.right = isSubmenu ? `${el.value?.getBoundingClientRect().width}px` : '0'
element.style.left = 'auto'
} else {
element.style.right = 'auto'
const safeAreaHeight = ref('0px')
const safeAreaWidth = ref('0px')
const safeAreaClipPath = ref('0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0')
type MenuItem = HTMLElement & {
eventsRegistered?: boolean
const initSubmenus = () => {
el.value?.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('.has-sub').forEach((item: MenuItem) => {
const submenu = item.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.submenu')
if (!submenu || item.eventsRegistered) {
item.addEventListener('mouseenter', async () => {
submenu.style.display = 'block'
await nextTick()
await preventOffScreen(submenu, true)
item.addEventListener('mousemove', async (e: MouseEvent) => {
await nextTick()
const rect = submenu.getBoundingClientRect()
safeAreaHeight.value = rect.height + 'px'
safeAreaWidth.value = rect.x - e.clientX + 'px'
safeAreaClipPath.value = `polygon(100% 0, 0 ${e.clientY - rect.top}px, 100% 100%)`
item.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
submenu.style.top = '0'
submenu.style.bottom = 'auto'
submenu.style.display = 'none'
item.eventsRegistered = true
const open = async (t = 0, l = 0) => {
top.value = `${t}px`
left.value = `${l}px`
shown.value = true
await nextTick()
try {
await preventOffScreen(el.value!)
} catch (error: unknown) {
// in a non-browser environment (e.g., unit testing), these two functions are broken due to calls to
// getBoundingClientRect() and querySelectorAll()
eventBus.emit('CONTEXT_MENU_OPENED', el.value!)
const close = () => (shown.value = false)
// ensure there's only one context menu at any time
eventBus.on('CONTEXT_MENU_OPENED', target => target === el.value || close())
defineExpose({ open, close, shown })
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
nav {
top: v-bind(top);
left: v-bind(left);
:deep(.has-sub) {
@apply after:absolute after:right-0 after:top-0 after:z-[2] after:opacity-0;
:deep(.has-sub)::after {
width: v-bind(safeAreaWidth);
height: v-bind(safeAreaHeight);
clip-path: v-bind(safeAreaClipPath);