2022-05-15 17:25:02 +02:00

238 lines
6.3 KiB

import { reactive } from 'vue'
import slugify from 'slugify'
import { orderBy, remove, take, unionBy, without } from 'lodash'
import isMobile from 'ismobilejs'
import { arrayify, secondsToHis, use } from '@/utils'
import { authService, httpService } from '@/services'
import { albumStore, artistStore, commonStore, favoriteStore, preferenceStore } from '.'
interface BroadcastSongData {
song: {
id: string
title: string
liked: boolean
playbackState: PlaybackState
album: {
id: number
name: string
cover: string
artist: {
id: number
name: string
interface SongUpdateResult {
songs: Song[]
artists: Artist[]
albums: Album[]
export const songStore = {
cache: {} as { [key: string]: Song },
state: reactive({
songs: [] as Song[],
recentlyPlayed: [] as Song[]
init (songs: Song[]) {
this.all = songs
this.all.forEach(song => this.setupSong(song))
setupSong (song: Song) {
song.fmtLength = secondsToHis(song.length)
const album = albumStore.byId(song.album_id)!
const artist = artistStore.byId(song.artist_id)!
song.playCount = song.playCount || 0
song.album = album
song.artist = artist
song.liked = song.liked || false
song.lyrics = song.lyrics || ''
song.playbackState = song.playbackState || 'Stopped'
artist.songs = unionBy(artist.songs || [], [song], 'id')
album.songs = unionBy(album.songs || [], [song], 'id')
// now if the song is part of a compilation album, the album must be added
// into its artist as well
if (album.is_compilation) {
artist.albums = unionBy(artist.albums, [album], 'id')
// Cache the song, so that byId() is faster
this.cache[song.id] = song
* Initializes the interaction (like/play count) information.
* @param {Interaction[]} interactions The array of interactions of the current user
initInteractions (interactions: Interaction[]) {
interactions.forEach(interaction => {
const song = this.byId(interaction.song_id)
if (!song) {
song.liked = interaction.liked
song.playCount = interaction.play_count
song.album.playCount += song.playCount
song.artist.playCount += song.playCount
song.liked && favoriteStore.add(song)
* Get the total duration of some songs.
* @param songs
* @param {Boolean} formatted Whether to convert the duration into H:i:s format
getLength: (songs: Song[], formatted: boolean = false) => {
const duration = songs.reduce((length, song) => length + song.length, 0)
return formatted ? secondsToHis(duration) : duration
getFormattedLength (songs: Song[]) {
return String(this.getLength(songs, true))
get all () {
return this.state.songs
set all (value: Song[]) {
this.state.songs = value
byId (id: string) {
return this.cache[id]
byIds (ids: string[]) {
const songs = [] as Song[]
arrayify(ids).forEach(id => use(this.byId(id), song => songs.push(song!)))
return songs
* Guess a song by its title and album.
* Forget about Levenshtein distance, this implementation is good enough.
guess: (title: string, album: Album) => {
title = slugify(title.toLowerCase())
for (const song of album.songs) {
if (slugify(song.title.toLowerCase()) === title) {
return song
return null
* Increase a play count for a song.
registerPlay: async (song: Song) => {
const oldCount = song.playCount
const interaction = await httpService.post<Interaction>('interaction/play', { song: song.id })
// Use the data from the server to make sure we don't miss a play from another device.
song.playCount = interaction.play_count
song.album.playCount += song.playCount - oldCount
song.artist.playCount += song.playCount - oldCount
scrobble: async (song: Song) => await httpService.post(`${song.id}/scrobble`, { timestamp: song.playStartTime }),
async update (songsToUpdate: Song[], data: any) {
const { songs, artists, albums } = await httpService.put<SongUpdateResult>('songs', {
songs: songsToUpdate.map(song => song.id)
// Add the artist and album into stores if they're new
artists.forEach(artist => !artistStore.byId(artist.id) && artistStore.add(artist))
albums.forEach(album => !albumStore.byId(album.id) && albumStore.add(album))
songs.forEach(song => {
let originalSong = this.byId(song.id)!
if (originalSong.album_id !== song.album_id) {
// album has been changed. Remove the song from its old album.
originalSong.album.songs = without(originalSong.album.songs, originalSong)
if (originalSong.artist_id !== song.artist_id) {
// artist has been changed. Remove the song from its old artist
originalSong.artist.songs = without(originalSong.artist.songs, originalSong)
originalSong = Object.assign(originalSong, song)
// re-setup the song
return songs
getSourceUrl: (song: Song) => {
return isMobile.any && preferenceStore.transcodeOnMobile
? `${commonStore.state.cdnUrl}play/${song.id}/1/128?api_token=${authService.getToken()}`
: `${commonStore.state.cdnUrl}play/${song.id}?api_token=${authService.getToken()}`
getShareableUrl: (song: Song) => `${window.BASE_URL}#!/song/${song.id}`,
get recentlyPlayed () {
return this.state.recentlyPlayed
getMostPlayed (n = 10) {
const songs = take(orderBy(this.all, 'playCount', 'desc'), n)
// Remove those with playCount=0
remove(songs, song => !song.playCount)
return songs
getRecentlyAdded (n = 10) {
return take(orderBy(this.all, 'created_at', 'desc'), n)
generateDataToBroadcast: (song: Song): BroadcastSongData => ({
song: {
id: song.id,
title: song.title,
liked: song.liked,
playbackState: song.playbackState || 'Stopped',
album: {
id: song.album.id,
name: song.album.name,
cover: song.album.cover
artist: {
id: song.artist.id,
name: song.artist.name